Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00003  *
00004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00016  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00017  *
00018  * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2009 Blender Foundation, Joshua Leung
00019  * All rights reserved.
00020  *
00021  * The Original Code is: all of this file.
00022  *
00023  * Contributor(s): Joshua Leung (full recode)
00024  *
00025  * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00026  */
00033 #include <stdio.h>
00034 #include <stddef.h>
00035 #include <string.h>
00036 #include <math.h>
00037 #include <float.h>
00039 #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
00041 #include "BLI_blenlib.h"
00042 #include "BLI_math.h"
00043 #include "BLI_dynstr.h"
00044 #include "BLI_utildefines.h"
00046 #include "DNA_anim_types.h"
00047 #include "DNA_armature_types.h"
00048 #include "DNA_constraint_types.h"
00049 #include "DNA_key_types.h"
00050 #include "DNA_material_types.h"
00051 #include "DNA_scene_types.h"
00052 #include "DNA_object_types.h"
00054 #include "BKE_animsys.h"
00055 #include "BKE_action.h"
00056 #include "BKE_armature.h"
00057 #include "BKE_constraint.h"
00058 #include "BKE_depsgraph.h"
00059 #include "BKE_fcurve.h"
00060 #include "BKE_main.h"
00061 #include "BKE_nla.h"
00062 #include "BKE_global.h"
00063 #include "BKE_context.h"
00064 #include "BKE_report.h"
00065 #include "BKE_key.h"
00066 #include "BKE_material.h"
00068 #include "ED_anim_api.h"
00069 #include "ED_keyframing.h"
00070 #include "ED_keyframes_edit.h"
00071 #include "ED_screen.h"
00073 #include "UI_interface.h"
00075 #include "WM_api.h"
00076 #include "WM_types.h"
00078 #include "RNA_access.h"
00079 #include "RNA_define.h"
00080 #include "RNA_enum_types.h"
00082 #include "anim_intern.h"
00084 /* ************************************************** */
00085 /* Keyframing Setting Wrangling */
00087 /* Get the active settings for keyframing settings from context (specifically the given scene) */
00088 short ANIM_get_keyframing_flags (Scene *scene, short incl_mode)
00089 {
00090     short flag = 0;
00092     /* standard flags */
00093     {
00094         /* visual keying */
00095         if (IS_AUTOKEY_FLAG(scene, AUTOMATKEY)) 
00096             flag |= INSERTKEY_MATRIX;
00098         /* only needed */
00099         if (IS_AUTOKEY_FLAG(scene, INSERTNEEDED)) 
00100             flag |= INSERTKEY_NEEDED;
00102         /* default F-Curve color mode - RGB from XYZ indices */
00103         if (IS_AUTOKEY_FLAG(scene, XYZ2RGB)) 
00104             flag |= INSERTKEY_XYZ2RGB;
00105     }
00107     /* only if including settings from the autokeying mode... */
00108     if (incl_mode) 
00109     { 
00110         /* keyframing mode - only replace existing keyframes */
00111         if (IS_AUTOKEY_MODE(scene, EDITKEYS)) 
00112             flag |= INSERTKEY_REPLACE;
00113     }
00115     return flag;
00116 }
00118 /* ******************************************* */
00119 /* Animation Data Validation */
00121 /* Get (or add relevant data to be able to do so) the Active Action for the given 
00122  * Animation Data block, given an ID block where the Animation Data should reside.
00123  */
00124 bAction *verify_adt_action (ID *id, short add)
00125 {
00126     AnimData *adt;
00128     /* init animdata if none available yet */
00129     adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(id);
00130     if ((adt == NULL) && (add))
00131         adt= BKE_id_add_animdata(id);
00132     if (adt == NULL) { 
00133         /* if still none (as not allowed to add, or ID doesn't have animdata for some reason) */
00134         printf("ERROR: Couldn't add AnimData (ID = %s) \n", (id) ? (id->name) : "<None>");
00135         return NULL;
00136     }
00138     /* init action if none available yet */
00139     // TODO: need some wizardry to handle NLA stuff correct
00140     if ((adt->action == NULL) && (add)) {
00141         char actname[sizeof(id->name)-2];
00142         BLI_snprintf(actname, sizeof(actname), "%sAction", id->name+2);
00143         adt->action= add_empty_action(actname);
00144     }
00146     /* return the action */
00147     return adt->action;
00148 }
00150 /* Get (or add relevant data to be able to do so) F-Curve from the Active Action, 
00151  * for the given Animation Data block. This assumes that all the destinations are valid.
00152  */
00153 FCurve *verify_fcurve (bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], const int array_index, short add)
00154 {
00155     bActionGroup *grp;
00156     FCurve *fcu;
00158     /* sanity checks */
00159     if ELEM(NULL, act, rna_path)
00160         return NULL;
00162     /* try to find f-curve matching for this setting 
00163      *  - add if not found and allowed to add one
00164      *      TODO: add auto-grouping support? how this works will need to be resolved
00165      */
00166     if (act)
00167         fcu= list_find_fcurve(&act->curves, rna_path, array_index);
00168     else
00169         fcu= NULL;
00171     if ((fcu == NULL) && (add)) {
00172         /* use default settings to make a F-Curve */
00173         fcu= MEM_callocN(sizeof(FCurve), "FCurve");
00175         fcu->flag = (FCURVE_VISIBLE|FCURVE_SELECTED);
00176         if (act->curves.first==NULL) 
00177             fcu->flag |= FCURVE_ACTIVE; /* first one added active */
00179         /* store path - make copy, and store that */
00180         fcu->rna_path= BLI_strdupn(rna_path, strlen(rna_path));
00181         fcu->array_index= array_index;
00183         /* if a group name has been provided, try to add or find a group, then add F-Curve to it */
00184         if (group) {
00185             /* try to find group */
00186             grp= action_groups_find_named(act, group);
00188             /* no matching groups, so add one */
00189             if (grp == NULL)
00190                 grp= action_groups_add_new(act, group);
00192             /* add F-Curve to group */
00193             action_groups_add_channel(act, grp, fcu);
00194         }
00195         else {
00196             /* just add F-Curve to end of Action's list */
00197             BLI_addtail(&act->curves, fcu);
00198         }
00199     }
00201     /* return the F-Curve */
00202     return fcu;
00203 }
00205 /* ************************************************** */
00208 /* -------------- BezTriple Insertion -------------------- */
00210 /* This function adds a given BezTriple to an F-Curve. It will allocate 
00211  * memory for the array if needed, and will insert the BezTriple into a
00212  * suitable place in chronological order.
00213  * 
00214  * NOTE: any recalculate of the F-Curve that needs to be done will need to 
00215  *      be done by the caller.
00216  */
00217 int insert_bezt_fcurve (FCurve *fcu, BezTriple *bezt, short flag)
00218 {
00219     int i= 0;
00221     /* are there already keyframes? */
00222     if (fcu->bezt) {
00223         short replace = -1;
00224         i = binarysearch_bezt_index(fcu->bezt, bezt->vec[1][0], fcu->totvert, &replace);
00226         /* replace an existing keyframe? */
00227         if (replace) {          
00228             /* sanity check: 'i' may in rare cases exceed arraylen */
00229             if ((i >= 0) && (i < fcu->totvert)) {
00230                 /* just change the values when replacing, so as to not overwrite handles */
00231                 BezTriple *dst= (fcu->bezt + i);
00232                 float dy= bezt->vec[1][1] - dst->vec[1][1];
00234                 /* just apply delta value change to the handle values */
00235                 dst->vec[0][1] += dy;
00236                 dst->vec[1][1] += dy;
00237                 dst->vec[2][1] += dy;
00239                 dst->f1= bezt->f1;
00240                 dst->f2= bezt->f2;
00241                 dst->f3= bezt->f3;
00243                 // TODO: perform some other operations?
