Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 /*
00005  * CopyPose.cpp
00006  *
00007  *  Created on: Mar 17, 2009
00008  *      Author: benoit bolsee
00009  */
00011 #include "CopyPose.hpp"
00012 #include "kdl/kinfam_io.hpp"
00013 #include <math.h>
00014 #include <string.h>
00016 namespace iTaSC
00017 {
00019 const unsigned int maxPoseCacheSize = (2*(3+3*2));
00020 CopyPose::CopyPose(unsigned int control_output, unsigned int dynamic_output, double armlength, double accuracy, unsigned int maximum_iterations):
00021     ConstraintSet(),
00022     m_cache(NULL),
00023     m_poseCCh(-1),m_poseCTs(0)
00024 {
00025     m_maxerror = armlength/2.0;
00026     m_outputControl = (control_output & CTL_ALL);
00027     unsigned int _nc = nBitsOn(m_outputControl);
00028     if (!_nc) 
00029         return;
00030     // reset the constraint set
00031     reset(_nc, accuracy, maximum_iterations);
00032     _nc = 0;
00033     m_nvalues = 0;
00034     int nrot = 0, npos = 0;
00035     int nposCache = 0, nrotCache = 0;
00036     m_outputDynamic = (dynamic_output & m_outputControl);
00037     memset(m_values, 0, sizeof(m_values));
00038     memset(m_posData, 0, sizeof(m_posData));
00039     memset(m_rotData, 0, sizeof(m_rotData));
00040     memset(&m_rot, 0, sizeof(m_rot));
00041     memset(&m_pos, 0, sizeof(m_pos));
00042     if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) {
00043         m_pos.alpha = 1.0;      
00044         m_pos.K = 20.0;     
00045         m_pos.tolerance = 0.05; 
00046         m_values[m_nvalues].alpha = m_pos.alpha;
00047         m_values[m_nvalues].feedback = m_pos.K;
00048         m_values[m_nvalues].tolerance = m_pos.tolerance;
00049         m_values[m_nvalues].id = ID_POSITION;
00050         if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITIONX) {
00051             m_Wy(_nc) = m_pos.alpha/*/(m_pos.tolerance*m_pos.K)*/;
00052             m_Cf(_nc++,0)=1.0;
00053             m_posData[npos++].id = ID_POSITIONX;
00054             if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITIONX)
00055                 nposCache++;
00056         } 
00057         if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITIONY) {
00058             m_Wy(_nc) = m_pos.alpha/*/(m_pos.tolerance*m_pos.K)*/;
00059             m_Cf(_nc++,1)=1.0;
00060             m_posData[npos++].id = ID_POSITIONY;
00061             if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITIONY)
00062                 nposCache++;
00063         }
00064         if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITIONZ) {
00065             m_Wy(_nc) = m_pos.alpha/*/(m_pos.tolerance*m_pos.K)*/;
00066             m_Cf(_nc++,2)=1.0;
00067             m_posData[npos++].id = ID_POSITIONZ;
00068             if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITIONZ)
00069                 nposCache++;
00070         }
00071         m_values[m_nvalues].number = npos;
00072         m_values[m_nvalues++].values = m_posData;
00073         m_pos.firsty = 0;
00074         m_pos.ny = npos;
00075     }
00076     if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) {
00077         m_rot.alpha = 1.0;      
00078         m_rot.K = 20.0;     
00079         m_rot.tolerance = 0.05; 
00080         m_values[m_nvalues].alpha = m_rot.alpha;
00081         m_values[m_nvalues].feedback = m_rot.K;
00082         m_values[m_nvalues].tolerance = m_rot.tolerance;
00083         m_values[m_nvalues].id = ID_ROTATION;
00084         if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATIONX) {
00085             m_Wy(_nc) = m_rot.alpha/*/(m_rot.tolerance*m_rot.K)*/;
00086             m_Cf(_nc++,3)=1.0;
00087             m_rotData[nrot++].id = ID_ROTATIONX;
00088             if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATIONX)
00089                 nrotCache++;
00090         }
00091         if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATIONY) {
00092             m_Wy(_nc) = m_rot.alpha/*/(m_rot.tolerance*m_rot.K)*/;
00093             m_Cf(_nc++,4)=1.0;
00094             m_rotData[nrot++].id = ID_ROTATIONY;
00095             if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATIONY)
00096                 nrotCache++;
00097         }
00098         if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATIONZ) {
00099             m_Wy(_nc) = m_rot.alpha/*/(m_rot.tolerance*m_rot.K)*/;
00100             m_Cf(_nc++,5)=1.0;
00101             m_rotData[nrot++].id = ID_ROTATIONZ;
00102             if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATIONZ)
00103                 nrotCache++;
00104         }
00105         m_values[m_nvalues].number = nrot;
00106         m_values[m_nvalues++].values = m_rotData;
00107         m_rot.firsty = npos;
00108         m_rot.ny = nrot;
00109     }
00110     assert(_nc == m_nc);
00111     m_Jf=e_identity_matrix(6,6);
