Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 /******************************************************************************
00005  *
00006  * El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
00007  * Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
00008  *
00009  * Standard LBM Factory implementation
00010  *
00011  *****************************************************************************/
00013 #include "solver_class.h"
00014 #include "solver_relax.h"
00015 #include "particletracer.h"
00017 // MPT
00018 #include "ntl_world.h"
00019 #include "simulation_object.h"
00021 #include <stdlib.h>
00022 #include <zlib.h>
00023 #ifndef sqrtf
00024 #define sqrtf sqrt
00025 #endif
00027 /******************************************************************************
00028  * helper functions
00029  *****************************************************************************/
00031 // try to enhance surface?
00032 #define SURFACE_ENH 2
00034 extern bool glob_mpactive;
00035 extern bool glob_mpnum;
00036 extern bool glob_mpindex;
00039 void LbmFsgrSolver::prepareVisualization( void ) {
00040     int lev = mMaxRefine;
00041     int workSet = mLevel[lev].setCurr;
00043     int mainGravDir=6; // if normalizing fails, we asume z-direction gravity
00044     LbmFloat mainGravLen = 0.;
00045     FORDF1{
00046         LbmFloat thisGravLen = dot(LbmVec(dfVecX[l],dfVecY[l],dfVecZ[l]), mLevel[mMaxRefine].gravity ); 
00047         if(thisGravLen>mainGravLen) {
00048             mainGravLen = thisGravLen;
00049             mainGravDir = l;
00050         }
00051     }
00053 #if LBMDIM==2
00054     // 2d, place in the middle of isofield slice (k=2)
00055 #  define ZKD1 0
00056     // 2d z offset = 2, lbmGetData adds 1, so use one here
00057 #  define ZKOFF 1
00058     // reset all values...
00059     for(int k= 0; k< 5; ++k) 
00060    for(int j=0;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-0;j++) 
00061     for(int i=0;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-0;i++) {
00062         *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF)=0.0;
00063     }
00064 #else // LBMDIM==2
00065     // 3d, use normal bounds
00066 #  define ZKD1 1
00067 #  define ZKOFF k
00068     // reset all values...
00069     for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(lev); ++k) 
00070    for(int j=0;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-0;j++) 
00071     for(int i=0;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-0;i++) {
00072         *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF)=0.0;
00073     }
00074 #endif // LBMDIM==2
00076     // MPT, ignore
00077     if((glob_mpactive) && (glob_mpnum>1) && (glob_mpindex==0)) {
00078         mpIso->resetAll(0.);
00079     }
00082     LbmFloat minval = mIsoValue*1.05; // / mIsoWeight[13]; 
00083     // add up...
00084     float val = 0.0;
00085     for(int k= getForZMin1(); k< getForZMax1(lev); ++k) 
00086    for(int j=1;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-1;j++) 
00087     for(int i=1;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-1;i++) {
00088             const CellFlagType cflag = RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,workSet);
00089             //if(cflag&(CFBnd|CFEmpty)) {
00091 #if SURFACE_ENH==0
00093             // no enhancements...
00094             if( (cflag&(CFFluid|CFUnused)) ) {
00095                 val = 1.;
00096             } else if( (cflag&CFInter) ) {
00097                 val = (QCELL(lev, i,j,k,workSet, dFfrac)); 
00098             } else {
00099                 continue;
00100             }
00102 #else // SURFACE_ENH!=1
00103             if(cflag&CFBnd) {
00104                 // treated in second loop
00105                 continue;
00106             } else if(cflag&CFUnused) {
00107                 val = 1.;
00108             } else if( (cflag&CFFluid) && (cflag&CFNoBndFluid)) {
00109                 // optimized fluid
00110                 val = 1.;
00111             } else if( (cflag&(CFEmpty|CFInter|CFFluid)) ) {
00112                 int noslipbnd = 0;
00113                 int intercnt = 0;
00114                 FORDF1 { 
00115                     const CellFlagType nbflag = RFLAG_NB(lev, i,j,k, workSet,l);
00116                     if(nbflag&CFInter){ intercnt++; }
00118                     // check all directions otherwise we get bugs with splashes on obstacles
00119                     if(l!=mainGravDir) continue; // only check bnd along main grav. dir
00120                     //if((nbflag&CFBnd)&&(nbflag&CFBndNoslip)){ noslipbnd=1; }
00121                     if((nbflag&CFBnd)){ noslipbnd=1; }
00122                 }
00124                 if(cflag&CFEmpty) {
00125                     // special empty treatment
00126                     if((noslipbnd)&&(intercnt>6)) {
00127                         *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF) += minval;
00128                     } else if((noslipbnd)&&(intercnt>0)) {
00129                         // necessary?
00130                         *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF) += mIsoValue*0.9;
00131                     } else {
00132                         // nothing to do...
00133                     }
00135                     continue;
00136                 } else if(cflag&(CFNoNbEmpty|CFFluid)) {
00137                     // no empty nb interface cells are treated as full
00138                     val=1.0;
00139                 } else {
00140                     val = (QCELL(lev, i,j,k,workSet, dFfrac)); 
00141                 }
00143                 if(noslipbnd) {
00144                     if(val<minval) val = minval; 
00145                     *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF) += minval-( val * mIsoWeight[13] ); 
00146                 }
00147             } else { // all others, unused?
00148                 continue;
00149             } 
00150 #endif // SURFACE_ENH>0
00152             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j-1 ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[0] ); 
00153             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j-1 ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[1] ); 
00154             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j-1 ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[2] ); 
00156             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j   ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[3] ); 
00157             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j   ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[4] ); 
00158             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j   ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[5] ); 
00160             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j+1 ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[6] ); 
00161             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j+1 ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[7] ); 
00162             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j+1 ,ZKOFF-ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[8] ); 
00165             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j-1  ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[9] ); 
00166             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j-1  ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[10] ); 
00167             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j-1  ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[11] ); 
00169             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j    ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[12] ); 
00170             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j    ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[13] ); 
00171             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j    ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[14] ); 
00173             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j+1  ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[15] ); 
00174             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j+1  ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[16] ); 
00175             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j+1  ,ZKOFF  ) += ( val * mIsoWeight[17] ); 
00178             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j-1 ,ZKOFF+ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[18] ); 
00179             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j-1 ,ZKOFF+ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[19] ); 
00180             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j-1 ,ZKOFF+ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[20] ); 
00182             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j   ,ZKOFF+ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[21] ); 
00183             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j   ,ZKOFF+ZKD1)+= ( val * mIsoWeight[22] ); 
00184             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j   ,ZKOFF+ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[23] ); 
00186             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i-1 , j+1 ,ZKOFF+ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[24] ); 
00187             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i   , j+1 ,ZKOFF+ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[25] ); 
00188             *mpIso->lbmGetData( i+1 , j+1 ,ZKOFF+ZKD1) += ( val * mIsoWeight[26] ); 
00189     }
00191     // TEST!?
00192 #if SURFACE_ENH>=2
00194     if(mFsSurfGenSetting&fssgNoObs) {
00195         for(int k= getForZMin1(); k< getForZMax1(lev); ++k) 
00196          for(int j=1;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-1;j++) 
00197             for(int i=1;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-1;i++) {
00198                 const CellFlagType cflag = RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,workSet);
00199                 if(cflag&(CFBnd)) {
00200                     CellFlagType nbored=0;
00201                     LbmFloat avgfill=0.,avgfcnt=0.;
00202                     FORDF1 { 
00203                         const int ni = i+dfVecX[l];
00204                         const int nj = j+dfVecY[l];
00205                         const int nk = ZKOFF+dfVecZ[l];
00207                         const CellFlagType nbflag = RFLAG(lev, ni,nj,nk, workSet);
00208                         nbored |= nbflag;
00209                         if(nbflag&CFInter) {
00210                             avgfill += QCELL(lev, ni,nj,nk, workSet,dFfrac); avgfcnt += 1.;
00211                         } else if(nbflag&CFFluid) {
00212                             avgfill += 1.; avgfcnt += 1.;
00213                         } else if(nbflag&CFEmpty) {
00214                             avgfill += 0.; avgfcnt += 1.;
00215                         }
00217                         //if( (ni<0) || (nj<0) || (nk<0) 
00218                          //|| (ni>=mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizex) 
00219                          //|| (nj>=mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizey) 
00220                          //|| (nk>=mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizez) ) continue;
00221                     }
00223                     if(nbored&CFInter) {
00224                         if(avgfcnt>0.) avgfill/=avgfcnt;
00225                         *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF) = avgfill; continue;
00226                     } 
00227                     else if(nbored&CFFluid) {
00228                         *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF) = 1.; continue;
00229                     }
00231                 }
00232             }
00234         // move surface towards inner "row" of obstacle
00235         // cells if necessary (all obs cells without fluid/inter
00236         // nbs (=iso==0) next to obstacles...)
00237         for(int k= getForZMin1(); k< getForZMax1(lev); ++k) 
00238             for(int j=1;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-1;j++) 
00239                 for(int i=1;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-1;i++) {
00240                     const CellFlagType cflag = RFLAG(lev, i,j,k,workSet);
00241                     if( (cflag&(CFBnd)) && (*mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF)==0.)) {
00242                         int bndnbcnt=0;
00243                         FORDF1 { 
00244                             const int ni = i+dfVecX[l];
00245                             const int nj = j+dfVecY[l];
00246                             const int nk = ZKOFF+dfVecZ[l];
00247                             const CellFlagType nbflag = RFLAG(lev, ni,nj,nk, workSet);
00248                             if(nbflag&CFBnd) bndnbcnt++;
00249                         }
00250                         if(bndnbcnt>0) *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,ZKOFF)=mIsoValue*0.95; 
00251                     }
00252                 }
00253     }
00254     // */
00256     if(mFsSurfGenSetting&fssgNoNorth) 
00257         for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(lev); ++k) 
00258             for(int j=0;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-0;j++) {
00259                 *mpIso->lbmGetData(0,                   j,ZKOFF) = *mpIso->lbmGetData(1,                   j,ZKOFF);
00260             }
00261     if(mFsSurfGenSetting&fssgNoEast) 
00262         for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(lev); ++k) 
00263             for(int i=0;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-0;i++) {
00264                 *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,0,                   ZKOFF) = *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,1,                   ZKOFF);
00265             }
00266     if(mFsSurfGenSetting&fssgNoSouth) 
00267         for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(lev); ++k) 
00268             for(int j=0;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-0;j++) {
00269                 *mpIso->lbmGetData(mLevel[lev].lSizex-1,j,ZKOFF) = *mpIso->lbmGetData(mLevel[lev].lSizex-2,j,ZKOFF);
00270             }
00271     if(mFsSurfGenSetting&fssgNoWest) 
00272         for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(lev); ++k) 
00273             for(int i=0;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-0;i++) {
00274                 *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,mLevel[lev].lSizey-1,ZKOFF) = *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,mLevel[lev].lSizey-2,ZKOFF);
00275             }
00276     if(LBMDIM>2) {
00277         if(mFsSurfGenSetting&fssgNoBottom) 
00278             for(int j=0;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-0;j++) 
00279                 for(int i=0;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-0;i++) {
00280                     *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,0                   ) = *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,1                   );
00281                 } 
00282         if(mFsSurfGenSetting&fssgNoTop) 
00283             for(int j=0;j<mLevel[lev].lSizey-0;j++) 
00284                 for(int i=0;i<mLevel[lev].lSizex-0;i++) {
00285                     *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,mLevel[lev].lSizez-1) = *mpIso->lbmGetData(i,j,mLevel[lev].lSizez-2);
00286                 } 
00287     }
00288 #endif // SURFACE_ENH>=2
00291     // update preview, remove 2d?