00244             }
00245         }
00246         /* keyframing modes allow to not replace keyframe */
00247         else if ((flag & INSERTKEY_REPLACE) == 0) {
00248             /* insert new - if we're not restricted to replacing keyframes only */
00249             BezTriple *newb= MEM_callocN((fcu->totvert+1)*sizeof(BezTriple), "beztriple");
00251             /* add the beztriples that should occur before the beztriple to be pasted (originally in fcu) */
00252             if (i > 0)
00253                 memcpy(newb, fcu->bezt, i*sizeof(BezTriple));
00255             /* add beztriple to paste at index i */
00256             *(newb + i)= *bezt;
00258             /* add the beztriples that occur after the beztriple to be pasted (originally in fcu) */
00259             if (i < fcu->totvert) 
00260                 memcpy(newb+i+1, fcu->bezt+i, (fcu->totvert-i)*sizeof(BezTriple));
00262             /* replace (+ free) old with new, only if necessary to do so */
00263             MEM_freeN(fcu->bezt);
00264             fcu->bezt= newb;
00266             fcu->totvert++;
00267         }
00268     }
00269     /* no keyframes already, but can only add if...
00270      *  1) keyframing modes say that keyframes can only be replaced, so adding new ones won't know
00271      *  2) there are no samples on the curve
00272      *      // NOTE: maybe we may want to allow this later when doing samples -> bezt conversions, 
00273      *      // but for now, having both is asking for trouble
00274      */
00275     else if ((flag & INSERTKEY_REPLACE)==0 && (fcu->fpt==NULL)) {
00276         /* create new keyframes array */
00277         fcu->bezt= MEM_callocN(sizeof(BezTriple), "beztriple");
00278         *(fcu->bezt)= *bezt;
00279         fcu->totvert= 1;
00280     }
00281     /* cannot add anything */
00282     else {
00283         /* return error code -1 to prevent any misunderstandings */
00284         return -1;
00285     }
00288     /* we need to return the index, so that some tools which do post-processing can 
00289      * detect where we added the BezTriple in the array
00290      */
00291     return i;
00292 }
00294 /* This function is a wrapper for insert_bezt_fcurve_internal(), and should be used when
00295  * adding a new keyframe to a curve, when the keyframe doesn't exist anywhere else yet. 
00296  * It returns the index at which the keyframe was added.
00297  */
00298 int insert_vert_fcurve (FCurve *fcu, float x, float y, short flag)
00299 {
00300     BezTriple beztr= {{{0}}};
00301     unsigned int oldTot = fcu->totvert;
00302     int a;
00304     /* set all three points, for nicer start position 
00305      * NOTE: +/- 1 on vec.x for left and right handles is so that 'free' handles work ok...
00306      */
00307     beztr.vec[0][0]= x-1.0f; 
00308     beztr.vec[0][1]= y;
00309     beztr.vec[1][0]= x;
00310     beztr.vec[1][1]= y;
00311     beztr.vec[2][0]= x+1.0f;
00312     beztr.vec[2][1]= y;
00313     beztr.f1= beztr.f2= beztr.f3= SELECT;
00314     beztr.h1= beztr.h2= U.keyhandles_new; /* use default handle type here */
00315     //BEZKEYTYPE(&beztr)= scene->keytype; /* default keyframe type */
00317     /* use default interpolation mode, with exceptions for int/discrete values */
00318     beztr.ipo= U.ipo_new;
00320     if(fcu->flag & FCURVE_DISCRETE_VALUES)
00321         beztr.ipo = BEZT_IPO_CONST;
00322     else if(beztr.ipo == BEZT_IPO_BEZ && (fcu->flag & FCURVE_INT_VALUES))
00323         beztr.ipo = BEZT_IPO_LIN;
00325     /* add temp beztriple to keyframes */
00326     a= insert_bezt_fcurve(fcu, &beztr, flag);
00328     /* what if 'a' is a negative index? 
00329      * for now, just exit to prevent any segfaults
00330      */
00331     if (a < 0) return -1;
00333     /* don't recalculate handles if fast is set
00334      *  - this is a hack to make importers faster
00335      *  - we may calculate twice (due to autohandle needing to be calculated twice)
00336      */
00337     if ((flag & INSERTKEY_FAST) == 0) 
00338         calchandles_fcurve(fcu);
00340     /* set handletype and interpolation */
00341     if ((fcu->totvert > 2) && (flag & INSERTKEY_REPLACE)==0) {
00342         BezTriple *bezt= (fcu->bezt + a);
00344         /* set interpolation from previous (if available), but only if we didn't just replace some keyframe 
00345          *  - replacement is indicated by no-change in number of verts
00346          *  - when replacing, the user may have specified some interpolation that should be kept
00347          */
00348         if (fcu->totvert > oldTot) {
00349             if (a > 0) 
00350                 bezt->ipo= (bezt-1)->ipo;
00351             else if (a < fcu->totvert-1) 
00352                 bezt->ipo= (bezt+1)->ipo;
00353         }
00355         /* don't recalculate handles if fast is set
00356          *  - this is a hack to make importers faster
00357          *  - we may calculate twice (due to autohandle needing to be calculated twice)
00358          */
00359         if ((flag & INSERTKEY_FAST) == 0) 
00360             calchandles_fcurve(fcu);
00361     }
00363     /* return the index at which the keyframe was added */
00364     return a;
00365 }
00367 /* -------------- 'Smarter' Keyframing Functions -------------------- */
00368 /* return codes for new_key_needed */
00369 enum {
00370     KEYNEEDED_DONTADD = 0,
00374 } /*eKeyNeededStatus*/;
00376 /* This helper function determines whether a new keyframe is needed */
00377 /* Cases where keyframes should not be added:
00378  *  1. Keyframe to be added bewteen two keyframes with similar values
00379  *  2. Keyframe to be added on frame where two keyframes are already situated
00380  *  3. Keyframe lies at point that intersects the linear line between two keyframes
00381  */
00382 static short new_key_needed (FCurve *fcu, float cFrame, float nValue) 
00383 {
00384     BezTriple *bezt=NULL, *prev=NULL;
00385     int totCount, i;
00386     float valA = 0.0f, valB = 0.0f;
00388     /* safety checking */
00389     if (fcu == NULL) return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD;
00390     totCount= fcu->totvert;
00391     if (totCount == 0) return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD;
00393     /* loop through checking if any are the same */
00394     bezt= fcu->bezt;
00395     for (i=0; i<totCount; i++) {
00396         float prevPosi=0.0f, prevVal=0.0f;
00397         float beztPosi=0.0f, beztVal=0.0f;
00399         /* get current time+value */    
00400         beztPosi= bezt->vec[1][0];
00401         beztVal= bezt->vec[1][1];
00403         if (prev) {
00404             /* there is a keyframe before the one currently being examined */       
00406             /* get previous time+value */
00407             prevPosi= prev->vec[1][0];
00408             prevVal= prev->vec[1][1];
00410             /* keyframe to be added at point where there are already two similar points? */
00411             if (IS_EQF(prevPosi, cFrame) && IS_EQF(beztPosi, cFrame) && IS_EQF(beztPosi, prevPosi)) {
00412                 return KEYNEEDED_DONTADD;
00413             }
00415             /* keyframe between prev+current points ? */
00416             if ((prevPosi <= cFrame) && (cFrame <= beztPosi)) {
00417                 /* is the value of keyframe to be added the same as keyframes on either side ? */
00418                 if (IS_EQF(prevVal, nValue) && IS_EQF(beztVal, nValue) && IS_EQF(prevVal, beztVal)) {
00419                     return KEYNEEDED_DONTADD;
00420                 }
00421                 else {
00422                     float realVal;
00424                     /* get real value of curve at that point */
00425                     realVal= evaluate_fcurve(fcu, cFrame);
00427                     /* compare whether it's the same as proposed */
00428                     if (IS_EQF(realVal, nValue))
00429                         return KEYNEEDED_DONTADD;
00430                     else 
00431                         return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD;
00432                 }
00433             }
00435             /* new keyframe before prev beztriple? */
00436             if (cFrame < prevPosi) {
00437                 /* A new keyframe will be added. However, whether the previous beztriple
00438                  * stays around or not depends on whether the values of previous/current
00439                  * beztriples and new keyframe are the same.