00112     m_poseCacheSize = ((nrotCache)?(3+nrotCache*2):0)+((nposCache)?(3+nposCache*2):0);
00113 }
00115 CopyPose::~CopyPose()
00116 {
00117 }
00119 bool CopyPose::initialise(Frame& init_pose)
00120 {
00121     m_externalPose = m_internalPose = init_pose;
00122     updateJacobian();
00123     return true;
00124 }
00126 void CopyPose::modelUpdate(Frame& _external_pose,const Timestamp& timestamp)
00127 {
00128     m_internalPose = m_externalPose = _external_pose;
00129     updateJacobian();
00130 }
00132 void CopyPose::initCache(Cache *_cache)
00133 {
00134     m_cache = _cache;
00135     m_poseCCh = -1;
00136     if (m_cache) {
00137         // create one channel for the coordinates
00138         m_poseCCh = m_cache->addChannel(this, "Xf", m_poseCacheSize*sizeof(double));
00139         // don't save initial value, it will be recomputed from external pose
00140         //pushPose(0);
00141     }
00142 }
00144 double* CopyPose::pushValues(double* item, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask)
00145 {
00146     ControlState::ControlValue* _yval;
00147     int i;
00149     *item++ = _state->alpha;
00150     *item++ = _state->K;
00151     *item++ = _state->tolerance;
00153     for (i=0, _yval=_state->output; i<_state->ny; mask<<=1) {
00154         if (m_outputControl & mask) {
00155             if (m_outputDynamic & mask) {
00156                 *item++ = _yval->yd;
00157                 *item++ = _yval->yddot;
00158             }
00159             _yval++;
00160             i++;
00161         }
00162     }
00163     return item;
00164 }
00166 void CopyPose::pushPose(CacheTS timestamp)
00167 {
00168     if (m_poseCCh >= 0) {
00169         if (m_poseCacheSize) {
00170             double buf[maxPoseCacheSize];
00171             double *item = buf;
00172             if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITION)
00173                 item = pushValues(item, &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX);
00174             if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATION)
00175                 item = pushValues(item, &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX);
00176             m_cache->addCacheVectorIfDifferent(this, m_poseCCh, timestamp, buf, m_poseCacheSize, KDL::epsilon);
00177         } else
00178             m_cache->addCacheVectorIfDifferent(this, m_poseCCh, timestamp, NULL, 0, KDL::epsilon);
00179         m_poseCTs = timestamp;
00180     }
00181 }
00183 double* CopyPose::restoreValues(double* item, ConstraintValues* _values, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask)
00184 {
00185     ConstraintSingleValue* _data;
00186     ControlState::ControlValue* _yval;
00187     int i, j;
00189     _values->alpha = _state->alpha = *item++;
00190     _values->feedback = _state->K = *item++;
00191     _values->tolerance = _state->tolerance = *item++;
00193     for (i=_state->firsty, j=i+_state->ny, _yval=_state->output, _data=_values->values; i<j; mask<<=1) {
00194         if (m_outputControl & mask) {
00195             m_Wy(i) = _state->alpha/*/(_state->tolerance*_state->K)*/;
00196             if (m_outputDynamic & mask) {
00197                 _data->yd = _yval->yd = *item++;
00198                 _data->yddot = _yval->yddot = *item++;
00199             }
00200             _data++;
00201             _yval++;
00202             i++;
00203         }
00204     }
00205     return item;
00206 }
00208 bool CopyPose::popPose(CacheTS timestamp)
00209 {
00210     bool found = false;
00211     if (m_poseCCh >= 0) {
00212         double *item = (double*)m_cache->getPreviousCacheItem(this, m_poseCCh, &timestamp);
00213         if (item) {
00214             found = true;
00215             if (timestamp != m_poseCTs) {
00216                 int i=0;
00217                 if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) {
00218                     if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITION) {
00219                         item = restoreValues(item, &m_values[i], &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX);
00220                     }
00221                     i++;
00222                 }
00223                 if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) {
00224                     if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATION) {
00225                         item = restoreValues(item, &m_values[i], &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX);
00226                     }
00227                     i++;
00228                 }
00229                 m_poseCTs = timestamp;
00230                 item = NULL;
00231             }
00232         }
00233     }
00234     return found;
00235 }
00237 void CopyPose::interpolateOutput(ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask, const Timestamp& timestamp)