00292     if((mOutputSurfacePreview)&&(LBMDIM==3)) {
00293         int pvsx = (int)(mPreviewFactor*mSizex);
00294         int pvsy = (int)(mPreviewFactor*mSizey);
00295         int pvsz = (int)(mPreviewFactor*mSizez);
00296         //float scale = (float)mSizex / previewSize;
00297         LbmFloat scalex = (LbmFloat)mSizex/(LbmFloat)pvsx;
00298         LbmFloat scaley = (LbmFloat)mSizey/(LbmFloat)pvsy;
00299         LbmFloat scalez = (LbmFloat)mSizez/(LbmFloat)pvsz;
00300         for(int k= 0; k< (pvsz-1); ++k) 
00301         for(int j=0;j< pvsy;j++) 
00302             for(int i=0;i< pvsx;i++) {
00303                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,k) = *mpIso->lbmGetData( (int)(i*scalex), (int)(j*scaley), (int)(k*scalez) );
00304                 }
00305         // set borders again...
00306         for(int k= 0; k< (pvsz-1); ++k) {
00307             for(int j=0;j< pvsy;j++) {
00308                 *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(0,j,k) = *mpIso->lbmGetData( 0, (int)(j*scaley), (int)(k*scalez) );
00309                 *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(pvsx-1,j,k) = *mpIso->lbmGetData( mSizex-1, (int)(j*scaley), (int)(k*scalez) );
00310             }
00311             for(int i=0;i< pvsx;i++) {
00312                 *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,0,k) = *mpIso->lbmGetData( (int)(i*scalex), 0, (int)(k*scalez) );
00313                 *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,pvsy-1,k) = *mpIso->lbmGetData( (int)(i*scalex), mSizey-1, (int)(k*scalez) );
00314             }
00315         }
00316         for(int j=0;j<pvsy;j++)
00317             for(int i=0;i<pvsx;i++) {      
00318                 *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,0) = *mpIso->lbmGetData( (int)(i*scalex), (int)(j*scaley) , 0);
00319                 *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,pvsz-1) = *mpIso->lbmGetData( (int)(i*scalex), (int)(j*scaley) , mSizez-1);
00320             }
00322         if(mFarFieldSize>=1.2) {
00323             // also remove preview border
00324             for(int k= 0; k< (pvsz-1); ++k) {
00325                 for(int j=0;j< pvsy;j++) {
00326                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(0,j,k) = 
00327                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(1,j,k) =  
00328                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(2,j,k);
00329                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(pvsx-1,j,k) = 
00330                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(pvsx-2,j,k) = 
00331                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(pvsx-3,j,k);
00332                     //0.0;
00333                 }
00334                 for(int i=0;i< pvsx;i++) {
00335                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,0,k) = 
00336                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,1,k) = 
00337                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,2,k);
00338                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,pvsy-1,k) = 
00339                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,pvsy-2,k) = 
00340                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,pvsy-3,k);
00341                     //0.0;
00342                 }
00343             }
00344             for(int j=0;j<pvsy;j++)
00345                 for(int i=0;i<pvsx;i++) {      
00346                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,0) = 
00347                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,1) = 
00348                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,2);
00349                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,pvsz-1) = 
00350                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,pvsz-2) = 
00351                     *mpPreviewSurface->lbmGetData(i,j,pvsz-3);
00352                     //0.0;
00353             }
00354         }
00355     }
00357     // MPT
00359     mrIsoExchange();
00360     #endif // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
00362     return;
00363 }
00366 void LbmFsgrSolver::recalculateObjectSpeeds() {
00367     const bool debugRecalc = false;
00368     int numobjs = (int)(this->mpGiObjects->size());
00369     // note - (numobjs + 1) is entry for domain settings
00371     if(debugRecalc) errMsg("recalculateObjectSpeeds","start, #obj:"<<numobjs);
00372     if(numobjs>255-1) {
00373         errFatal("LbmFsgrSolver::recalculateObjectSpeeds","More than 256 objects currently not supported...",SIMWORLD_INITERROR);
00374         return;
00375     }
00376     mObjectSpeeds.resize(numobjs+1);
00377     for(int i=0; i<(int)(numobjs+0); i++) {
00378         mObjectSpeeds[i] = vec2L(this->mpParam->calculateLattVelocityFromRw( vec2P( (*this->mpGiObjects)[i]->getInitialVelocity(mSimulationTime) )));
00379         if(debugRecalc) errMsg("recalculateObjectSpeeds","id"<<i<<" set to "<< mObjectSpeeds[i]<<", unscaled:"<< (*this->mpGiObjects)[i]->getInitialVelocity(mSimulationTime) );
00380     }
00382     // also reinit part slip values here
00383     mObjectPartslips.resize(numobjs+1);
00384     for(int i=0; i<=(int)(numobjs+0); i++) {
00385         if(i<numobjs) {
00386             mObjectPartslips[i] = (LbmFloat)(*this->mpGiObjects)[i]->getGeoPartSlipValue();
00387         } else {
00388             // domain setting
00389             mObjectPartslips[i] = this->mDomainPartSlipValue;
00390         }
00391         LbmFloat set = mObjectPartslips[i];
00393         // as in setInfluenceVelocity
00394         const LbmFloat dt = mLevel[mMaxRefine].timestep;
00395         const LbmFloat dtInter = 0.01;
00396         //LbmFloat facFv = 1.-set;
00397         // mLevel[mMaxRefine].timestep
00398         LbmFloat facNv = (LbmFloat)( 1.-pow( (double)(set), (double)(dt/dtInter)) );
00399         errMsg("mObjectPartslips","id:"<<i<<"/"<<numobjs<<"  ts:"<<dt<< " its:"<<(dt/dtInter) <<" set"<<set<<" nv"<<facNv<<" test:"<<
00400              pow( (double)(1.-facNv),(double)(dtInter/dt))  );
00401         mObjectPartslips[i] = facNv;
00403         if(debugRecalc) errMsg("recalculateObjectSpeeds","id"<<i<<" parts "<< mObjectPartslips[i] );
00404     }
00406     if(debugRecalc) errMsg("recalculateObjectSpeeds","done, domain:"<<mObjectPartslips[numobjs]<<" n"<<numobjs);
00407 }
00411 /*****************************************************************************/
00413 /*****************************************************************************/
00414 vector<ntlGeometryObject*> LbmFsgrSolver::getDebugObjects() { 
00415     vector<ntlGeometryObject*> debo; 
00416     if(this->mOutputSurfacePreview) {
00417         debo.push_back( mpPreviewSurface );
00418     }
00420     if(mUseTestdata) {
00421         vector<ntlGeometryObject*> tdebo; 
00422         tdebo = mpTest->getDebugObjects();
00423         for(size_t i=0; i<tdebo.size(); i++) debo.push_back( tdebo[i] );
00424     }
00425 #endif // ELBEEM_PLUGIN
00426     return debo; 
00427 }
00429 /******************************************************************************
00430  * particle handling
00431  *****************************************************************************/
00434 int LbmFsgrSolver::initParticles() { 
00435   int workSet = mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr;
00436   int tries = 0;
00437   int num = 0;
00438     ParticleTracer *partt = mpParticles;
00440   partt->setStart( this->mvGeoStart + ntlVec3Gfx(mLevel[mMaxRefine].nodeSize*0.5) );
00441   partt->setEnd  ( this->mvGeoEnd   + ntlVec3Gfx(mLevel[mMaxRefine].nodeSize*0.5) );
00443   partt->setSimStart( ntlVec3Gfx(0.0) );
00444   partt->setSimEnd  ( ntlVec3Gfx(mSizex,   mSizey,   getForZMaxBnd(mMaxRefine)) );
00446   while( (num<partt->getNumInitialParticles()) && (tries<100*partt->getNumInitialParticles()) ) {
00447     LbmFloat x,y,z,t;
00448     x = 1.0+(( (LbmFloat)(mSizex-3.) )          * (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)) );
00449     y = 1.0+(( (LbmFloat)(mSizey-3.) )          * (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)) );
00450     z = 1.0+(( (LbmFloat) getForZMax1(mMaxRefine)-2. )* (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)) );
00451     int i = (int)(x+0.5);
00452     int j = (int)(y+0.5);
00453     int k = (int)(z+0.5);
00454     if(LBMDIM==2) {
00455       k = 0; z = 0.5; // place in the middle of domain
00456     }
00458     //if( RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet)& (CFFluid) ) 
00459     //&& ( RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet)& CFNoNbFluid ) 
00460     //if( RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet) & (CFFluid|CFInter|CFMbndInflow) ) { 
00461     if( RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet) & (CFNoBndFluid|CFUnused) ) { 
00462             bool cellOk = true;
00463             //? FORDF1 { if(!(RFLAG_NB(mMaxRefine,i,j,k,workSet, l) & CFFluid)) cellOk = false; }
00464             if(!cellOk) continue;
00465       // in fluid...
00466       partt->addParticle(x,y,z);
00467             partt->getLast()->setStatus(PART_IN);
00468             partt->getLast()->setType(PART_TRACER);
00470             partt->getLast()->setSize(1.);
00471             // randomize size
00472             partt->getLast()->setSize(0.5 + (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)));
00474             if( ( partt->getInitStart()>0.)
00475                     && ( partt->getInitEnd()>0.)