00440                  */
00441                 if (IS_EQF(prevVal, nValue) && IS_EQF(beztVal, nValue) && IS_EQF(prevVal, beztVal))
00442                     return KEYNEEDED_DELNEXT;
00443                 else 
00444                     return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD;
00445             }
00446         }
00447         else {
00448             /* just add a keyframe if there's only one keyframe 
00449              * and the new one occurs before the exisiting one does.
00450              */
00451             if ((cFrame < beztPosi) && (totCount==1))
00452                 return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD;
00453         }
00455         /* continue. frame to do not yet passed (or other conditions not met) */
00456         if (i < (totCount-1)) {
00457             prev= bezt;
00458             bezt++;
00459         }
00460         else
00461             break;
00462     }
00464     /* Frame in which to add a new-keyframe occurs after all other keys
00465      * -> If there are at least two existing keyframes, then if the values of the
00466      *   last two keyframes and the new-keyframe match, the last existing keyframe
00467      *   gets deleted as it is no longer required.
00468      * -> Otherwise, a keyframe is just added. 1.0 is added so that fake-2nd-to-last
00469      *   keyframe is not equal to last keyframe.
00470      */
00471     bezt= (fcu->bezt + (fcu->totvert - 1));
00472     valA= bezt->vec[1][1];
00474     if (prev)
00475         valB= prev->vec[1][1];
00476     else 
00477         valB= bezt->vec[1][1] + 1.0f; 
00479     if (IS_EQF(valA, nValue) && IS_EQF(valA, valB))
00480         return KEYNEEDED_DELPREV;
00481     else 
00482         return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD;
00483 }
00485 /* ------------------ RNA Data-Access Functions ------------------ */
00487 /* Try to read value using RNA-properties obtained already */
00488 static float setting_get_rna_value (PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, int index)
00489 {
00490     float value= 0.0f;
00492     switch (RNA_property_type(prop)) {
00493         case PROP_BOOLEAN:
00494             if (RNA_property_array_length(ptr, prop))
00495                 value= (float)RNA_property_boolean_get_index(ptr, prop, index);
00496             else
00497                 value= (float)RNA_property_boolean_get(ptr, prop);
00498             break;
00499         case PROP_INT:
00500             if (RNA_property_array_length(ptr, prop))
00501                 value= (float)RNA_property_int_get_index(ptr, prop, index);
00502             else
00503                 value= (float)RNA_property_int_get(ptr, prop);
00504             break;
00505         case PROP_FLOAT:
00506             if (RNA_property_array_length(ptr, prop))
00507                 value= RNA_property_float_get_index(ptr, prop, index);
00508             else
00509                 value= RNA_property_float_get(ptr, prop);
00510             break;
00511         case PROP_ENUM:
00512             value= (float)RNA_property_enum_get(ptr, prop);
00513             break;
00514         default:
00515             break;
00516     }
00518     return value;
00519 }
00521 /* ------------------ 'Visual' Keyframing Functions ------------------ */
00523 /* internal status codes for visualkey_can_use */
00524 enum {
00525     VISUALKEY_NONE = 0,
00526     VISUALKEY_LOC,
00528     /* VISUALKEY_SCA */ /* TODO - looks like support can be added now */
00529 };
00531 /* This helper function determines if visual-keyframing should be used when  
00532  * inserting keyframes for the given channel. As visual-keyframing only works
00533  * on Object and Pose-Channel blocks, this should only get called for those 
00534  * blocktypes, when using "standard" keying but 'Visual Keying' option in Auto-Keying 
00535  * settings is on.
00536  */
00537 static short visualkey_can_use (PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop)
00538 {
00539     bConstraint *con= NULL;
00540     short searchtype= VISUALKEY_NONE;
00541     short has_parent = FALSE;
00542     const char *identifier= NULL;
00544     /* validate data */
00545     // TODO: this check is probably not needed, but it won't hurt
00546     if (ELEM3(NULL, ptr, ptr->data, prop))
00547         return 0;
00549     /* get first constraint and determine type of keyframe constraints to check for 
00550      *  - constraints can be on either Objects or PoseChannels, so we only check if the
00551      *    ptr->type is RNA_Object or RNA_PoseBone, which are the RNA wrapping-info for
00552      *    those structs, allowing us to identify the owner of the data
00553      */
00554     if (ptr->type == &RNA_Object) {
00555         /* Object */
00556         Object *ob= (Object *)ptr->data;
00558         con= ob->constraints.first;
00559         identifier= RNA_property_identifier(prop);
00560         has_parent= (ob->parent != NULL);
00561     }
00562     else if (ptr->type == &RNA_PoseBone) {
00563         /* Pose Channel */
00564         bPoseChannel *pchan= (bPoseChannel *)ptr->data;
00566         con= pchan->constraints.first;
00567         identifier= RNA_property_identifier(prop);
00568         has_parent= (pchan->parent != NULL);
00569     }
00571     /* check if any data to search using */
00572     if (ELEM(NULL, con, identifier) && (has_parent == FALSE))
00573         return 0;
00575     /* location or rotation identifiers only... */
00576     if(identifier == NULL) {
00577         printf("%s failed: NULL identifier\n", __func__);
00578         return 0;
00579     }
00580     else if (strstr(identifier, "location")) {
00581         searchtype= VISUALKEY_LOC;
00582     }
00583     else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation")) {
00584         searchtype= VISUALKEY_ROT;
00585     }
00586     else {
00587         printf("%s failed: identifier - '%s' \n", __func__, identifier);
00588         return 0;
00589     }
00592     /* only search if a searchtype and initial constraint are available */
00593     if (searchtype) {
00594         /* parent is always matching */
00595         if (has_parent)
00596             return 1;
00598         /* constraints */
00599         for (; con; con= con->next) {
00600             /* only consider constraint if it is not disabled, and has influence */
00601             if (con->flag & CONSTRAINT_DISABLE) continue;
00602             if (con->enforce == 0.0f) continue;
00604             /* some constraints may alter these transforms */
00605             switch (con->type) {
00606                 /* multi-transform constraints */
00607                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_CHILDOF:
00608                     return 1;
00609                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRANSFORM:
00610                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRANSLIKE:
00611                     return 1;
00612                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_FOLLOWPATH:
00613                     return 1;
00614                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC:
00615                     return 1;
00617                 /* single-transform constraits  */
00618                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRACKTO:
00619                     if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_ROT) return 1;
00620                     break;
00621                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ROTLIMIT:
00622                     if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_ROT) return 1;
00623                     break;
00624                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCLIMIT:
00625                     if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_LOC) return 1;
00626                     break;
00627                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ROTLIKE:
00628                     if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_ROT) return 1;
00629                     break;
00630                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_DISTLIMIT:
00631                     if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_LOC) return 1;
00632                     break;
00633                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCLIKE:
00634                     if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_LOC) return 1;
00635                     break;
00636                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCKTRACK:
00637                     if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_ROT) return 1;
00638                     break;
00639                 case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MINMAX:
00640                     if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_LOC) return 1;
00641                     break;
00643                 default:
00644                     break;
00645             }
00646         }
00647     }
00649     /* when some condition is met, this function returns, so here it can be 0 */
00650     return 0;
00651 }
00653 /* This helper function extracts the value to use for visual-keyframing 
00654  * In the event that it is not possible to perform visual keying, try to fall-back
00655  * to using the default method. Assumes that all data it has been passed is valid.
