Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 /*
00005  * WDLSSolver.hpp.cpp
00006  *
00007  *  Created on: Jan 8, 2009
00008  *      Author: rubensmits
00009  */
00011 #include "WDLSSolver.hpp"
00012 #include "kdl/utilities/svd_eigen_HH.hpp"
00014 namespace iTaSC {
00016 WDLSSolver::WDLSSolver() : m_lambda(0.5), m_epsilon(0.1) 
00017 {
00018     // maximum joint velocity
00019     m_qmax = 50.0;
00020 }
00022 WDLSSolver::~WDLSSolver() {
00023 }
00025 bool WDLSSolver::init(unsigned int nq, unsigned int nc, const std::vector<bool>& gc)
00026 {
00027     m_ns = std::min(nc,nq);
00028     m_AWq = e_zero_matrix(nc,nq);
00029     m_WyAWq = e_zero_matrix(nc,nq);
00030     m_WyAWqt = e_zero_matrix(nq,nc);
00031     m_S = e_zero_vector(std::max(nc,nq));
00032     m_Wy_ydot = e_zero_vector(nc);
00033     if (nq > nc) {
00034         m_transpose = true;
00035         m_temp = e_zero_vector(nc);
00036         m_U = e_zero_matrix(nc,nc);
00037         m_V = e_zero_matrix(nq,nc);
00038         m_WqV = e_zero_matrix(nq,nc);
00039     } else {
00040         m_transpose = false;
00041         m_temp = e_zero_vector(nq);
00042         m_U = e_zero_matrix(nc,nq);
00043         m_V = e_zero_matrix(nq,nq);
00044         m_WqV = e_zero_matrix(nq,nq);
00045     }
00046     return true;
00047 }
00049 bool WDLSSolver::solve(const e_matrix& A, const e_vector& Wy, const e_vector& ydot, const e_matrix& Wq, e_vector& qdot, e_scalar& nlcoef)
00050 {
00051     double alpha, vmax, norm;
00052     // Create the Weighted jacobian
00053     m_AWq = A*Wq;
00054     for (int i=0; i<Wy.size(); i++)
00055         m_WyAWq.row(i) = Wy(i)*m_AWq.row(i);
00057     // Compute the SVD of the weighted jacobian
00058     int ret;
00059     if (m_transpose) {
00060         m_WyAWqt = m_WyAWq.transpose();
00061         ret = KDL::svd_eigen_HH(m_WyAWqt,m_V,m_S,m_U,m_temp);
00062     } else {
00063         ret = KDL::svd_eigen_HH(m_WyAWq,m_U,m_S,m_V,m_temp);
00064     }
00065     if(ret<0)
00066         return false;
00068     m_WqV.noalias() = Wq*m_V;
00070     //Wy*ydot
00071     m_Wy_ydot = Wy.array() * ydot.array();
00072     //S^-1*U'*Wy*ydot
00073     e_scalar maxDeltaS = e_scalar(0.0);
00074     e_scalar prevS = e_scalar(0.0);
00075     e_scalar maxS = e_scalar(1.0);
00076     e_scalar S, lambda;
00077     qdot.setZero();
00078     for(int i=0;i<m_ns;++i) {
00079         S = m_S(i);
00080         if (S <= KDL::epsilon)
00081             break;
00082         if (i > 0 && (prevS-S) > maxDeltaS) {
00083             maxDeltaS = (prevS-S);
00084             maxS = prevS;
00085         }
00086         lambda = (S < m_epsilon) ? (e_scalar(1.0)-KDL::sqr(S/m_epsilon))*m_lambda*m_lambda : e_scalar(0.0);
00087         alpha = m_U.col(i).dot(m_Wy_ydot)*S/(S*S+lambda);
00088         vmax = m_WqV.col(i).array().abs().maxCoeff();
00089         norm = fabs(alpha*vmax);
00090         if (norm > m_qmax) {
00091             qdot += m_WqV.col(i)*(alpha*m_qmax/norm);
00092         } else {
00093             qdot += m_WqV.col(i)*alpha;
00094         }
00095         prevS = S;
00096     }
00097     if (maxDeltaS == e_scalar(0.0))
00098         nlcoef = e_scalar(KDL::epsilon);
00099     else
00100         nlcoef = (maxS-maxDeltaS)/maxS;
00101     return true;
00102 }
00104 }