00476                     && ( partt->getInitEnd()>partt->getInitStart() )) {
00477             t = partt->getInitStart()+ (partt->getInitEnd()-partt->getInitStart())*(rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
00478                 partt->getLast()->setLifeTime( -t );
00479             }
00480       num++;
00481     }
00482     tries++;
00483   } // */
00485     /*FSGR_FORIJK1(mMaxRefine) {
00486         if( (RFLAG(mMaxRefine,i,j,k, workSet) & (CFNoBndFluid)) ) {
00487         LbmFloat rndn = (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
00488             if(rndn>0.0) {
00489                 ntlVec3Gfx pos( (LbmFloat)(i)-0.5, (LbmFloat)(j)-0.5, (LbmFloat)(k)-0.5 );
00490                 if(LBMDIM==2) { pos[2]=0.5; }
00491                 partt->addParticle( pos[0],pos[1],pos[2] );
00492                 partt->getLast()->setStatus(PART_IN);
00493                 partt->getLast()->setType(PART_TRACER);
00494                 partt->getLast()->setSize(1.0);
00495             }
00496         }
00497     } // */
00500     // DEBUG TEST
00502     if(mUseTestdata) { 
00503         const bool partDebug=false;
00504         if(mpTest->mPartTestcase==0){ errMsg("LbmTestdata"," part init "<<mpTest->mPartTestcase); }
00505         if(mpTest->mPartTestcase==-12){ 
00506             const int lev = mMaxRefine;
00507             for(int i=5;i<15;i++) {
00508                 LbmFloat x,y,z;
00509                 y = 0.5+(LbmFloat)(i);
00510                 x = mLevel[lev].lSizex/20.0*10.0;
00511                 z = mLevel[lev].lSizez/20.0*2.0;
00512                 partt->addParticle(x,y,z);
00513                 partt->getLast()->setStatus(PART_IN);
00514                 partt->getLast()->setType(PART_BUBBLE);
00515                 partt->getLast()->setSize(  (-4.0+(LbmFloat)i)/1.0  );
00516                 if(partDebug) errMsg("PARTTT","SET "<<PRINT_VEC(x,y,z)<<" p"<<partt->getLast()->getPos() <<" s"<<partt->getLast()->getSize() );
00517             }
00518         }
00519         if(mpTest->mPartTestcase==-11){ 
00520             const int lev = mMaxRefine;
00521             for(int i=5;i<15;i++) {
00522                 LbmFloat x,y,z;
00523                 y = 10.5+(LbmFloat)(i);
00524                 x = mLevel[lev].lSizex/20.0*10.0;
00525                 z = mLevel[lev].lSizez/20.0*40.0;
00526                 partt->addParticle(x,y,z);
00527                 partt->getLast()->setStatus(PART_IN);
00528                 partt->getLast()->setType(PART_DROP);
00529                 partt->getLast()->setSize(  (-4.0+(LbmFloat)i)/1.0  );
00530                 if(partDebug) errMsg("PARTTT","SET "<<PRINT_VEC(x,y,z)<<" p"<<partt->getLast()->getPos() <<" s"<<partt->getLast()->getSize() );
00531             }
00532         }
00533         // place floats on rectangular region FLOAT_JITTER_BND
00534         if(mpTest->mPartTestcase==-10){ 
00535             const int lev = mMaxRefine;
00536             const int sx = mLevel[lev].lSizex;
00537             const int sy = mLevel[lev].lSizey;
00538             //for(int j=-(int)(sy*0.25);j<-(int)(sy*0.25)+2;++j) { for(int i=-(int)(sx*0.25);i<-(int)(sy*0.25)+2;++i) {
00539             //for(int j=-(int)(sy*1.25);j<(int)(2.25*sy);++j) { for(int i=-(int)(sx*1.25);i<(int)(2.25*sx);++i) {
00540             for(int j=-(int)(sy*0.3);j<(int)(1.3*sy);++j) { for(int i=-(int)(sx*0.3);i<(int)(1.3*sx);++i) {
00541             //for(int j=-(int)(sy*0.2);j<(int)(0.2*sy);++j) { for(int i= (int)(sx*0.5);i<= (int)(0.51*sx);++i) {
00542                     LbmFloat x,y,z;
00543                     x = 0.0+(LbmFloat)(i);
00544                     y = 0.0+(LbmFloat)(j);
00545                     //z = mLevel[lev].lSizez/10.0*2.5 - 1.0;
00546                     z = mLevel[lev].lSizez/20.0*9.5 - 1.0;
00547                     //z = mLevel[lev].lSizez/20.0*4.5 - 1.0;
00548                     partt->addParticle(x,y,z);
00549                     //if( (i>0)&&(i<sx) && (j>0)&&(j<sy) ) { partt->getLast()->setStatus(PART_IN); } else { partt->getLast()->setStatus(PART_OUT); }
00550                     partt->getLast()->setStatus(PART_IN);
00551                     partt->getLast()->setType(PART_FLOAT);
00552                     partt->getLast()->setSize( 15.0 );
00553                     if(partDebug) errMsg("PARTTT","SET "<<PRINT_VEC(x,y,z)<<" p"<<partt->getLast()->getPos() <<" s"<<partt->getLast()->getSize() );
00554              }
00555         }   }
00556     } 
00557     // DEBUG TEST
00561   debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::initParticles",DM_MSG,"Added "<<num<<" particles, genProb:"<<this->mPartGenProb<<", tries:"<<tries, 10);
00562   if(num != partt->getNumParticles()) return 1;
00564     return 0;
00565 }
00567 // helper function for particle debugging
00568 /*static string getParticleStatusString(int state) {
00569     std::ostringstream out;
00570     if(state&PART_DROP)   out << "dropp ";
00571     if(state&PART_TRACER) out << "tracr ";
00572     if(state&PART_BUBBLE) out << "bubbl ";
00573     if(state&PART_FLOAT)  out << "float ";
00574     if(state&PART_INTER)  out << "inter ";
00576     if(state&PART_IN)   out << "inn ";
00577     if(state&PART_OUT)  out << "out ";
00578     if(state&PART_INACTIVE)  out << "INACT ";
00579     if(state&PART_OUTFLUID)  out << "outfluid ";
00580     return out.str();
00581 } // */
00583 #define P_CHANGETYPE(p, newtype) \
00584         p->setLifeTime(0.); \
00585     /* errMsg("PIT","U pit"<<(p)->getId()<<" pos:"<< (p)->getPos()<<" status:"<<convertFlags2String((p)->getFlags())<<" to "<< (newtype) ); */ \
00586         p->setType(newtype); 
00588 // tracer defines
00589 #define TRACE_JITTER 0.025
00590 #define TRACE_RAND (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))*TRACE_JITTER-(TRACE_JITTER*0.5)
00591 #define FFGET_NORM(var,dl) \
00592                             if(RFLAG_NB(lev,i,j,k,workSet, dl) &(CFInter)){ (var) = QCELL_NB(lev,i,j,k,workSet,dl,dFfrac); } \
00593                             else if(RFLAG_NB(lev,i,j,k,workSet, dl) &(CFFluid|CFUnused)){ (var) = 1.; } else (var) = 0.0;
00595 // float jitter
00597 #define FLOAT_JITTBNDRAND(x) ((rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))*FLOAT_JITTER_BND*(1.-(x/(LbmFloat)maxdw))-(FLOAT_JITTER_BND*(1.-(x)/(LbmFloat)maxdw)*0.5)) 
00599 #define DEL_PART { \
00600     /*errMsg("PIT","DEL AT "<< __LINE__<<" type:"<<p->getType()<<"  ");  */ \
00601     p->setActive( false ); \
00602     continue; }
00604 void LbmFsgrSolver::advanceParticles() { 
00605   const int level = mMaxRefine;
00606   const int workSet = mLevel[level].setCurr;
00607     LbmFloat vx=0.0,vy=0.0,vz=0.0;
00608     //int debugOutCounter=0; // debug output counter
00610     myTime_t parttstart = getTime(); 
00611     const LbmFloat cellsize = this->mpParam->getCellSize();
00612     const LbmFloat timestep = this->mpParam->getTimestep();
00613     //const LbmFloat viscAir = 1.79 * 1e-5; // RW2L kin. viscosity, mu
00614     //const LbmFloat viscWater = 1.0 * 1e-6; // RW2L kin. viscosity, mu
00615     const LbmFloat rhoAir = 1.2;  // [kg m^-3] RW2L
00616     const LbmFloat rhoWater = 1000.0; // RW2L
00617     const LbmFloat minDropSize = 0.0005; // [m], = 2mm  RW2L
00618     const LbmVec   velAir(0.); // [m / s]
00620     const LbmFloat r1 = 0.005;  // r max
00621     const LbmFloat r2 = 0.0005; // r min
00622     const LbmFloat v1 = 9.0; // v max
00623     const LbmFloat v2 = 2.0; // v min
00624     const LbmVec rwgrav = vec2L( this->mpParam->getGravity(mSimulationTime) );
00625     const bool useff = (mFarFieldSize>1.2); // if(mpTest->mFarfMode>0){ 
00627     // TODO scale bubble/part damping dep. on timestep, also drop bnd rev damping
00628     const int cutval = mCutoff; // use full border!?
00629     if(this->mStepCnt%50==49) { mpParticles->cleanup(); }
00630   for(vector<ParticleObject>::iterator pit= mpParticles->getParticlesBegin();
00631       pit!= mpParticles->getParticlesEnd(); pit++) {
00632     //if((*pit).getPos()[2]>10.) errMsg("PIT"," pit"<<(*pit).getId()<<" pos:"<< (*pit).getPos()<<" status:["<<getParticleStatusString((*pit).getFlags())<<"] vel:"<< (*pit).getVel()  );
00633     if( (*pit).getActive()==false ) continue;
00634         // skip until reached
00635         ParticleObject *p = &(*pit);
00636         if(p->getLifeTime()<0.){ 
00637             if(p->getLifeTime() < -mSimulationTime) continue; 
00638             else p->setLifeTime(-mLevel[level].timestep); // zero for following update
00639         }
00640     int i,j,k;
00641         p->setLifeTime(p->getLifeTime()+mLevel[level].timestep);
00643         // nearest neighbor, particle positions don't include empty bounds
00644         ntlVec3Gfx pos = p->getPos();
00645         i= (int)pos[0]; j= (int)pos[1]; k= (int)pos[2];// no offset necessary
00646         if(LBMDIM==2) { k = 0; }
00648         // only testdata handling, all for sws
00650         if(useff && (mpTest->mFarfMode>0)) {
00651             p->setStatus(PART_OUT);
00652             mpTest->handleParticle(p, i,j,k); continue;
00653         } 
00654 #endif // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
00656         // in out tests
00657         if(p->getStatus()&PART_IN) { // IN
00658             if( (i<cutval)||(i>mSizex-1-cutval)||
00659                     (j<cutval)||(j>mSizey-1-cutval)
00660                     //||(k<cutval)||(k>mSizez-1-cutval) 
00661                     ) {
00662                 if(!useff) { DEL_PART;
00663                 } else { 
00664                     p->setStatus(PART_OUT); 
00665                 }
00666             } 
00667         } else { // OUT rough check
00668             // check in again?
00669             if( (i>=cutval)&&(i<=mSizex-1-cutval)&&
00670                     (j>=cutval)&&(j<=mSizey-1-cutval)
00671                     ) {
00672                 p->setStatus(PART_IN);
00673             }
00674         }
00676         if( (p->getType()==PART_BUBBLE) ||
00677             (p->getType()==PART_TRACER) ) {
00679             // no interpol
00680             vx = vy = vz = 0.0;
00681             if(p->getStatus()&PART_IN) { // IN
00682                 if(k>=cutval) {
00683                     if(k>mSizez-1-cutval) DEL_PART; 
00685                     if( RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet)&(CFFluid|CFUnused) ) {
00686                         // still ok
00687                         int partLev = level;
00688                         int si=i, sj=j, sk=k;
00689                         while(partLev>0 && RFLAG(partLev, si,sj,sk, workSet)&(CFUnused)) {
00690                             partLev--;
00691                             si/=2;
00692                             sj/=2;
00693                             sk/=2;
00694                         }
00695                         // get velocity from fluid cell
00696                         if( RFLAG(partLev, si,sj,sk, workSet)&(CFFluid) ) {
00697                             LbmFloat *ccel = RACPNT(partLev, si,sj,sk, workSet);
00698                             FORDF1{
00699                                 LbmFloat cdf = RAC(ccel, l);
00700                                 // TODO update below
00701                                 vx  += (this->dfDvecX[l]*cdf); 
00702                                 vy  += (this->dfDvecY[l]*cdf);  
00703                                 vz  += (this->dfDvecZ[l]*cdf);  
00704                             }
00705                             // remove gravity influence
00706                             const LbmFloat lesomega = mLevel[level].omega; // no les
00707                             vx -= mLevel[level].gravity[0] * lesomega*0.5;
00708                             vy -= mLevel[level].gravity[1] * lesomega*0.5;
00709                             vz -= mLevel[level].gravity[2] * lesomega*0.5;
00710                         } // fluid vel
00712                     } else { // OUT
00713                         // out of bounds, deactivate...
00714                         // FIXME make fsgr treatment
00715                         if(p->getType()==PART_BUBBLE) { P_CHANGETYPE(p, PART_FLOAT ); continue; }
00716                     }
00717                 } else {
00718                     // below 3d region, just rise
00719                 }
00720             } else { // OUT
00721 #               if LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
00722                 if(useff) { mpTest->handleParticle(p, i,j,k); }
00723                 else DEL_PART;
00724 #               else // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
00725                 DEL_PART;
00726 #               endif // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
00727                 // TODO use x,y vel...?
00728             }
00730             ntlVec3Gfx v = p->getVel(); // dampen...