00656  */
00657 static float visualkey_get_value (PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, int array_index)
00658 {
00659     const char *identifier= RNA_property_identifier(prop);
00661     /* handle for Objects or PoseChannels only 
00662      *  - constraints can be on either Objects or PoseChannels, so we only check if the
00663      *    ptr->type is RNA_Object or RNA_PoseBone, which are the RNA wrapping-info for
00664      *        those structs, allowing us to identify the owner of the data 
00665      *  - assume that array_index will be sane
00666      */
00667     if (ptr->type == &RNA_Object) {
00668         Object *ob= (Object *)ptr->data;
00670         /* only Location or Rotation keyframes are supported now */
00671         if (strstr(identifier, "location")) {
00672             return ob->obmat[3][array_index];
00673         }
00674         else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation_euler")) {
00675             float eul[3];
00677             mat4_to_eulO(eul, ob->rotmode, ob->obmat);
00678             return eul[array_index];
00679         }
00680         else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation_quaternion")) {
00681             float trimat[3][3], quat[4];
00683             copy_m3_m4(trimat, ob->obmat);
00684             mat3_to_quat_is_ok(quat, trimat);
00686             return quat[array_index];
00687         }
00688         else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation_axis_angle")) {
00689             float axis[3], angle;
00691             mat4_to_axis_angle(axis, &angle, ob->obmat);
00693             /* w = 0, x,y,z = 1,2,3 */
00694             if (array_index == 0)
00695                 return angle;
00696             else
00697                 return axis[array_index - 1];
00698         }
00699     }
00700     else if (ptr->type == &RNA_PoseBone) {
00701         Object *ob = (Object *)ptr->; /* we assume that this is always set, and is an object */
00702         bPoseChannel *pchan= (bPoseChannel *)ptr->data;
00703         float tmat[4][4];
00705         /* Although it is not strictly required for this particular space conversion, 
00706          * arg1 must not be null, as there is a null check for the other conversions to
00707          * be safe. Therefore, the active object is passed here, and in many cases, this
00708          * will be what owns the pose-channel that is getting this anyway.
00709          */
00710         copy_m4_m4(tmat, pchan->pose_mat);
00711         constraint_mat_convertspace(ob, pchan, tmat, CONSTRAINT_SPACE_POSE, CONSTRAINT_SPACE_LOCAL);
00713         /* Loc, Rot/Quat keyframes are supported... */
00714         if (strstr(identifier, "location")) {
00715             /* only use for non-connected bones */
00716             if ((pchan->bone->parent) && !(pchan->bone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED))
00717                 return tmat[3][array_index];
00718             else if (pchan->bone->parent == NULL)
00719                 return tmat[3][array_index];
00720         }
00721         else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation_euler")) {
00722             float eul[3];
00724             mat4_to_eulO(eul, pchan->rotmode, tmat);
00725             return eul[array_index];
00726         }
00727         else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation_quaternion")) {
00728             float trimat[3][3], quat[4];
00730             copy_m3_m4(trimat, tmat);
00731             mat3_to_quat_is_ok(quat, trimat);
00733             return quat[array_index];
00734         }
00735         else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation_axis_angle")) {
00736             float axis[3], angle;
00738             mat4_to_axis_angle(axis, &angle, tmat);
00740             /* w = 0, x,y,z = 1,2,3 */
00741             if (array_index == 0)
00742                 return angle;
00743             else
00744                 return axis[array_index - 1];
00745         }
00746     }
00748     /* as the function hasn't returned yet, read value from system in the default way */
00749     return setting_get_rna_value(ptr, prop, array_index);
00750 }
00752 /* ------------------------- Insert Key API ------------------------- */
00754 /* Secondary Keyframing API call: 
00755  *  Use this when validation of necessary animation data is not necessary, since an RNA-pointer to the necessary
00756  *  data being keyframed, and a pointer to the F-Curve to use have both been provided.
00757  *
00758  *  The flag argument is used for special settings that alter the behaviour of
00759  *  the keyframe insertion. These include the 'visual' keyframing modes, quick refresh,
00760  *  and extra keyframe filtering.
00761  */
00762 short insert_keyframe_direct (ReportList *reports, PointerRNA ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, FCurve *fcu, float cfra, short flag)
00763 {
00764     float curval= 0.0f;
00766     /* no F-Curve to add keyframe to? */
00767     if (fcu == NULL) {
00768         BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No F-Curve to add keyframes to");
00769         return 0;
00770     }
00771     /* F-Curve not editable? */
00772     if (fcurve_is_keyframable(fcu) == 0) {
00773         BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, 
00774             "F-Curve with path = '%s' [%d] cannot be keyframed. Ensure that it is not locked or sampled. Also, try removing F-Modifiers",
00775             fcu->rna_path, fcu->array_index);
00776         return 0;
00777     }
00779     /* if no property given yet, try to validate from F-Curve info */
00780     if (( == NULL) && ( {
00781         BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No RNA-pointer available to retrieve values for keyframing from");
00782         return 0;
00783     }
00784     if (prop == NULL) {
00785         PointerRNA tmp_ptr;
00787         /* try to get property we should be affecting */
00788         if ((RNA_path_resolve(&ptr, fcu->rna_path, &tmp_ptr, &prop) == 0) || (prop == NULL)) {
00789             /* property not found... */
00790             const char *idname= ( ? ((ID *)>name : "<No ID-Pointer>";
00792             BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR,
00793                 "Could not insert keyframe, as RNA Path is invalid for the given ID (ID = %s, Path = %s)", 
00794                 idname, fcu->rna_path);
00795             return 0;
00796         }
00797         else {
00798             /* property found, so overwrite 'ptr' to make later code easier */
00799             ptr= tmp_ptr;
00800         }
00801     }
00803     /* set additional flags for the F-Curve (i.e. only integer values) */
00805     switch (RNA_property_type(prop)) {
00806         case PROP_FLOAT:
00807             /* do nothing */
00808             break;
00809         case PROP_INT:
00810             /* do integer (only 'whole' numbers) interpolation between all points */
00811             fcu->flag |= FCURVE_INT_VALUES;
00812             break;
00813         default:
00814             /* do 'discrete' (i.e. enum, boolean values which cannot take any intermediate
00815              * values at all) interpolation between all points
00816              *  - however, we must also ensure that evaluated values are only integers still
00817              */
00818             fcu->flag |= (FCURVE_DISCRETE_VALUES|FCURVE_INT_VALUES);
00819             break;
00820     }
00822     /* obtain value to give keyframe */
00823     if ( (flag & INSERTKEY_MATRIX) && 
00824          (visualkey_can_use(&ptr, prop)) ) 
00825     {
00826         /* visual-keying is only available for object and pchan datablocks, as 
00827          * it works by keyframing using a value extracted from the final matrix 
00828          * instead of using the kt system to extract a value.