00238 {
00239     ControlState::ControlValue* _yval;
00240     int i;
00242     for (i=0, _yval=_state->output; i<_state->ny; mask <<= 1) {
00243         if (m_outputControl & mask) {
00244             if (m_outputDynamic & mask) {
00245                 if (timestamp.substep && timestamp.interpolate) {
00246                     _yval->yd += _yval->yddot*timestamp.realTimestep;
00247                 } else {
00248                     _yval->yd = _yval->nextyd;
00249                     _yval->yddot = _yval->nextyddot;
00250                 }
00251             }
00252             i++;
00253             _yval++;
00254         }
00255     }
00256 }
00258 void CopyPose::pushCache(const Timestamp& timestamp)
00259 {
00260     if (!timestamp.substep && timestamp.cache) {
00261         pushPose(timestamp.cacheTimestamp);
00262     }
00263 }
00265 void CopyPose::updateKinematics(const Timestamp& timestamp)
00266 {
00267     if (timestamp.interpolate) {
00268         if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITION)
00269             interpolateOutput(&m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX, timestamp);
00270         if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATION)
00271             interpolateOutput(&m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX, timestamp);
00272     }
00273     pushCache(timestamp);
00274 }
00276 void CopyPose::updateJacobian()
00277 {
00278     //Jacobian is always identity at the start of the constraint chain
00279     //instead of going through complicated jacobian operation, implemented direct formula
00280     //m_Jf(1,3) = m_internalPose.p.z();
00281     //m_Jf(2,3) = -m_internalPose.p.y();
00282     //m_Jf(0,4) = -m_internalPose.p.z();
00283     //m_Jf(2,4) = m_internalPose.p.x();
00284     //m_Jf(0,5) = m_internalPose.p.y();
00285     //m_Jf(1,5) = -m_internalPose.p.x();
00286 }
00288 void CopyPose::updateState(ConstraintValues* _values, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask, double timestep)
00289 {
00290     unsigned int id = (mask == CTL_ROTATIONX) ? ID_ROTATIONX : ID_POSITIONX;
00291     ControlState::ControlValue* _yval;
00292     ConstraintSingleValue* _data;
00293     int i, j, k;
00294     int action = 0;
00296     if ((_values->action & ACT_ALPHA) && _values->alpha >= 0.0) {
00297         _state->alpha = _values->alpha;
00298         action |= ACT_ALPHA;
00299     }
00300     if ((_values->action & ACT_TOLERANCE) && _values->tolerance > KDL::epsilon) {
00301         _state->tolerance = _values->tolerance;
00302         action |= ACT_TOLERANCE;
00303     }
00304     if ((_values->action & ACT_FEEDBACK) && _values->feedback > KDL::epsilon) {
00305         _state->K = _values->feedback;
00306         action |= ACT_FEEDBACK;
00307     }
00308     for (i=_state->firsty, j=_state->firsty+_state->ny, _yval=_state->output; i<j; mask <<= 1, id++) {
00309         if (m_outputControl & mask) {
00310             if (action)
00311                 m_Wy(i) = _state->alpha/*/(_state->tolerance*_state->K)*/;
00312             // check if this controlled output is provided
00313             for (k=0, _data=_values->values; k<_values->number; k++, _data++) {
00314                 if (_data->id == id) {
00315                     switch (_data->action & (ACT_VALUE|ACT_VELOCITY)) {
00316                     case 0:
00317                         // no indication, keep current values
00318                         break;
00319                     case ACT_VELOCITY:
00320                         // only the velocity is given estimate the new value by integration
00321                         _data->yd = _yval->yd+_data->yddot*timestep;
00322                         // walkthrough
00323                     case ACT_VALUE:
00324                         _yval->nextyd = _data->yd;
00325                         // if the user sets the value, we assume future velocity is zero
00326                         // (until the user changes the value again)
00327                         _yval->nextyddot = (_data->action & ACT_VALUE) ? 0.0 : _data->yddot;
00328                         if (timestep>0.0) {
00329                             _yval->yddot = (_data->yd-_yval->yd)/timestep;
00330                         } else {
00331                             // allow the user to change target instantenously when this function
00332                             // if called from setControlParameter with timestep = 0
00333                             _yval->yd = _yval->nextyd;
00334                             _yval->yddot = _yval->nextyddot;
00335                         }
00336                         break;
00337                     case (ACT_VALUE|ACT_VELOCITY):
00338                         // the user should not set the value and velocity at the same time.