00731             if( (useff)&& (p->getType()==PART_BUBBLE) ) {
00732                 // test rise
00734                 if(mPartUsePhysModel) {
00735                     LbmFloat radius = p->getSize() * minDropSize;
00736                     LbmVec   velPart = vec2L(p->getVel()) *cellsize/timestep; // L2RW, lattice velocity
00737                     LbmVec   velWater = LbmVec(vx,vy,vz) *cellsize/timestep;// L2RW, fluid velocity
00738                     LbmVec   velRel = velWater - velPart;
00739                     //LbmFloat velRelNorm = norm(velRel);
00740                     LbmFloat pvolume = rhoAir * 4.0/3.0 * M_PI* radius*radius*radius; // volume: 4/3 pi r^3
00742                     LbmVec fb = -rwgrav* pvolume *rhoWater;
00743                     LbmVec fd = velRel*6.0*M_PI*radius* (1e-3); //viscWater;
00744                     LbmVec change = (fb+fd) *10.0*timestep  *(timestep/cellsize);
00745                     /*if(debugOutCounter<0) {
00746                         errMsg("PIT","BTEST1   vol="<<pvolume<<" radius="<<radius<<" vn="<<velRelNorm<<" velPart="<<velPart<<" velRel"<<velRel);
00747                         errMsg("PIT","BTEST2        cellsize="<<cellsize<<" timestep="<<timestep<<" viscW="<<viscWater<<" ss/mb="<<(timestep/(pvolume*rhoAir)));
00748                         errMsg("PIT","BTEST2        grav="<<rwgrav<<"  " );
00749                         errMsg("PIT","BTEST2        change="<<(change)<<" fb="<<(fb)<<" fd="<<(fd)<<" ");
00750                         errMsg("PIT","BTEST2        change="<<norm(change)<<" fb="<<norm(fb)<<" fd="<<norm(fd)<<" ");
00751                     } // DEBUG */
00753                     LbmVec fd2 = (LbmVec(vx,vy,vz)-vec2L(p->getVel())) * 6.0*M_PI*radius* (1e-3); //viscWater;
00754                     LbmFloat w = 0.99;
00755                     vz = (1.0-w)*vz + w*(p->getVel()[2]-0.5*(p->getSize()/5.0)*mLevel[level].gravity[2]);
00756                     v = ntlVec3Gfx(vx,vy,vz)+vec2G(fd2);
00757                     p->setVel( v );
00758                 } else {
00759                     // non phys, half old, half fluid, use slightly slower acc
00760                     v = v*0.5 + ntlVec3Gfx(vx,vy,vz)* 0.5-vec2G(mLevel[level].gravity)*0.5;
00761                     p->setVel( v * 0.99 );
00762                 }
00763                 p->advanceVel();
00765             } else if(p->getType()==PART_TRACER) {
00766                 v = ntlVec3Gfx(vx,vy,vz);
00767                 CellFlagType fflag = RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet);
00769                 if(fflag&(CFFluid|CFInter) ) { p->setInFluid(true);
00770                 } else { p->setInFluid(false); }
00772                 if( (( fflag&CFFluid ) && ( fflag&CFNoBndFluid )) ||
00773                         (( fflag&CFInter ) && (!(fflag&CFNoNbFluid)) ) ) {
00774                     // only real fluid
00775 #                   if LBMDIM==3
00776                     p->advance( TRACE_RAND,TRACE_RAND,TRACE_RAND);
00777 #                   else
00778                     p->advance( TRACE_RAND,TRACE_RAND, 0.);
00779 #                   endif
00781                 } else {
00782                     // move inwards along normal, make sure normal is valid first
00783                     // todo use class funcs!
00784                     const int lev = level;
00785                     LbmFloat nx=0.,ny=0.,nz=0., nv1,nv2;
00786                     bool nonorm = false;
00787                     if(i<=0)              { nx = -1.; nonorm = true; }
00788                     if(i>=mSizex-1) { nx =  1.; nonorm = true; }
00789                     if(j<=0)              { ny = -1.; nonorm = true; }
00790                     if(j>=mSizey-1) { ny =  1.; nonorm = true; }
00791 #                   if LBMDIM==3
00792                     if(k<=0)              { nz = -1.; nonorm = true; }
00793                     if(k>=mSizez-1) { nz =  1.; nonorm = true; }
00794 #                   endif // LBMDIM==3
00795                     if(!nonorm) {
00796                         FFGET_NORM(nv1,dE); FFGET_NORM(nv2,dW);
00797                         nx = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
00798                         FFGET_NORM(nv1,dN); FFGET_NORM(nv2,dS);
00799                         ny = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
00800 #                       if LBMDIM==3
00801                         FFGET_NORM(nv1,dT); FFGET_NORM(nv2,dB);
00802                         nz = 0.5* (nv2-nv1);
00803 #                       else // LBMDIM==3
00804                         nz = 0.;
00805 #                       endif // LBMDIM==3
00806                     } else {
00807                         v = p->getVel() + vec2G(mLevel[level].gravity);
00808                     }
00809                     p->advanceVec( (ntlVec3Gfx(nx,ny,nz)) * -0.1 ); // + vec2G(mLevel[level].gravity);
00810                 }
00811             }
00813             p->setVel( v );
00814             p->advanceVel();
00815         } 
00817         // drop handling
00818         else if(p->getType()==PART_DROP) {
00819             ntlVec3Gfx v = p->getVel(); // dampen...
00821             if(mPartUsePhysModel) {
00822                 LbmFloat radius = p->getSize() * minDropSize;
00823                 LbmVec   velPart = vec2L(p->getVel()) *cellsize /timestep; // * cellsize / timestep; // L2RW, lattice velocity
00824                 LbmVec   velRel = velAir - velPart;
00825                 //LbmVec   velRelLat = velRel /cellsize*timestep; // L2RW
00826                 LbmFloat velRelNorm = norm(velRel);
00827                 // TODO calculate values in lattice units, compute CD?!??!
00828                 LbmFloat mb = rhoWater * 4.0/3.0 * M_PI* radius*radius*radius; // mass: 4/3 pi r^3 rho
00829                 const LbmFloat rw = (r1-radius)/(r1-r2);
00830                 const LbmFloat rmax = (0.5 + 0.5*rw);
00831                 const LbmFloat vmax = (v2 + (v1-v2)* (1.0-rw) );
00832                 const LbmFloat cd = (rmax) * (velRelNorm)/(vmax);
00834                 LbmVec fg = rwgrav * mb;//  * (1.0-rhoAir/rhoWater);
00835                 LbmVec fd = velRel* velRelNorm* cd*M_PI *rhoAir *0.5 *radius*radius;
00836                 LbmVec change = (fg+   fd ) *timestep / mb  *(timestep/cellsize);
00837                 //if(k>0) { errMsg("\nPIT","NTEST1   mb="<<mb<<" radius="<<radius<<" vn="<<velRelNorm<<" velPart="<<velPart<<" velRel"<<velRel<<" pgetVel="<<p->getVel() ); }
00839                 v += vec2G(change);
00840                 p->setVel(v); 
00841                 // NEW
00842             } else {
00843                 p->setVel( v ); 
00844                 int gravk = (int)(p->getPos()[2]+mLevel[level].gravity[2]);
00845                 if(gravk>=0 && gravk<mSizez && RFLAG(level, i,j,gravk, workSet)&CFBnd) {
00846                     // dont add for "resting" parts
00847                     v[2] = 0.;
00848                     p->setVel( v*0.9 ); // restdamping
00849                 } else {
00850                     p->addToVel( vec2G(mLevel[level].gravity) );
00851                 }
00852             } // OLD
00853             p->advanceVel();
00855             if(p->getStatus()&PART_IN) { // IN
00856                 if(k<cutval) { DEL_PART; continue; }
00857                 if(k<=mSizez-1-cutval){ 
00858                     CellFlagType pflag = RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet);
00859                     //errMsg("PIT move"," at "<<PRINT_IJK<<" flag"<<convertCellFlagType2String(pflag) );
00860                     if(pflag & (CFBnd)) {
00861                         handleObstacleParticle(p);
00862                         continue;
00863                     } else if(pflag & (CFEmpty)) {
00864                         // still ok
00865                     } else if((pflag & CFInter) 
00866                               //&&(!(RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet)& CFNoNbFluid)) 
00867                                         ) {
00868                         // add to no nb fluid i.f.'s, so skip if interface with fluid nb
00869                     } else if(pflag  & (CFFluid|CFUnused|CFInter) ){ // interface cells ignored here due to previous check!
00870                         // add dropmass again, (these are only interf. with nonbfl.)
00871                         int oi= (int)(pos[0]-1.25*v[0]+0.5);
00872                         int oj= (int)(pos[1]-1.25*v[1]+0.5);
00873                         int ok= (int)(pos[2]-1.25*v[2]+0.5);
00874                         const LbmFloat size = p->getSize();
00875                         const LbmFloat dropmass = ParticleObject::getMass(mPartDropMassSub*size);
00876                         bool orgcellok = false;
00877                         if( (oi<0)||(oi>mSizex-1)||
00878                             (oj<0)||(oj>mSizey-1)||
00879                             (ok<0)||(ok>mSizez-1) ) {
00880                             // org cell not ok!
00881                         } else if( RFLAG(level, oi,oj,ok, workSet) & (CFInter) ){
00882                             orgcellok = true;
00883                         } else {
00884                             // search upward for interface
00885                             oi=i; oj=j; ok=k;
00886                             for(int kk=0; kk<5 && ok<=mSizez-2; kk++) {
00887                                 ok++; // check sizez-2 due to this increment!
00888                                 if( RFLAG(level, oi,oj,ok, workSet) & (CFInter) ){
00889                                     kk = 5; orgcellok = true;
00890                                 }
00891                             }
00892                         }
00894                         //errMsg("PTIMPULSE"," new v"<<v<<" at "<<PRINT_VEC(oi,oj,ok)<<" , was "<<PRINT_VEC(i,j,k)<<" ok "<<orgcellok );
00895                         if(orgcellok) {
00896                             QCELL(level, oi,oj,ok, workSet, dMass) += dropmass;
00897                             QCELL(level, oi,oj,ok, workSet, dFfrac) += dropmass; // assume rho=1?
00899                             if(RFLAG(level, oi,oj,ok, workSet) & CFNoBndFluid){
00900                             // check speed, perhaps normalize
00901                             gfxReal vlensqr = normNoSqrt(v);
00902                             if(vlensqr > 0.166*0.166) {
00903                                 v *= 1./sqrtf((float)vlensqr)*0.166;
00904                             }
00905                             // compute cell velocity
00906                             LbmFloat *tcel = RACPNT(level, oi,oj,ok, workSet);
00907                             LbmFloat velUx=0., velUy=0., velUz=0.;
00908                             FORDF0 { 
00909                                 velUx  += (this->dfDvecX[l]*RAC(tcel,l));
00910                                 velUy  += (this->dfDvecY[l]*RAC(tcel,l)); 
00911                                 velUz  += (this->dfDvecZ[l]*RAC(tcel,l)); 
00912                             }
00913                             // add impulse
00914                             /*
00915                             LbmFloat cellVelSqr = velUx*velUx+ velUy*velUy+ velUz*velUz;
00916                             //errMsg("PTIMPULSE"," new v"<<v<<" cvs"<<cellVelSqr<<"="<<sqrt(cellVelSqr));
00917                             if(cellVelSqr< 0.166*0.166) {
00918                                 FORDF1 { 
00919                                     const LbmFloat add = 3. * dropmass * this->dfLength[l]*(v[0]*this->dfDvecX[l]+v[1]*this->dfDvecY[l]+v[2]*this->dfDvecZ[l]);
00920                                     RAC(tcel,l) += add;
00921                                 } } // */
00922                             } // only add impulse away from obstacles! 