00829          */
00830         curval= visualkey_get_value(&ptr, prop, fcu->array_index);
00831     }
00832     else {
00833         /* read value from system */
00834         curval= setting_get_rna_value(&ptr, prop, fcu->array_index);
00835     }
00837     /* only insert keyframes where they are needed */
00838     if (flag & INSERTKEY_NEEDED) {
00839         short insert_mode;
00841         /* check whether this curve really needs a new keyframe */
00842         insert_mode= new_key_needed(fcu, cfra, curval);
00844         /* insert new keyframe at current frame */
00845         if (insert_mode)
00846             insert_vert_fcurve(fcu, cfra, curval, flag);
00848         /* delete keyframe immediately before/after newly added */
00849         switch (insert_mode) {
00850             case KEYNEEDED_DELPREV:
00851                 delete_fcurve_key(fcu, fcu->totvert-2, 1);
00852                 break;
00853             case KEYNEEDED_DELNEXT:
00854                 delete_fcurve_key(fcu, 1, 1);
00855                 break;
00856         }
00858         /* only return success if keyframe added */
00859         if (insert_mode)
00860             return 1;
00861     }
00862     else {
00863         /* just insert keyframe */
00864         insert_vert_fcurve(fcu, cfra, curval, flag);
00866         /* return success */
00867         return 1;
00868     }
00870     /* failed */
00871     return 0;
00872 }
00874 /* Main Keyframing API call:
00875  *  Use this when validation of necessary animation data is necessary, since it may not exist yet.
00876  *  
00877  *  The flag argument is used for special settings that alter the behaviour of
00878  *  the keyframe insertion. These include the 'visual' keyframing modes, quick refresh,
00879  *  and extra keyframe filtering.
00880  *
00881  *  index of -1 keys all array indices
00882  */
00883 short insert_keyframe (ReportList *reports, ID *id, bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag)
00884 {   
00885     PointerRNA id_ptr, ptr;
00886     PropertyRNA *prop = NULL;
00887     FCurve *fcu;
00888     int array_index_max= array_index+1;
00889     int ret= 0;
00891     /* validate pointer first - exit if failure */
00892     if (id == NULL) {
00893         BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No ID-block to insert keyframe in (Path = %s)", rna_path);
00894         return 0;
00895     }
00897     RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &id_ptr);
00898     if ((RNA_path_resolve(&id_ptr, rna_path, &ptr, &prop) == 0) || (prop == NULL)) {
00899         BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR,
00900             "Could not insert keyframe, as RNA Path is invalid for the given ID (ID = %s, Path = %s)", 
00901             (id)? id->name : "<Missing ID-Block>", rna_path);
00902         return 0;
00903     }
00905     /* if no action is provided, keyframe to the default one attached to this ID-block */
00906     if (act == NULL) {
00907         AnimData *adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(id);
00909         /* get action to add F-Curve+keyframe to */
00910         act= verify_adt_action(id, 1);
00912         if (act == NULL) {
00913             BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, 
00914                 "Could not insert keyframe, as this type does not support animation data (ID = %s, Path = %s)", 
00915                 id->name, rna_path);
00916             return 0;
00917         }
00919         /* apply NLA-mapping to frame to use (if applicable) */
00920         cfra= BKE_nla_tweakedit_remap(adt, cfra, NLATIME_CONVERT_UNMAP);
00921     }
00923     /* key entire array convenience method */
00924     if (array_index == -1) { 
00925         array_index= 0;
00926         array_index_max= RNA_property_array_length(&ptr, prop);
00928         /* for single properties, increase max_index so that the property itself gets included,
00929          * but don't do this for standard arrays since that can cause corruption issues 
00930          * (extra unused curves)
00931          */
00932         if (array_index_max == array_index)
00933             array_index_max++;
00934     }
00936     /* will only loop once unless the array index was -1 */
00937     for (; array_index < array_index_max; array_index++) {
00938         /* make sure the F-Curve exists 
00939          *  - if we're replacing keyframes only, DO NOT create new F-Curves if they do not exist yet
00940          *    but still try to get the F-Curve if it exists...
00941          */
00942         fcu= verify_fcurve(act, group, rna_path, array_index, (flag & INSERTKEY_REPLACE)==0);
00944         /* we may not have a F-Curve when we're replacing only... */
00945         if (fcu) {
00946             /* set color mode if the F-Curve is new (i.e. without any keyframes) */
00947             if ((fcu->totvert == 0) && (flag & INSERTKEY_XYZ2RGB)) {
00948                 /* for Loc/Rot/Scale and also Color F-Curves, the color of the F-Curve in the Graph Editor,
00949                  * is determined by the array index for the F-Curve
00950                  */
00951                 if (ELEM5(RNA_property_subtype(prop), PROP_TRANSLATION, PROP_XYZ, PROP_EULER, PROP_COLOR, PROP_COORDS)) {
00952                     fcu->color_mode= FCURVE_COLOR_AUTO_RGB;
00953                 }
00954             }
00956             /* insert keyframe */
00957             ret += insert_keyframe_direct(reports, ptr, prop, fcu, cfra, flag);
00958         }
00959     }
00961     return ret;
00962 }
00964 /* ************************************************** */
00967 /* Main Keyframing API call:
00968  *  Use this when validation of necessary animation data isn't necessary as it
00969  *  already exists. It will delete a keyframe at the current frame.
00970  *  
00971  *  The flag argument is used for special settings that alter the behaviour of
00972  *  the keyframe deletion. These include the quick refresh options.
00973  */
00974 short delete_keyframe (ReportList *reports, ID *id, bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short UNUSED(flag))
00975 {
00976     AnimData *adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(id);
00977     PointerRNA id_ptr, ptr;
00978     PropertyRNA *prop;
00979     int array_index_max= array_index+1;
00980     int ret= 0;
00982     /* sanity checks */
00983     if ELEM(NULL, id, adt) {
00984         BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No ID-Block and/Or AnimData to delete keyframe from");
00985         return 0;
00986     }
00988     /* validate pointer first - exit if failure */
00989     RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &id_ptr);
00990     if ((RNA_path_resolve(&id_ptr, rna_path, &ptr, &prop) == 0) || (prop == NULL)) {
00991         BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Could not delete keyframe, as RNA Path is invalid for the given ID (ID = %s, Path = %s)", id->name, rna_path);
00992         return 0;
00993     }
00995     /* get F-Curve
00996      * Note: here is one of the places where we don't want new Action + F-Curve added!
00997      *      so 'add' var must be 0
00998      */
00999     if (act == NULL) {
01000         /* if no action is provided, use the default one attached to this ID-block 
01001          *  - if it doesn't exist, then we're out of options...