00339                         // In this case, we will assume that he wants to set the future value
00340                         // and we compute the current value to match the velocity
00341                         _yval->yd = _data->yd - _data->yddot*timestep;
00342                         _yval->nextyd = _data->yd;
00343                         _yval->nextyddot = _data->yddot;
00344                         if (timestep>0.0) {
00345                             _yval->yddot = (_data->yd-_yval->yd)/timestep;
00346                         } else {
00347                             _yval->yd = _yval->nextyd;
00348                             _yval->yddot = _yval->nextyddot;
00349                         }
00350                         break;
00351                     }
00352                 }
00353             }
00354             _yval++;
00355             i++;
00356         }
00357     }
00358 }
00361 bool CopyPose::setControlParameters(struct ConstraintValues* _values, unsigned int _nvalues, double timestep)
00362 {
00363     while (_nvalues > 0) {
00364         if (_values->id >= ID_POSITION && _values->id <= ID_POSITIONZ && (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION)) {
00365             updateState(_values, &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX, timestep);
00366         } 
00367         if (_values->id >= ID_ROTATION && _values->id <= ID_ROTATIONZ && (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION)) {
00368             updateState(_values, &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX, timestep);
00369         }
00370         _values++;
00371         _nvalues--;
00372     }
00373     return true;
00374 }
00376 void CopyPose::updateValues(Vector& vel, ConstraintValues* _values, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask)
00377 {
00378     ConstraintSingleValue* _data;
00379     ControlState::ControlValue* _yval;
00380     int i, j;
00382     _values->action = 0;
00384     for (i=_state->firsty, j=0, _yval=_state->output, _data=_values->values; j<3; j++, mask<<=1) {
00385         if (m_outputControl & mask) {
00386             *(double*)&_data->y = vel(j);
00387             *(double*)&_data->ydot = m_ydot(i);
00388             _data->yd = _yval->yd;
00389             _data->yddot = _yval->yddot;
00390             _data->action = 0;
00391             i++;
00392             _data++;
00393             _yval++;
00394         }
00395     }
00396 }
00398 void CopyPose::updateOutput(Vector& vel, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask)
00399 {
00400     ControlState::ControlValue* _yval;
00401     int i, j;
00402     double coef=1.0;
00403     if (mask & CTL_POSITION) {
00404         // put a limit on position error
00405         double len=0.0;
00406         for (j=0, _yval=_state->output; j<3; j++) {
00407             if (m_outputControl & (mask<<j)) {
00408                 len += KDL::sqr(_yval->yd-vel(j));
00409                 _yval++;
00410             }
00411         }
00412         len = KDL::sqrt(len);
00413         if (len > m_maxerror)
00414             coef = m_maxerror/len;
00415     }
00416     for (i=_state->firsty, j=0, _yval=_state->output; j<3; j++) {
00417         if (m_outputControl & (mask<<j)) {
00418             m_ydot(i)=_yval->yddot+_state->K*coef*(_yval->yd-vel(j));
00419             _yval++;
00420             i++;
00421         }
00422     }
00423 }
00425 void CopyPose::updateControlOutput(const Timestamp& timestamp)
00426 {
00427     //IMO this should be done, no idea if it is enough (wrt Distance impl)
00428     Twist y = diff(F_identity, m_internalPose);
00429     bool found = true;
00430     if (!timestamp.substep) {
00431         if (!timestamp.reiterate) {
00432             found = popPose(timestamp.cacheTimestamp);
00433         }
00434     }
00435     if (m_constraintCallback && (m_substep || (!timestamp.reiterate && !timestamp.substep))) {
00436         // initialize first callback the application to get the current values
00437         int i=0;
00438         if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) {
00439             updateValues(y.vel, &m_values[i++], &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX);
00440         }
00441         if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) {
00442             updateValues(y.rot, &m_values[i++], &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX);
00443         }
00444         if ((*m_constraintCallback)(timestamp, m_values, m_nvalues, m_constraintParam)) {
00445             setControlParameters(m_values, m_nvalues, (found && timestamp.interpolate)?timestamp.realTimestep:0.0);
00446         }
00447     }
00448     if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) {
00449         updateOutput(y.vel, &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX);
00450     }
00451     if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) {
00452         updateOutput(y.rot, &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX);
00453     }
00454 }
00456 const ConstraintValues* CopyPose::getControlParameters(unsigned int* _nvalues)
00457 {
00458     Twist y = diff(m_internalPose,F_identity);
00459     int i=0;
00460     if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) {
00461         updateValues(y.vel, &m_values[i++], &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX);
00462     }
00463     if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) {
00464         updateValues(y.rot, &m_values[i++], &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX);
00465     }
00466     if (_nvalues)
00467         *_nvalues=m_nvalues; 
00468     return m_values; 
00469 }
00471 double CopyPose::getMaxTimestep(double& timestep)
00472 {
00473     // CopyPose should not have any limit on linear velocity: 
00474     // in case the target is out of reach, this can be very high.
00475     // We will simply limit on rotation
00476     e_scalar maxChidot = m_chidot.block(3,0,3,1).array().abs().maxCoeff();
00477     if (timestep*maxChidot > m_maxDeltaChi) {
00478         timestep = m_maxDeltaChi/maxChidot;
00479     }
00480     return timestep;
00481 }
00483 }