00923                         } // orgcellok
00925                         // FIXME make fsgr treatment
00926                         P_CHANGETYPE(p, PART_FLOAT ); continue; 
00927                         // jitter in cell to prevent stacking when hitting a steep surface
00928                         ntlVec3Gfx cpos = p->getPos(); 
00929                         cpos[0] += (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))-0.5;
00930                         cpos[1] += (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))-0.5; 
00931                         cpos[2] += (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))-0.5; 
00932                         p->setPos(cpos);
00933                     } else {
00934                         DEL_PART;
00935                         this->mNumParticlesLost++;
00936                     }
00937                 }
00938             } else { // OUT
00939 #               if LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
00940                 if(useff) { mpTest->handleParticle(p, i,j,k); }
00941                 else{ DEL_PART; }
00942 #               else // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
00943                 DEL_PART; 
00944 #               endif // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
00945             }
00947         } // air particle
00949         // inter particle
00950         else if(p->getType()==PART_INTER) {
00951             // unused!?
00952             if(p->getStatus()&PART_IN) { // IN
00953                 if((k<cutval)||(k>mSizez-1-cutval)) {
00954                     // undecided particle above or below... remove?
00955                     DEL_PART; 
00956                 }
00958                 CellFlagType pflag = RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet);
00959                 if(pflag& CFInter ) {
00960                     // still ok
00961                 } else if(pflag& (CFFluid|CFUnused) ) {
00962                     P_CHANGETYPE(p, PART_FLOAT ); continue;
00963                 } else if(pflag& CFEmpty ) {
00964                     P_CHANGETYPE(p, PART_DROP ); continue;
00965                 } else if(pflag& CFBnd ) {
00966                     P_CHANGETYPE(p, PART_FLOAT ); continue;
00967                 }
00968             } else { // OUT
00969                 // undecided particle outside... remove?
00970                 DEL_PART; 
00971             }
00972         }
00974         // float particle
00975         else if(p->getType()==PART_FLOAT) {
00977             if(p->getStatus()&PART_IN) { // IN
00978                 if(k<cutval) DEL_PART; 
00979                 // not valid for mass... 
00980                 vx = vy = vz = 0.0;
00982                 // define from particletracer.h
00983 #if MOVE_FLOATS==1
00984                 const int DEPTH_AVG=3; // only average interface vels
00985                 int ccnt=0;
00986                 for(int kk=0;kk<DEPTH_AVG;kk+=1) {
00987                     if((k-kk)<1) continue;
00988                     if(RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet)&(CFInter)) {} else continue;
00989                     ccnt++;
00990                     FORDF1{
00991                         LbmFloat cdf = QCELL(level, i,j,k-kk, workSet, l);
00992                         vx  += (this->dfDvecX[l]*cdf); 
00993                         vy  += (this->dfDvecY[l]*cdf);  
00994                         vz  += (this->dfDvecZ[l]*cdf);  
00995                     }
00996                 }
00997                 if(ccnt) {
00998                 // use halved surface velocity (todo, use omega instead)
00999                 vx /=(LbmFloat)(ccnt * 2.0); // half xy speed! value2
01000                 vy /=(LbmFloat)(ccnt * 2.0);
01001                 vz /=(LbmFloat)(ccnt); }
01002 #else // MOVE_FLOATS==1
01003                 vx=vy=0.; //p->setVel(ntlVec3Gfx(0.) ); // static_float
01004 #endif // MOVE_FLOATS==1
01005                 vx += (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))*(FLOAT_JITTER*0.2)-(FLOAT_JITTER*0.2*0.5);
01006                 vy += (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))*(FLOAT_JITTER*0.2)-(FLOAT_JITTER*0.2*0.5);
01008                 //bool delfloat = false;
01009                 if( ( RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet)& (CFFluid|CFUnused) ) ) {
01010                     // in fluid cell
01011                     vz = p->getVel()[2]-1.0*mLevel[level].gravity[2]; // simply rise...
01012                     if(vz<0.) vz=0.;
01013                 } else if( ( RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet)& CFBnd ) ) {
01014                     // force downwards movement, move below obstacle...
01015                     //vz = p->getVel()[2]+1.0*mLevel[level].gravity[2]; // fall...
01016                     //if(vz>0.) vz=0.;
01017                     DEL_PART; 
01018                 } else if( ( RFLAG(level, i,j,k, workSet)& CFInter ) ) {
01019                     // keep in interface , one grid cell offset is added in part. gen
01020                 } else { // all else...
01021                     if( ( RFLAG(level, i,j,k-1, workSet)& (CFFluid|CFInter) ) ) {
01022                         vz = p->getVel()[2]+2.0*mLevel[level].gravity[2]; // fall...
01023                         if(vz>0.) vz=0.; }
01024                     else { DEL_PART; }
01025                 }
01027                 p->setVel( vec2G( ntlVec3Gfx(vx,vy,vz) ) ); //?
01028                 p->advanceVel();
01029             } else {
01031                 if(useff) { mpTest->handleParticle(p, i,j,k); }
01032                 else DEL_PART; 
01034                 DEL_PART; 
01035 #endif // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
01036             }
01038             // additional bnd jitter
01039             if((0) && (useff) && (p->getLifeTime()<3.*mLevel[level].timestep)) {
01040                 // use half butoff border 1/8
01041                 int maxdw = (int)(mLevel[level].lSizex*0.125*0.5);
01042                 if(maxdw<3) maxdw=3;
01043                 if((j>=0)&&(j<=mSizey-1)) {
01044                     if(ABS(i-(               cutval))<maxdw) { p->advance(  FLOAT_JITTBNDRAND( ABS(i-(               cutval))), 0.,0.); }
01045                     if(ABS(i-(mSizex-1-cutval))<maxdw) { p->advance(  FLOAT_JITTBNDRAND( ABS(i-(mSizex-1-cutval))), 0.,0.); }
01046                 }
01047             }
01048         }  // PART_FLOAT
01050         // unknown particle type    
01051         else {
01052             errMsg("LbmFsgrSolver::advanceParticles","PIT pit invalid type!? "<<p->getStatus() );
01053         }
01054   }
01055     myTime_t parttend = getTime(); 
01056     debMsgStd("LbmFsgrSolver::advanceParticles",DM_MSG,"Time for particle update:"<< getTimeString(parttend-parttstart)<<", #particles:"<<mpParticles->getNumParticles() , 10 );
01057 }
01059 void LbmFsgrSolver::notifySolverOfDump(int dumptype, int frameNr,char *frameNrStr,string outfilename) {
01060     int workSet = mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr;
01061     std::ostringstream name;
01063     // debug - raw dump of ffrac values, as text!
01064     if(mDumpRawText) { 
01065         name << outfilename<< frameNrStr <<".dump";
01066         FILE *file = fopen(name.str().c_str(),"w");
01067         if(file) {
01069             for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(mMaxRefine); ++k)  {
01070                 for(int j=0;j<mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizey-0;j++)  {
01071                     for(int i=0;i<mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizex-0;i++) {
01072                         float val = 0.;
01073                         if(RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet) & CFInter) {
01074                             val = QCELL(mMaxRefine,i,j,k, mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr,dFfrac);
01075                             if(val<0.) val=0.;
01076                             if(val>1.) val=1.;
01077                         }
01078                         if(RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet) & CFFluid) val = 1.;
01079                         fprintf(file, "%f ",val); // text
01080                         //errMsg("W", PRINT_IJK<<" val:"<<val);
01081                     }
01082                     fprintf(file, "\n"); // text
01083                 }
01084                 fprintf(file, "\n"); // text
01085             }
01086             fclose(file);
01088         } // file
01089     } // */
01091     if(mDumpRawBinary) {
01092         if(!mDumpRawBinaryZip) {
01093             // unzipped, only fill
01094             name << outfilename<< frameNrStr <<".bdump";
01095             FILE *file = fopen(name.str().c_str(),"w");
01096             if(file) {
01097                 for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(mMaxRefine); ++k)  {
01098                     for(int j=0;j<mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizey-0;j++)  {
01099                         for(int i=0;i<mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizex-0;i++) {
01100                             float val = 0.;
01101                             if(RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet) & CFInter) {
01102                                 val = QCELL(mMaxRefine,i,j,k, mLevel[mMaxRefine].setCurr,dFfrac);
01103                                 if(val<0.) val=0.;
01104                                 if(val>1.) val=1.;
01105                             }
01106                             if(RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet) & CFFluid) val = 1.;
01107                             fwrite( &val, sizeof(val), 1, file); // binary
01108                         }
01109                     }
01110                 }
01111                 fclose(file);
01112             } // file
01113         } // unzipped
01114         else {
01115             // zipped, use iso values
01116             prepareVisualization();
01117             name << outfilename<< frameNrStr <<".bdump.gz";
01118             gzFile gzf = gzopen(name.str().c_str(),"wb9");
01119             if(gzf) {
01120                 // write size
01121                 int s;
01122                 s=mSizex;   gzwrite(gzf, &s, sizeof(s));
01123                 s=mSizey;   gzwrite(gzf, &s, sizeof(s));
01124                 s=mSizez;   gzwrite(gzf, &s, sizeof(s));
01126                 // write isovalues
01127                 for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(mMaxRefine); ++k)  {
01128                     for(int j=0;j<mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizey;j++)  {
01129                         for(int i=0;i<mLevel[mMaxRefine].lSizex;i++) {
01130                             float val = 0.;
01131                             val = *mpIso->lbmGetData( i,j,k );
01132                             gzwrite(gzf, &val, sizeof(val));
01133                         }
01134                     }
01135                 }
01136                 gzclose(gzf);
01137             } // gzf
01138         } // zip
01139     } // bin dump
01141     dumptype = 0; frameNr = 0; // get rid of warning
01142 }
01145 void LbmFsgrSolver::handleObstacleParticle(ParticleObject *p) {
01146     //if(normNoSqrt(v)<=0.) continue; // skip stuck
01147     /*
01148          p->setVel( v * -1. ); // revert
01149          p->advanceVel(); // move back twice...
01150          if( RFLAG(mMaxRefine, i,j,k, workSet)& (CFBndNoslip)) {
01151          p->setVel( v * -0.5 ); // revert & dampen
01152          }
01153          p->advanceVel();  
01154     // */
01155     // TODO mark/remove stuck parts!?
01157     const int level = mMaxRefine;
01158     const int workSet = mLevel[level].setCurr;
01159     LbmVec v = vec2L( p->getVel() );
01160     if(normNoSqrt(v)<=0.) { 
01161         p->setVel(vec2G(mLevel[level].gravity)); 
01162     }
01164     CellFlagType pflag = CFBnd;
01165     ntlVec3Gfx posOrg(p->getPos());
01166     ntlVec3Gfx npos(0.);
01167     int ni=1,nj=1,nk=1;
01168     int tries = 0;
01170     // try to undo movement
01171     p->advanceVec( (p->getVel()-vec2G(mLevel[level].gravity)) * -2.);  
01173     npos = p->getPos(); ni= (int)npos[0]; 
01174     nj= (int)npos[1]; nk= (int)npos[2];
01175     if(LBMDIM==2) { nk = 0; }
01176     //errMsg("BOUNDCPAR"," t"<<PRINT_VEC(ni,nj,nk)<<" v"<<v<<" p"<<npos);
01178     // delete out of domain
01179     if(!checkDomainBounds(level,ni,nj,nk)) {
01180         //errMsg("BOUNDCPAR"," DEL! ");
01181         p->setActive( false ); 
01182         return;
01183     }
01184     pflag =  RFLAG(level, ni,nj,nk, workSet);
01186     // try to force particle out of boundary
01187     bool haveNorm = false;
01188     LbmVec bnormal;
01189     if(pflag&CFBnd) {
01190         npos = posOrg; ni= (int)npos[0]; 
01191         nj= (int)npos[1]; nk= (int)npos[2];
01192         if(LBMDIM==2) { nk = 0; }
01194         computeObstacleSurfaceNormalAcc(ni,nj,nk, &bnormal[0]);
01195         haveNorm = true;
01196         normalize(bnormal);
01197         bnormal *= 0.25;
01199         tries = 1;
01200         while(pflag&CFBnd && tries<=5) {
01201             // use increasing step sizes
01202             p->advanceVec( vec2G( bnormal *0.5 *(gfxReal)tries ) );  
01203             npos = p->getPos();
01204             ni= (int)npos[0]; 
01205             nj= (int)npos[1]; 
01206             nk= (int)npos[2];
01208             // delete out of domain
01209             if(!checkDomainBounds(level,ni,nj,nk)) {
01210                 //errMsg("BOUNDCPAR"," DEL! ");
01211                 p->setActive( false ); 
01212                 return;
01213             }
01214             pflag =  RFLAG(level, ni,nj,nk, workSet);
01215             tries++;
01216         }
01218         // really stuck, delete...