01002          */
01003         if (adt->action) {
01004             act= adt->action;
01006             /* apply NLA-mapping to frame to use (if applicable) */
01007             cfra= BKE_nla_tweakedit_remap(adt, cfra, NLATIME_CONVERT_UNMAP); 
01008         }
01009         else {
01010             BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No Action to delete keyframes from for ID = %s \n", id->name);
01011             return 0;
01012         }
01013     }
01015     /* key entire array convenience method */
01016     if (array_index == -1) { 
01017         array_index= 0;
01018         array_index_max= RNA_property_array_length(&ptr, prop);
01020         /* for single properties, increase max_index so that the property itself gets included,
01021          * but don't do this for standard arrays since that can cause corruption issues 
01022          * (extra unused curves)
01023          */
01024         if (array_index_max == array_index)
01025             array_index_max++;
01026     }
01028     /* will only loop once unless the array index was -1 */
01029     for (; array_index < array_index_max; array_index++) {
01030         FCurve *fcu= verify_fcurve(act, group, rna_path, array_index, 0);
01031         short found = -1;
01032         int i;
01034         /* check if F-Curve exists and/or whether it can be edited */
01035         if (fcu == NULL)
01036             continue;
01038         if ( (fcu->flag & FCURVE_PROTECTED) || ((fcu->grp) && (fcu->grp->flag & AGRP_PROTECTED)) ) {
01039             if (G.f & G_DEBUG)
01040                 printf("WARNING: not deleting keyframe for locked F-Curve \n");
01041             continue;
01042         }
01044         /* try to find index of beztriple to get rid of */
01045         i = binarysearch_bezt_index(fcu->bezt, cfra, fcu->totvert, &found);
01046         if (found) {            
01047             /* delete the key at the index (will sanity check + do recalc afterwards) */
01048             delete_fcurve_key(fcu, i, 1);
01050             /* Only delete curve too if it won't be doing anything anymore */
01051             if ((fcu->totvert == 0) && (list_has_suitable_fmodifier(&fcu->modifiers, 0, FMI_TYPE_GENERATE_CURVE) == 0))
01052                 ANIM_fcurve_delete_from_animdata(NULL, adt, fcu);
01054             /* return success */
01055             ret++;
01056         }
01057     }
01059     /* return success/failure */
01060     return ret;
01061 }
01063 /* ******************************************* */
01066 /* mode for commonkey_modifykey */
01067 enum {
01070 } /*eCommonModifyKey_Modes*/;
01072 /* Polling callback for use with ANIM_*_keyframe() operators
01073  * This is based on the standard ED_operator_areaactive callback,
01074  * except that it does special checks for a few spacetypes too...
01075  */
01076 static int modify_key_op_poll(bContext *C)
01077 {
01078     ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C);
01079     Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
01080     SpaceOops *so= CTX_wm_space_outliner(C);
01082     /* if no area or active scene */
01083     if (ELEM(NULL, sa, scene)) 
01084         return 0;
01086     /* if Outliner, don't allow in some views */
01087     if (so) {
01089             return 0;
01090         if (ELEM3(so->outlinevis, SO_SEQUENCE, SO_USERDEF, SO_KEYMAP))
01091             return 0;
01092     }
01094     /* TODO: checks for other space types can be added here */
01096     /* should be fine */
01097     return 1;
01098 }
01100 /* Insert Key Operator ------------------------ */
01102 static int insert_key_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
01103 {
01104     Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C);
01105     Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
01106     KeyingSet *ks= NULL;
01107     int type= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
01108     float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap
01109     short success;
01111     /* type is the Keying Set the user specified to use when calling the operator:
01112      *  - type == 0: use scene's active Keying Set
01113      *  - type > 0: use a user-defined Keying Set from the active scene
01114      *  - type < 0: use a builtin Keying Set
01115      */
01116     if (type == 0) 
01117         type= scene->active_keyingset;
01118     if (type > 0)
01119         ks= BLI_findlink(&scene->keyingsets, scene->active_keyingset-1);
01120     else
01121         ks= BLI_findlink(&builtin_keyingsets, -type-1);
01123     /* report failures */
01124     if (ks == NULL) {
01125         BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No active Keying Set");
01126         return OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
01127     }
01129     /* try to insert keyframes for the channels specified by KeyingSet */
01130     success= ANIM_apply_keyingset(C, NULL, NULL, ks, MODIFYKEY_MODE_INSERT, cfra);
01131     if (G.f & G_DEBUG)
01132         BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_INFO, "KeyingSet '%s' - Successfully added %d Keyframes \n", ks->name, success);
01134     /* report failure or do updates? */
01135     if (success == MODIFYKEY_INVALID_CONTEXT) {
01136         BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No suitable context info for active Keying Set");
01137         return OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
01138     }
01139     else if (success) {
01140         /* if the appropriate properties have been set, make a note that we've inserted something */
01141         if (RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "confirm_success"))
01142             BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_INFO, "Successfully added %d Keyframes for KeyingSet '%s'", success, ks->name);
01144         /* send notifiers that keyframes have been changed */
01145         WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_KEYFRAME|NA_EDITED, NULL);
01146     }
01147     else
01148         BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Keying Set failed to insert any keyframes");
01150     /* send updates */
01151     DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0);
01153     return OPERATOR_FINISHED;
01154 }
01156 void ANIM_OT_keyframe_insert (wmOperatorType *ot)
01157 {
01158     PropertyRNA *prop;
01160     /* identifiers */
01161     ot->name= "Insert Keyframe";
01162     ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_keyframe_insert";
01163     ot->description= "Insert keyframes on the current frame for all properties in the specified Keying Set";
01165     /* callbacks */
01166     ot->exec= insert_key_exec; 
01167     ot->poll= modify_key_op_poll;
01169     /* flags */
01170     ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO;
01172     /* keyingset to use (dynamic enum) */
01173     prop= RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", DummyRNA_DEFAULT_items, 0, "Keying Set", "The Keying Set to use");
01174     RNA_def_enum_funcs(prop, ANIM_keying_sets_enum_itemf);
01175     RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
01176     ot->prop= prop;
01178     /* confirm whether a keyframe was added by showing a popup 
01179      *  - by default, this is enabled, since this operator is assumed to be called independently
01180      */
01181     prop= RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "confirm_success", 1, "Confirm Successful Insert", "Show a popup when the keyframes get successfully added");
01182     RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
01183 }
01185 /* Insert Key Operator (With Menu) ------------------------ */
01186 /* This operator checks if a menu should be shown for choosing the KeyingSet to use, 
01187  * then calls the menu if necessary before 
01188  */
01190 static int insert_key_menu_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *UNUSED(event))
01191 {
01192     Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
01194     /* if prompting or no active Keying Set, show the menu */
01195     if ((scene->active_keyingset == 0) || RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "always_prompt")) {
01196         /* call the menu, which will call this operator again, hence the cancelled */
01197         ANIM_keying_sets_menu_setup(C, op->type->name, "ANIM_OT_keyframe_insert_menu");
01198         return OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
01199     }
01200     else {
01201         /* just call the exec() on the active keyingset */
01202         RNA_enum_set(op->ptr, "type", 0);
01203         RNA_boolean_set(op->ptr, "confirm_success", TRUE);
01205         return op->type->exec(C, op);
01206     }
01207 }
01209 void ANIM_OT_keyframe_insert_menu (wmOperatorType *ot)
01210 {
01211     PropertyRNA *prop;
01213     /* identifiers */
01214     ot->name= "Insert Keyframe Menu";
01215     ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_keyframe_insert_menu";
01216     ot->description= "Insert Keyframes for specified Keying Set, with menu of available Keying Sets if undefined";
01218     /* callbacks */
01219     ot->invoke= insert_key_menu_invoke;
01220     ot->exec= insert_key_exec; 
01221     ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive;
01223     /* flags */
01224     ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO;
01226     /* keyingset to use (dynamic enum) */
01227     prop= RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", DummyRNA_DEFAULT_items, 0, "Keying Set", "The Keying Set to use");
01228     RNA_def_enum_funcs(prop, ANIM_keying_sets_enum_itemf);
01229     RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
01230     ot->prop= prop;
01232     /* confirm whether a keyframe was added by showing a popup 
01233      *  - by default, this is disabled so that if a menu is shown, this doesn't come up too
01234      */
01235     // XXX should this just be always on?
