Blender V2.61 - r43446

btGjkEpaSolver2 Member List

This is the complete list of members for btGjkEpaSolver2, including all inherited members.
Distance(const btConvexShape *shape0, const btTransform &wtrs0, const btConvexShape *shape1, const btTransform &wtrs1, const btVector3 &guess, sResults &results)btGjkEpaSolver2 [static]
Penetration(const btConvexShape *shape0, const btTransform &wtrs0, const btConvexShape *shape1, const btTransform &wtrs1, const btVector3 &guess, sResults &results, bool usemargins=true)btGjkEpaSolver2 [static]
SignedDistance(const btVector3 &position, btScalar margin, const btConvexShape *shape, const btTransform &wtrs, sResults &results)btGjkEpaSolver2 [static]
SignedDistance(const btConvexShape *shape0, const btTransform &wtrs0, const btConvexShape *shape1, const btTransform &wtrs1, const btVector3 &guess, sResults &results)btGjkEpaSolver2 [static]
StackSizeRequirement()btGjkEpaSolver2 [static]