01219         if(pflag&CFBnd) {
01220             p->setActive( false ); 
01221             return;
01222         }
01223     }
01225     // not in bound anymore!
01226     if(!haveNorm) {
01227         CellFlagType *bflag = &RFLAG(level, ni,nj,nk, workSet);
01228         LbmFloat     *bcell = RACPNT(level, ni,nj,nk, workSet);
01229         computeObstacleSurfaceNormal(bcell,bflag, &bnormal[0]);
01230     }
01231     normalize(bnormal);
01232     LbmVec normComp = bnormal * dot(vec2L(v),bnormal);
01233     //errMsg("BOUNDCPAR","bnormal"<<bnormal<<" normComp"<<normComp<<" newv"<<(v-normComp) );
01234     v = (v-normComp)*0.9; // only move tangential
01235     v *= 0.9; // restdamping , todo use timestep
01236     p->setVel(vec2G(v));
01237     p->advanceVel();
01238 }
01240 /*****************************************************************************/
01242 /*****************************************************************************/
01243 void 
01244 LbmFsgrSolver::printLbmCell(int level, int i, int j, int k, int set) {
01245     stdCellId *newcid = new stdCellId;
01246     newcid->level = level;
01247     newcid->x = i;
01248     newcid->y = j;
01249     newcid->z = k;
01251     // this function is not called upon clicking, then its from setMouseClick
01252     debugPrintNodeInfo( newcid, set );
01253     delete newcid;
01254 }
01255 void 
01256 LbmFsgrSolver::debugMarkCellCall(int level, int vi,int vj,int vk) {
01257     stdCellId *newcid = new stdCellId;
01258     newcid->level = level;
01259     newcid->x = vi;
01260     newcid->y = vj;
01261     newcid->z = vk;
01262     this->addCellToMarkedList( newcid );
01263 }
01266 /*****************************************************************************/
01267 // implement CellIterator<UniformFsgrCellIdentifier> interface
01268 /*****************************************************************************/
01272 // values from guiflkt.cpp
01273 extern double guiRoiSX, guiRoiSY, guiRoiSZ, guiRoiEX, guiRoiEY, guiRoiEZ;
01274 extern int guiRoiMaxLev, guiRoiMinLev;
01275 #define CID_SX (int)( (mLevel[cid->level].lSizex-1) * guiRoiSX )
01276 #define CID_SY (int)( (mLevel[cid->level].lSizey-1) * guiRoiSY )
01277 #define CID_SZ (int)( (mLevel[cid->level].lSizez-1) * guiRoiSZ )
01279 #define CID_EX (int)( (mLevel[cid->level].lSizex-1) * guiRoiEX )
01280 #define CID_EY (int)( (mLevel[cid->level].lSizey-1) * guiRoiEY )
01281 #define CID_EZ (int)( (mLevel[cid->level].lSizez-1) * guiRoiEZ )
01283 CellIdentifierInterface* 
01284 LbmFsgrSolver::getFirstCell( ) {
01285     int level = mMaxRefine;
01287 #if LBMDIM==3
01288     if(mMaxRefine>0) { level = mMaxRefine-1; } // NO1HIGHESTLEV DEBUG
01289 #endif
01290     level = guiRoiMaxLev;
01291     if(level>mMaxRefine) level = mMaxRefine;
01293     //errMsg("LbmFsgrSolver::getFirstCell","Celliteration started...");
01294     stdCellId *cid = new stdCellId;
01295     cid->level = level;
01296     cid->x = CID_SX;
01297     cid->y = CID_SY;
01298     cid->z = CID_SZ;
01299     return cid;
01300 }
01302 LbmFsgrSolver::stdCellId* 
01303 LbmFsgrSolver::convertBaseCidToStdCid( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid) {
01304     //stdCellId *cid = dynamic_cast<stdCellId*>( basecid );
01305     stdCellId *cid = (stdCellId*)( basecid );
01306     return cid;
01307 }
01309 void LbmFsgrSolver::advanceCell( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid) {
01310     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01311     if(cid->getEnd()) return;
01313     //debugOut(" ADb "<<cid->x<<","<<cid->y<<","<<cid->z<<" e"<<cid->getEnd(), 10);
01314     cid->x++;
01315     if(cid->x > CID_EX){ cid->x = CID_SX; cid->y++; 
01316         if(cid->y > CID_EY){ cid->y = CID_SY; cid->z++; 
01317             if(cid->z > CID_EZ){ 
01318                 cid->level--;
01319                 cid->x = CID_SX; 
01320                 cid->y = CID_SY; 
01321                 cid->z = CID_SZ; 
01322                 if(cid->level < guiRoiMinLev) {
01323                     cid->level = guiRoiMaxLev;
01324                     cid->setEnd( true );
01325                 }
01326             }
01327         }
01328     }
01329     //debugOut(" ADa "<<cid->x<<","<<cid->y<<","<<cid->z<<" e"<<cid->getEnd(), 10);
01330 }
01332 bool LbmFsgrSolver::noEndCell( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid) {
01333     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01334     return (!cid->getEnd());
01335 }
01337 void LbmFsgrSolver::deleteCellIterator( CellIdentifierInterface** cid ) {
01338     delete *cid;
01339     *cid = NULL;
01340 }
01342 CellIdentifierInterface* LbmFsgrSolver::getCellAt( ntlVec3Gfx pos ) {
01343     //int cellok = false;
01344     pos -= (this->mvGeoStart);
01346     LbmFloat mmaxsize = mLevel[mMaxRefine].nodeSize;
01347     for(int level=mMaxRefine; level>=0; level--) { // finest first
01348     //for(int level=0; level<=mMaxRefine; level++) { // coarsest first
01349         LbmFloat nsize = mLevel[level].nodeSize;
01350         int x,y,z;
01351         // CHECK +- maxsize?
01352         x = (int)((pos[0]+0.5*mmaxsize) / nsize );
01353         y = (int)((pos[1]+0.5*mmaxsize) / nsize );
01354         z = (int)((pos[2]+0.5*mmaxsize) / nsize );
01355         if(LBMDIM==2) z = 0;
01357         // double check...
01358         if(x<0) continue;
01359         if(y<0) continue;
01360         if(z<0) continue;
01361         if(x>=mLevel[level].lSizex) continue;
01362         if(y>=mLevel[level].lSizey) continue;
01363         if(z>=mLevel[level].lSizez) continue;
01365         // return fluid/if/border cells
01366         if( ( (RFLAG(level, x,y,z, mLevel[level].setCurr)&(CFUnused)) ) ||
01367               ( (level<mMaxRefine) && (RFLAG(level, x,y,z, mLevel[level].setCurr)&(CFUnused|CFEmpty)) ) ) {
01368             continue;
01369         } // */
01371         stdCellId *newcid = new stdCellId;
01372         newcid->level = level;
01373         newcid->x = x;
01374         newcid->y = y;
01375         newcid->z = z;
01376         //errMsg("cellAt",this->mName<<" "<<pos<<" l"<<level<<":"<<x<<","<<y<<","<<z<<" "<<convertCellFlagType2String(RFLAG(level, x,y,z, mLevel[level].setCurr)) );
01377         return newcid;
01378     }
01380     return NULL;
01381 }
01384 // INFO functions
01386 int      LbmFsgrSolver::getCellSet      ( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid) {
01387     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01388     return mLevel[cid->level].setCurr;
01389     //return mLevel[cid->level].setOther;
01390 }
01392 int      LbmFsgrSolver::getCellLevel    ( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid) {
01393     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01394     return cid->level;
01395 }
01397 ntlVec3Gfx   LbmFsgrSolver::getCellOrigin   ( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid) {
01398     ntlVec3Gfx ret;
01400     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01401     ntlVec3Gfx cs( mLevel[cid->level].nodeSize );
01402     if(LBMDIM==2) { cs[2] = 0.0; }
01404     if(LBMDIM==2) {
01405         ret =(this->mvGeoStart + ntlVec3Gfx( cid->x *cs[0], cid->y *cs[1], (this->mvGeoEnd[2]-this->mvGeoStart[2])*0.5 )
01406                 + ntlVec3Gfx(0.0,0.0,cs[1]*-0.25)*cid->level )
01407             +getCellSize(basecid);
01408     } else {
01409         ret =(this->mvGeoStart + ntlVec3Gfx( cid->x *cs[0], cid->y *cs[1], cid->z *cs[2] ))
01410             +getCellSize(basecid);
01411     }
01412     return (ret);
01413 }
01415 ntlVec3Gfx   LbmFsgrSolver::getCellSize     ( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid) {
01416     // return half size
01417     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01418     ntlVec3Gfx retvec( mLevel[cid->level].nodeSize * 0.5 );
01419     // 2d display as rectangles
01420     if(LBMDIM==2) { retvec[2] = 0.0; }
01421     return (retvec);
01422 }
01424 LbmFloat LbmFsgrSolver::getCellDensity  ( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid,int set) {
01425     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01427     // skip non-fluid cells
01428     if(RFLAG(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set)&(CFFluid|CFInter)) {
01429         // ok go on...
01430     } else {
01431         return 0.;
01432     }
01434     LbmFloat rho = 0.0;
01435     FORDF0 { rho += QCELL(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l); } // ORG
01436     return ((rho-1.0) * mLevel[cid->level].simCellSize / mLevel[cid->level].timestep) +1.0; // ORG
01437     /*if(RFLAG(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set)&CFInter) { // test
01438         LbmFloat ux,uy,uz;
01439         ux=uy=uz= 0.0;
01440         int lev = cid->level;
01441         LbmFloat df[27], feqOld[27];
01442         FORDF0 {
01443             rho += QCELL(lev, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l);
01444             ux += this->dfDvecX[l]* QCELL(lev, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l);
01445             uy += this->dfDvecY[l]* QCELL(lev, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l);
01446             uz += this->dfDvecZ[l]* QCELL(lev, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l);
01447             df[l] = QCELL(lev, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l);
01448         }
01449         FORDF0 {
01450             feqOld[l] = getCollideEq(l, rho,ux,uy,uz); 
01451         }
01452         // debugging mods
01453         //const LbmFloat Qo = this->getLesNoneqTensorCoeff(df,feqOld);
01454         //const LbmFloat modOmega = this->getLesOmega(mLevel[lev].omega, mLevel[lev].lcsmago,Qo);
01455         //rho = (2.0-modOmega) *25.0;
01456         //rho = Qo*100.0;
01457         //if(cid->x==24){ errMsg("MODOMT"," at "<<PRINT_VEC(cid->x,cid->y,cid->z)<<" = "<<rho<<" "<<Qo); }
01458         //else{ rho=0.0; }
01459     } // test 
01460     return rho; // test */
01461 }
01463 LbmVec   LbmFsgrSolver::getCellVelocity ( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid,int set) {
01464     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01466     // skip non-fluid cells
01467     if(RFLAG(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set)&(CFFluid|CFInter)) {
01468         // ok go on...