01236     prop= RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "confirm_success", 0, "Confirm Successful Insert", "Show a popup when the keyframes get successfully added");
01237     RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
01239     /* whether the menu should always be shown 
01240      *  - by default, the menu should only be shown when there is no active Keying Set (2.5 behaviour),
01241      *    although in some cases it might be useful to always shown (pre 2.5 behaviour)
01242      */
01243     prop= RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "always_prompt", 0, "Always Show Menu", "");
01244     RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
01245 }
01247 /* Delete Key Operator ------------------------ */
01249 static int delete_key_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
01250 {
01251     Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C);
01252     Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
01253     KeyingSet *ks= NULL;    
01254     int type= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
01255     float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap
01256     short success;
01258     /* type is the Keying Set the user specified to use when calling the operator:
01259      *  - type == 0: use scene's active Keying Set
01260      *  - type > 0: use a user-defined Keying Set from the active scene
01261      *  - type < 0: use a builtin Keying Set
01262      */
01263     if (type == 0) 
01264         type= scene->active_keyingset;
01265     if (type > 0)
01266         ks= BLI_findlink(&scene->keyingsets, scene->active_keyingset-1);
01267     else
01268         ks= BLI_findlink(&builtin_keyingsets, -type-1);
01270     /* report failure */
01271     if (ks == NULL) {
01272         BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No active Keying Set");
01273         return OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
01274     }
01276     /* try to insert keyframes for the channels specified by KeyingSet */
01277     success= ANIM_apply_keyingset(C, NULL, NULL, ks, MODIFYKEY_MODE_DELETE, cfra);
01278     if (G.f & G_DEBUG)
01279         printf("KeyingSet '%s' - Successfully removed %d Keyframes \n", ks->name, success);
01281     /* report failure or do updates? */
01282     if (success == MODIFYKEY_INVALID_CONTEXT) {
01283         BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No suitable context info for active Keying Set");
01284         return OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
01285     }
01286     else if (success) {
01287         /* if the appropriate properties have been set, make a note that we've inserted something */
01288         if (RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "confirm_success"))
01289             BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_INFO, "Successfully removed %d Keyframes for KeyingSet '%s'", success, ks->name);
01291         /* send notifiers that keyframes have been changed */
01292         WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_KEYFRAME|NA_EDITED, NULL);
01293     }
01294     else
01295         BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Keying Set failed to remove any keyframes");
01297     /* send updates */
01298     DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0);
01300     return OPERATOR_FINISHED;
01301 }
01303 void ANIM_OT_keyframe_delete (wmOperatorType *ot)
01304 {
01305     PropertyRNA *prop;
01307     /* identifiers */
01308     ot->name= "Delete Keying-Set Keyframe";
01309     ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_keyframe_delete";
01310     ot->description= "Delete keyframes on the current frame for all properties in the specified Keying Set";
01312     /* callbacks */
01313     ot->exec= delete_key_exec; 
01314     ot->poll= modify_key_op_poll;
01316     /* flags */
01317     ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO;
01319     /* keyingset to use (dynamic enum) */
01320     prop= RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", DummyRNA_DEFAULT_items, 0, "Keying Set", "The Keying Set to use");
01321     RNA_def_enum_funcs(prop, ANIM_keying_sets_enum_itemf);
01322     RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
01323     ot->prop= prop;
01325     /* confirm whether a keyframe was added by showing a popup 
01326      *  - by default, this is enabled, since this operator is assumed to be called independently
01327      */
01328     RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "confirm_success", 1, "Confirm Successful Insert", "Show a popup when the keyframes get successfully added");
01329 }
01331 /* Delete Key Operator ------------------------ */
01333 /* XXX WARNING:
01334  * This is currently just a basic operator, which work in 3d-view context on objects only. 
01335  * Should this be kept? It does have advantages over a version which requires selecting a keyingset to use...
01336  * -- Joshua Leung, Jan 2009
01337  */
01339 static int delete_key_v3d_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
01340 {
01341     Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C);
01342     Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
01343     float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap
01345     // XXX more comprehensive tests will be needed
01346     CTX_DATA_BEGIN(C, Object*, ob, selected_objects) 
01347     {
01348         ID *id= (ID *)ob;
01349         FCurve *fcu, *fcn;
01350         short success= 0;
01352         /* loop through all curves in animdata and delete keys on this frame */
01353         if ((ob->adt) && (ob->adt->action)) {
01354             AnimData *adt= ob->adt;
01355             bAction *act= adt->action;
01357             for (fcu= act->curves.first; fcu; fcu= fcn) {
01358                 fcn= fcu->next;
01359                 success+= delete_keyframe(op->reports, id, NULL, NULL, fcu->rna_path, fcu->array_index, cfra, 0);
01360             }
01361         }
01363         BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_INFO, "Ob '%s' - Successfully had %d keyframes removed", id->name+2, success);
01365         ob->recalc |= OB_RECALC_OB;
01366     }
01367     CTX_DATA_END;
01369     /* send updates */
01370     DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0);
01372     WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT|ND_KEYS, NULL);
01374     return OPERATOR_FINISHED;
01375 }
01377 void ANIM_OT_keyframe_delete_v3d (wmOperatorType *ot)
01378 {
01379     /* identifiers */
01380     ot->name= "Delete Keyframe";
01381     ot->description= "Remove keyframes on current frame for selected object";
01382     ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_keyframe_delete_v3d";
01384     /* callbacks */
01385     ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm;
01386     ot->exec= delete_key_v3d_exec; 
01388     ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive;
01390     /* flags */
01391     ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO;
01392 }
01395 /* Insert Key Button Operator ------------------------ */
01397 static int insert_key_button_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
01398 {
01399     Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C);
01400     Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
01401     PointerRNA ptr= {{NULL}};
01402     PropertyRNA *prop= NULL;
01403     char *path;
01404     float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap
01405     short success= 0;
01406     int a, index, length, all= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "all");
01407     short flag = 0;
01409     /* flags for inserting keyframes */
01410     flag = ANIM_get_keyframing_flags(scene, 1);
01412     /* try to insert keyframe using property retrieved from UI */
01413     uiContextActiveProperty(C, &ptr, &prop, &index);
01415     if (( && && prop) && RNA_property_animateable(&ptr, prop)) {
01416         path= RNA_path_from_ID_to_property(&ptr, prop);
01418         if (path) {
01419             if (all) {
01420                 length= RNA_property_array_length(&ptr, prop);
01422                 if(length) index= 0;
01423                 else length= 1;
01424             }
01425             else
01426                 length= 1;
01428             for (a=0; a<length; a++)
01429                 success+= insert_keyframe(op->reports,, NULL, NULL, path, index+a, cfra, flag);
01431             MEM_freeN(path);
01432         }
01433         else if (ptr.type == &RNA_NlaStrip) {
01434             /* handle special vars for NLA-strips */
01435             NlaStrip *strip= (NlaStrip *);
01436             FCurve *fcu= list_find_fcurve(&strip->fcurves, RNA_property_identifier(prop), flag);
01438             success+= insert_keyframe_direct(op->reports, ptr, prop, fcu, cfra, 0);
01439         }
01440         else {
01441             if (G.f & G_DEBUG)
01442                 printf("Button Insert-Key: no path to property \n");
01443             BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Failed to resolve path to property. Try using a Keying Set instead");
01444         }
01445     }
01446     else if (G.f & G_DEBUG) {
01447         printf(" = %p, prop = %p,", (void *), (void *)prop);
01448         if (prop)