01469     } else {
01470         return LbmVec(0.0);
01471     }
01473     LbmFloat ux,uy,uz;
01474     ux=uy=uz= 0.0;
01475     FORDF0 {
01476         ux += this->dfDvecX[l]* QCELL(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l);
01477         uy += this->dfDvecY[l]* QCELL(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l);
01478         uz += this->dfDvecZ[l]* QCELL(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, l);
01479     }
01480     LbmVec vel(ux,uy,uz);
01481     // TODO fix...
01482     return (vel * mLevel[cid->level].simCellSize / mLevel[cid->level].timestep * this->mDebugVelScale); // normal
01483 }
01485 LbmFloat   LbmFsgrSolver::getCellDf( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid,int set, int dir) {
01486     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01487     return QCELL(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, dir);
01488 }
01489 LbmFloat   LbmFsgrSolver::getCellMass( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid,int set) {
01490     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01491     return QCELL(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, dMass);
01492 }
01493 LbmFloat   LbmFsgrSolver::getCellFill( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid,int set) {
01494     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01495     if(RFLAG(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set)&CFInter) return QCELL(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, dFfrac);
01496     if(RFLAG(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set)&CFFluid) return 1.0;
01497     return 0.0;
01498     //return QCELL(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set, dFfrac);
01499 }
01500 CellFlagType LbmFsgrSolver::getCellFlag( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid,int set) {
01501     stdCellId *cid = convertBaseCidToStdCid(basecid);
01502     return RFLAG(cid->level, cid->x,cid->y,cid->z, set);
01503 }
01505 LbmFloat LbmFsgrSolver::getEquilDf( int l ) {
01506     return this->dfEquil[l];
01507 }
01510 ntlVec3Gfx LbmFsgrSolver::getVelocityAt   (float xp, float yp, float zp) {
01511     ntlVec3Gfx avgvel(0.0);
01512     LbmFloat   avgnum = 0.;
01514     // taken from getCellAt!
01515     const int level = mMaxRefine;
01516     const int workSet = mLevel[level].setCurr;
01517     const LbmFloat nsize = mLevel[level].nodeSize;
01518     const int x = (int)((-this->mvGeoStart[0]+xp-0.5*nsize) / nsize );
01519     const int y = (int)((-this->mvGeoStart[1]+yp-0.5*nsize) / nsize );
01520     int       z = (int)((-this->mvGeoStart[2]+zp-0.5*nsize) / nsize );
01521     if(LBMDIM==2) z=0;
01522     //errMsg("DUMPVEL","p"<<PRINT_VEC(xp,yp,zp)<<" at "<<PRINT_VEC(x,y,z)<<" max"<<PRINT_VEC(mLevel[level].lSizex,mLevel[level].lSizey,mLevel[level].lSizez) );
01524     // return fluid/if/border cells
01525     // search neighborhood, do smoothing
01526     FORDF0{ 
01527         const int i = x+this->dfVecX[l];
01528         const int j = y+this->dfVecY[l];
01529         const int k = z+this->dfVecZ[l];
01531         if( (i<0) || (j<0) || (k<0) 
01532          || (i>=mLevel[level].lSizex) 
01533          || (j>=mLevel[level].lSizey) 
01534          || (k>=mLevel[level].lSizez) ) continue;
01536         if( (RFLAG(level, i,j,k, mLevel[level].setCurr)&(CFFluid|CFInter)) ) {
01537             ntlVec3Gfx vel(0.0);
01538             LbmFloat *ccel = RACPNT(level, i,j,k ,workSet); // omp
01539             for(int n=1; n<this->cDfNum; n++) {
01540                 vel[0]  += (this->dfDvecX[n]*RAC(ccel,n));
01541                 vel[1]  += (this->dfDvecY[n]*RAC(ccel,n)); 
01542                 vel[2]  += (this->dfDvecZ[n]*RAC(ccel,n)); 
01543             } 
01545             avgvel += vel;
01546             avgnum += 1.0;
01547             if(l==0) { // center slightly more weight
01548                 avgvel += vel; avgnum += 1.0;
01549             }
01550         } // */
01551     }
01553     if(avgnum>0.) {
01554         ntlVec3Gfx retv = avgvel / avgnum;
01555         retv *= nsize/mLevel[level].timestep;
01556         // scale for current animation settings (frame time)
01557         retv *= mpParam->getCurrentAniFrameTime();
01558         //errMsg("DUMPVEL","t"<<mSimulationTime<<" at "<<PRINT_VEC(xp,yp,zp)<<" ret:"<<retv<<", avgv:"<<avgvel<<" n"<<avgnum<<" nsize"<<nsize<<" ts"<<mLevel[level].timestep<<" fr"<<mpParam->getCurrentAniFrameTime() );
01559         return retv;
01560     }
01561     // no cells here...?
01562     //errMsg("DUMPVEL"," at "<<PRINT_VEC(xp,yp,zp)<<" v"<<avgvel<<" n"<<avgnum<<" no vel !?");
01563     return ntlVec3Gfx(0.);
01564 }
01566 #if LBM_USE_GUI==1
01568 void 
01569 LbmFsgrSolver::debugDisplay(int set){ 
01570     //lbmDebugDisplay< LbmFsgrSolver >( set, this ); 
01571     lbmDebugDisplay( set ); 
01572 }
01573 #endif
01575 /*****************************************************************************/
01576 // strict debugging functions
01577 /*****************************************************************************/
01578 #if FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
01579 #define STRICT_EXIT *((int *)0)=0;
01581 int LbmFsgrSolver::debLBMGI(int level, int ii,int ij,int ik, int is) {
01582     if(level <  0){ errMsg("LbmStrict::debLBMGI"," invLev- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; } 
01583     if(level >  mMaxRefine){ errMsg("LbmStrict::debLBMGI"," invLev+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; } 
01585     if((ii==-1)&&(ij==0)) {
01586         // special case for main loop, ok
01587     } else {
01588         if(ii<0){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invX- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01589         if(ij<0){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invY- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01590         if(ii>mLevel[level].lSizex-1){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invX+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01591         if(ij>mLevel[level].lSizey-1){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invY+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01592     }
01593     if(ik<0){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invZ- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01594     if(ik>mLevel[level].lSizez-1){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invZ+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01595     if(is<0){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invS- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01596     if(is>1){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invS+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01597     return _LBMGI(level, ii,ij,ik, is);
01598 };
01600 CellFlagType& LbmFsgrSolver::debRFLAG(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set){
01601     return _RFLAG(level, xx,yy,zz,set);   
01602 };
01604 CellFlagType& LbmFsgrSolver::debRFLAG_NB(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set, int dir) {
01605     if(dir<0)         { errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD- l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" d"<<dir); STRICT_EXIT; }
01606     // warning might access all spatial nbs
01607     if(dir>this->cDirNum){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD+ l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" d"<<dir); STRICT_EXIT; }
01608     return _RFLAG_NB(level, xx,yy,zz,set, dir);
01609 };
01611 CellFlagType& LbmFsgrSolver::debRFLAG_NBINV(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set, int dir) {
01612     if(dir<0)         { errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD- l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" d"<<dir); STRICT_EXIT; }
01613     if(dir>this->cDirNum){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD+ l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" d"<<dir); STRICT_EXIT; }
01614     return _RFLAG_NBINV(level, xx,yy,zz,set, dir);
01615 };
01617 int LbmFsgrSolver::debLBMQI(int level, int ii,int ij,int ik, int is, int l) {
01618     if(level <  0){ errMsg("LbmStrict::debLBMQI"," invLev- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; } 
01619     if(level >  mMaxRefine){ errMsg("LbmStrict::debLBMQI"," invLev+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; } 
01621     if((ii==-1)&&(ij==0)) {
01622         // special case for main loop, ok
01623     } else {
01624         if(ii<0){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invX- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01625         if(ij<0){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invY- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01626         if(ii>mLevel[level].lSizex-1){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invX+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01627         if(ij>mLevel[level].lSizey-1){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invY+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01628     }
01629     if(ik<0){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invZ- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01630     if(ik>mLevel[level].lSizez-1){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invZ+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01631     if(is<0){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invS- l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01632     if(is>1){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invS+ l"<<level<<"|"<<ii<<","<<ij<<","<<ik<<" s"<<is); STRICT_EXIT; }
01633     if(l<0)        { errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD- "<<" l"<<l); STRICT_EXIT; }
01634     if(l>this->cDfNum){  // dFfrac is an exception
01635         if((l != dMass) && (l != dFfrac) && (l != dFlux)){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD+ "<<" l"<<l); STRICT_EXIT; } }
01636 #if COMPRESSGRIDS==1
01637     //if((!this->mInitDone) && (is!=mLevel[level].setCurr)){ STRICT_EXIT; } // COMPRT debug
01638 #endif // COMPRESSGRIDS==1
01639     return _LBMQI(level, ii,ij,ik, is, l);
01640 };
01642 LbmFloat& LbmFsgrSolver::debQCELL(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set,int l) {
01643     //errMsg("LbmStrict","debQCELL debug: l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" l"<<l<<" index"<<LBMGI(level, xx,yy,zz,set)); 
01644     return _QCELL(level, xx,yy,zz,set,l);
01645 };
01647 LbmFloat& LbmFsgrSolver::debQCELL_NB(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set, int dir,int l) {
01648     if(dir<0)        { errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD- l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" d"<<dir); STRICT_EXIT; }
01649     if(dir>this->cDfNum){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD+ l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" d"<<dir); STRICT_EXIT; }
01650     return _QCELL_NB(level, xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l);
01651 };
01653 LbmFloat& LbmFsgrSolver::debQCELL_NBINV(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set, int dir,int l) {
01654     if(dir<0)        { errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD- l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" d"<<dir); STRICT_EXIT; }
01655     if(dir>this->cDfNum){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD+ l"<<level<<"|"<<xx<<","<<yy<<","<<zz<<" s"<<set<<" d"<<dir); STRICT_EXIT; }
01656     return _QCELL_NBINV(level, xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l);
01657 };
01659 LbmFloat* LbmFsgrSolver::debRACPNT(int level,  int ii,int ij,int ik, int is ) {
01660     return _RACPNT(level, ii,ij,ik, is );
01661 };
01663 LbmFloat& LbmFsgrSolver::debRAC(LbmFloat* s,int l) {
01664     if(l<0)        { errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD- "<<" l"<<l); STRICT_EXIT; }
01665     if(l>dTotalNum){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD+ "<<" l"<<l); STRICT_EXIT; } 
01666     //if(l>this->cDfNum){ // dFfrac is an exception 
01667     //if((l != dMass) && (l != dFfrac) && (l != dFlux)){ errMsg("LbmStrict"," invD+ "<<" l"<<l); STRICT_EXIT; } }
01668     return _RAC(s,l);
01669 };
01671 #endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
01674 /******************************************************************************
01675  * GUI&debugging functions
01676  *****************************************************************************/
01679 #if LBM_USE_GUI==1
01680 #define USE_GLUTILITIES
01681 #include "../gui/gui_utilities.h"
01684 void LbmFsgrSolver::debugDisplayNode(int dispset, CellIdentifierInterface* cell ) {
01685     //debugOut(" DD: "<<cell->getAsString() , 10);
01686     ntlVec3Gfx org      = this->getCellOrigin( cell );
01687     ntlVec3Gfx halfsize = this->getCellSize( cell );
01688     int    set      = this->getCellSet( cell );
01689     //debugOut(" DD: "<<cell->getAsString()<<" "<< (dispset->type) , 10);
01691     bool     showcell = true;
01692     int      linewidth = 1;
01693     ntlColor col(0.5);
01694     LbmFloat cscale = 1.0; //dispset->scale;
01696 #define DRAWDISPCUBE(col,scale) \
01697     {   glLineWidth( linewidth ); \
01698       glColor3f( (col)[0], (col)[1], (col)[2]); \
01699         ntlVec3Gfx s = org-(halfsize * (scale)); \
01700         ntlVec3Gfx e = org+(halfsize * (scale)); \
01701         drawCubeWire( s,e ); }
01703     CellFlagType flag = this->getCellFlag(cell, set );
01704     // always check types
01705     if(flag& CFInvalid  ) { if(!guiShowInvalid  ) return; }
01706     if(flag& CFUnused   ) { if(!guiShowInvalid  ) return; }
01707     if(flag& CFEmpty    ) { if(!guiShowEmpty    ) return; }
01708     if(flag& CFInter    ) { if(!guiShowInterface) return; }
01709     if(flag& CFNoDelete ) { if(!guiShowNoDelete ) return; }
01710     if(flag& CFBnd      ) { if(!guiShowBnd      ) return; }
01712     // only dismiss one of these types 
01713     if(flag& CFGrFromCoarse)  { if(!guiShowCoarseInner  ) return; } // inner not really interesting
01714     else
01715     if(flag& CFGrFromFine) { if(!guiShowCoarseBorder ) return; }
01716     else
01717     if(flag& CFFluid    )    { if(!guiShowFluid    ) return; }
01719     switch(dispset) {
01720         case FLUIDDISPNothing: {
01721                 showcell = false;
01722             } break;
01723         case FLUIDDISPCelltypes: {
01724                 cscale = 0.5;
01726                 if(flag& CFNoDelete) { // debug, mark nodel cells
01727                     ntlColor ccol(0.7,0.0,0.0);
01728                     DRAWDISPCUBE(ccol, 0.1);
01729                 }
01730                 if(flag& CFPersistMask) { // mark persistent flags
01731                     ntlColor ccol(0.5);
01732                     DRAWDISPCUBE(ccol, 0.125);
01733                 }
01734                 if(flag& CFNoBndFluid) { // mark persistent flags
01735                     ntlColor ccol(0,0,1);
01736                     DRAWDISPCUBE(ccol, 0.075);
01737                 }
01739                 if(flag& CFInvalid) {
01740                     cscale = 0.50;
01741                     col = ntlColor(0.0,0,0.0);
01742                 }
01743                 else if(flag& CFBnd) {
01744                     cscale = 0.59;
01745                     col = ntlColor(0.4);
01746                 }
01748                 else if(flag& CFInter) {
01749                     cscale = 0.55;
01750                     col = ntlColor(0,1,1);
01752                 } else if(flag& CFGrFromCoarse) {
01753                     // draw as - with marker
01754                     ntlColor col2(0.0,1.0,0.3);
01755                     DRAWDISPCUBE(col2, 0.1);
01756                     cscale = 0.5;
01757                     showcell=false; // DEBUG
01758                 }
01759                 else if(flag& CFFluid) {
01760                     cscale = 0.5;
01761                     if(flag& CFGrToFine) {
01762                         ntlColor col2(0.5,0.0,0.5);
01763                         DRAWDISPCUBE(col2, 0.1);
01764                         col = ntlColor(0,0,1);
01765                     }
01766                     if(flag& CFGrFromFine) {
01767                         ntlColor col2(1.0,1.0,0.0);
01768                         DRAWDISPCUBE(col2, 0.1);
01769                         col = ntlColor(0,0,1);
01770                     } else if(flag& CFGrFromCoarse) {
01771                         // draw as fluid with marker
01772                         ntlColor col2(0.0,1.0,0.3);
01773                         DRAWDISPCUBE(col2, 0.1);
01774                         col = ntlColor(0,0,1);
01775                     } else {
01776                         col = ntlColor(0,0,1);
01777                     }
01778                 }
01779                 else if(flag& CFEmpty) {
01780                     showcell=false;
01781                 }
01783             } break;
01784         case FLUIDDISPVelocities: {
01785                 // dont use cube display
01786                 LbmVec vel = this->getCellVelocity( cell, set );
01787                 glBegin(GL_LINES);
01788                 glColor3f( 0.0,0.0,0.0 );
01789                 glVertex3f( org[0], org[1], org[2] );
01790                 org += vec2G(vel * 10.0 * cscale);
01791                 glColor3f( 1.0,1.0,1.0 );
01792                 glVertex3f( org[0], org[1], org[2] );
01793                 glEnd();
01794                 showcell = false;
01795             } break;
01796         case FLUIDDISPCellfills: {
01797                 cscale = 0.5;
01798                 if(flag& CFFluid) {
01799                     cscale = 0.75;
01800                     col = ntlColor(0,0,0.5);
01801                 }
01802                 else if(flag& CFInter) {
01803                     cscale = 0.75 * this->getCellMass(cell,set);
01804                     col = ntlColor(0,1,1);
01805                 }
01806                 else {
01807                     showcell=false;
01808                 }
01810                     if( ABS(this->getCellMass(cell,set)) < 10.0 ) {
01811                         cscale = 0.75 * this->getCellMass(cell,set);
01812                     } else {
01813                         showcell = false;
01814                     }
01815                     if(cscale>0.0) {
01816                         col = ntlColor(0,1,1);
01817                     } else {
01818                         col = ntlColor(1,1,0);
01819                     }
01820             // TODO
01821             } break;
01822         case FLUIDDISPDensity: {
01823                 LbmFloat rho = this->getCellDensity(cell,set);
01824                 cscale = rho*rho * 0.25;
01825                 col = ntlColor( MIN(0.5+cscale,1.0) , MIN(0.0+cscale,1.0), MIN(0.0+cscale,1.0) );
01826                 cscale *= 2.0;
01827             } break;
01828         case FLUIDDISPGrid: {
01829                 cscale = 0.59;
01830                 col = ntlColor(1.0);
01831             } break;
01832         default: {
01833                 cscale = 0.5;
01834                 col = ntlColor(1.0,0.0,0.0);
01835             } break;
01836     }
01838     if(!showcell) return;
01839     if(cscale==0.0) return; // dont draw zero values
01840     DRAWDISPCUBE(col, cscale);
01841 }
01844 //  D has to implement the CellIterator interface
01845 void LbmFsgrSolver::lbmDebugDisplay(int dispset) {
01846     // DEBUG always display testdata
01848     if(mUseTestdata){ 
01849         cpDebugDisplay(dispset); 
01850         mpTest->testDebugDisplay(dispset); 
01851     }
01852 #endif // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
01853     if(dispset<=FLUIDDISPNothing) return;
01854     //if(!dispset->on) return;
01855     glDisable( GL_LIGHTING ); // dont light lines
01858     if((!mUseTestdata)|| (mUseTestdata)&&(mpTest->mFarfMode<=0)) {
01859 #endif // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
01861     LbmFsgrSolver::CellIdentifier cid = this->getFirstCell();
01862     for(; this->noEndCell( cid );
01863           this->advanceCell( cid ) ) {
01864         this->debugDisplayNode(dispset, cid );
01865     }
01866     delete cid;
01869     } // 3d check
01870 #endif // LBM_INCLUDE_TESTSOLVERS==1
01872     glEnable( GL_LIGHTING ); // dont light lines
01873 }
01876 //  D has to implement the CellIterator interface
01877 void LbmFsgrSolver::lbmMarkedCellDisplay() {
01878     //fluidDispSettings dispset;
01879     // trick - display marked cells as grid displa -> white, big
01880     int dispset = FLUIDDISPGrid;
01881     glDisable( GL_LIGHTING ); // dont light lines
01883     LbmFsgrSolver::CellIdentifier cid = this->markedGetFirstCell();
01884     while(cid) {
01885         this->debugDisplayNode(dispset, cid );
01886         cid = this->markedAdvanceCell();
01887     }
01888     delete cid;
01890     glEnable( GL_LIGHTING ); // dont light lines
01891 }
01893 #endif // LBM_USE_GUI==1
01896 void LbmFsgrSolver::debugPrintNodeInfo(CellIdentifierInterface* cell, int forceSet) {
01897         //string printInfo,
01898         // force printing of one set? default = -1 = off
01899   bool printDF     = false;
01900   bool printRho    = false;
01901   bool printVel    = false;
01902   bool printFlag   = false;
01903   bool printGeom   = false;
01904   bool printMass=false;
01905     bool printBothSets = false;
01906     string printInfo = this->getNodeInfoString();
01908     for(size_t i=0; i<printInfo.length()-0; i++) {
01909         char what = printInfo[i];
01910         switch(what) {
01911             case '+': // all on
01912                                 printDF = true; printRho = true; printVel = true; printFlag = true; printGeom = true; printMass = true ;
01913                                 printBothSets = true; break;
01914             case '-': // all off
01915                                 printDF = false; printRho = false; printVel = false; printFlag = false; printGeom = false; printMass = false; 
01916                                 printBothSets = false; break;
01917             case 'd': printDF = true; break;
01918             case 'r': printRho = true; break;
01919             case 'v': printVel = true; break;
01920             case 'f': printFlag = true; break;
01921             case 'g': printGeom = true; break;
01922             case 'm': printMass = true; break;
01923             case 's': printBothSets = true; break;
01924             default: 
01925                 errFatal("debugPrintNodeInfo","Invalid node info id "<<what,SIMWORLD_GENERICERROR); return;
01926         }
01927     }
01929     ntlVec3Gfx org      = this->getCellOrigin( cell );
01930     ntlVec3Gfx halfsize = this->getCellSize( cell );
01931     int    set      = this->getCellSet( cell );
01932     debMsgStd("debugPrintNodeInfo",DM_NOTIFY, "Printing cell info '"<<printInfo<<"' for node: "<<cell->getAsString()<<" from "<<this->getName()<<" currSet:"<<set , 1);
01933     if(printGeom) debMsgStd("                  ",DM_MSG, "Org:"<<org<<" Halfsize:"<<halfsize<<" ", 1);
01935     int setmax = 2;
01936     if(!printBothSets) setmax = 1;
01937     if(forceSet>=0) setmax = 1;
01939     for(int s=0; s<setmax; s++) {
01940         int workset = set;
01941         if(s==1){ workset = (set^1); }      
01942         if(forceSet>=0) workset = forceSet;
01943         debMsgStd("                  ",DM_MSG, "Printing set:"<<workset<<" orgSet:"<<set, 1);
01945         if(printDF) {
01946             for(int l=0; l<LBM_DFNUM; l++) { // FIXME ??
01947                 debMsgStd("                  ",DM_MSG, "  Df"<<l<<": "<<this->getCellDf(cell,workset,l), 1);
01948             }
01949         }
01950         if(printRho) {
01951             debMsgStd("                  ",DM_MSG, "  Rho: "<<this->getCellDensity(cell,workset), 1);
01952         }
01953         if(printVel) {
01954             debMsgStd("                  ",DM_MSG, "  Vel: "<<this->getCellVelocity(cell,workset), 1);
01955         }
01956         if(printFlag) {
01957             CellFlagType flag = this->getCellFlag(cell,workset);
01958             debMsgStd("                  ",DM_MSG, "  Flg: "<< flag<<" "<<convertFlags2String( flag ) <<" "<<convertCellFlagType2String( flag ), 1);
01959         }
01960         if(printMass) {
01961             debMsgStd("                  ",DM_MSG, "  Mss: "<<this->getCellMass(cell,workset), 1);
01962         }
01963         // dirty... TODO fixme
01964         debMsgStd("                  ",DM_MSG, "  Flx: "<<this->getCellDf(cell,workset,dFlux), 1);
01965     }
01966 }