01449             printf("animateable = %d \n", RNA_property_animateable(&ptr, prop));
01450         else
01451             printf("animateable = NULL \n");
01452     }
01454     if (success) {
01455         /* send updates */
01456         uiContextAnimUpdate(C);
01458         DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0);
01460         /* send notifiers that keyframes have been changed */
01461         WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_KEYFRAME|NA_EDITED, NULL);
01462     }
01464     return (success)? OPERATOR_FINISHED: OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
01465 }
01467 void ANIM_OT_keyframe_insert_button (wmOperatorType *ot)
01468 {
01469     /* identifiers */
01470     ot->name= "Insert Keyframe (Buttons)";
01471     ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_keyframe_insert_button";
01473     /* callbacks */
01474     ot->exec= insert_key_button_exec; 
01475     ot->poll= modify_key_op_poll;
01477     /* flags */
01478     ot->flag= OPTYPE_UNDO;
01480     /* properties */
01481     RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "all", 1, "All", "Insert a keyframe for all element of the array");
01482 }
01484 /* Delete Key Button Operator ------------------------ */
01486 static int delete_key_button_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
01487 {
01488     Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C);
01489     Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
01490     PointerRNA ptr= {{NULL}};
01491     PropertyRNA *prop= NULL;
01492     char *path;
01493     float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap
01494     short success= 0;
01495     int a, index, length, all= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "all");
01497     /* try to insert keyframe using property retrieved from UI */
01498     uiContextActiveProperty(C, &ptr, &prop, &index);
01500     if ( && && prop) {
01501         path= RNA_path_from_ID_to_property(&ptr, prop);
01503         if (path) {
01504             if (all) {
01505                 length= RNA_property_array_length(&ptr, prop);
01507                 if (length) index= 0;
01508                 else length= 1;
01509             }
01510             else
01511                 length= 1;
01513             for (a=0; a<length; a++)
01514                 success+= delete_keyframe(op->reports,, NULL, NULL, path, index+a, cfra, 0);
01516             MEM_freeN(path);
01517         }
01518         else if (G.f & G_DEBUG)
01519             printf("Button Delete-Key: no path to property \n");
01520     }
01521     else if (G.f & G_DEBUG) {
01522         printf(" = %p, prop = %p \n", (void *), (void *)prop);
01523     }
01526     if (success) {
01527         /* send updates */
01528         uiContextAnimUpdate(C);
01530         DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0);
01532         /* send notifiers that keyframes have been changed */
01533         WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_KEYFRAME|NA_EDITED, NULL);
01534     }
01536     return (success)? OPERATOR_FINISHED: OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
01537 }
01539 void ANIM_OT_keyframe_delete_button (wmOperatorType *ot)
01540 {
01541     /* identifiers */
01542     ot->name= "Delete Keyframe (Buttons)";
01543     ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_keyframe_delete_button";
01545     /* callbacks */
01546     ot->exec= delete_key_button_exec; 
01547     ot->poll= modify_key_op_poll;
01549     /* flags */
01550     ot->flag= OPTYPE_UNDO;
01552     /* properties */
01553     RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "all", 1, "All", "Delete keyfames from all elements of the array");
01554 }
01556 /* ******************************************* */
01557 /* AUTO KEYFRAME */
01559 int autokeyframe_cfra_can_key(Scene *scene, ID *id)
01560 {
01561     float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, this will do
01563     /* only filter if auto-key mode requires this */
01564     if (IS_AUTOKEY_ON(scene) == 0)
01565         return 0;
01567     if (IS_AUTOKEY_MODE(scene, NORMAL)) {
01568         /* can insert anytime we like... */
01569         return 1;
01570     }
01571     else /* REPLACE */ {
01572         /* for whole block - only key if there's a keyframe on that frame already
01573          *  this is a valid assumption when we're blocking + tweaking
01574          */
01575         return id_frame_has_keyframe(id, cfra, ANIMFILTER_KEYS_LOCAL);
01576     }
01577 }
01579 /* ******************************************* */
01582 /* --------------- API/Per-Datablock Handling ------------------- */
01584 /* Checks if some F-Curve has a keyframe for a given frame */
01585 short fcurve_frame_has_keyframe (FCurve *fcu, float frame, short filter)
01586 {
01587     /* quick sanity check */
01588     if (ELEM(NULL, fcu, fcu->bezt))
01589         return 0;
01591     /* we either include all regardless of muting, or only non-muted  */
01592     if ((filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_MUTED) || (fcu->flag & FCURVE_MUTED)==0) {
01593         short replace = -1;
01594         int i = binarysearch_bezt_index(fcu->bezt, frame, fcu->totvert, &replace);
01596         /* binarysearch_bezt_index will set replace to be 0 or 1
01597          *  - obviously, 1 represents a match
01598          */
01599         if (replace) {          
01600             /* sanity check: 'i' may in rare cases exceed arraylen */
01601             if ((i >= 0) && (i < fcu->totvert))
01602                 return 1;
01603         }
01604     }
01606     return 0;
01607 }
01609 /* Checks whether an Action has a keyframe for a given frame 
01610  * Since we're only concerned whether a keyframe exists, we can simply loop until a match is found...
01611  */
01612 static short action_frame_has_keyframe (bAction *act, float frame, short filter)
01613 {
01614     FCurve *fcu;
01616     /* can only find if there is data */
01617     if (act == NULL)
01618         return 0;
01620     /* if only check non-muted, check if muted */
01621     if ((filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_MUTED) || (act->flag & ACT_MUTED))
01622         return 0;
01624     /* loop over F-Curves, using binary-search to try to find matches 
01625      *  - this assumes that keyframes are only beztriples
01626      */
01627     for (fcu= act->curves.first; fcu; fcu= fcu->next) {
01628         /* only check if there are keyframes (currently only of type BezTriple) */
01629         if (fcu->bezt && fcu->totvert) {
01630             if (fcurve_frame_has_keyframe(fcu, frame, filter))
01631                 return 1;
01632         }
01633     }
01635     /* nothing found */
01636     return 0;
01637 }
01639 /* Checks whether an Object has a keyframe for a given frame */
01640 static short object_frame_has_keyframe (Object *ob, float frame, short filter)
01641 {
01642     /* error checking */
01643     if (ob == NULL)
01644         return 0;
01646     /* check own animation data - specifically, the action it contains */
01647     if ((ob->adt) && (ob->adt->action)) {
01648         if (action_frame_has_keyframe(ob->adt->action, frame, filter))
01649             return 1;
01650     }
01652     /* try shapekey keyframes (if available, and allowed by filter) */
01653     if ( !(filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_LOCAL) && !(filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_NOSKEY) ) {
01654         Key *key= ob_get_key(ob);
01656         /* shapekeys can have keyframes ('Relative Shape Keys') 
01657          * or depend on time (old 'Absolute Shape Keys') 
01658          */
01660             /* 1. test for relative (with keyframes) */
01661         if (id_frame_has_keyframe((ID *)key, frame, filter))
01662             return 1;
01664             /* 2. test for time */
01665         // TODO... yet to be implemented (this feature may evolve before then anyway)
01666     }
01668     /* try materials */
01669     if ( !(filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_LOCAL) && !(filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_NOMAT) ) {
01670         /* if only active, then we can skip a lot of looping */
01671         if (filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_ACTIVE) {
01672             Material *ma= give_current_material(ob, (ob->actcol + 1));
01674             /* we only retrieve the active material... */
01675             if (id_frame_has_keyframe((ID *)ma, frame, filter))
01676                 return 1;
01677         }
01678         else {
01679             int a;
01681             /* loop over materials */
01682             for (a=0; a<ob->totcol; a++) {
01683                 Material *ma= give_current_material(ob, a+1);
01685                 if (id_frame_has_keyframe((ID *)ma, frame, filter))
01686                     return 1;
01687             }
01688         }
01689     }
01691     /* nothing found */
01692     return 0;
01693 }
01695 /* --------------- API ------------------- */
01697 /* Checks whether a keyframe exists for the given ID-block one the given frame */
01698 short id_frame_has_keyframe (ID *id, float frame, short filter)
01699 {
01700     /* sanity checks */
01701     if (id == NULL)
01702         return 0;
01704     /* perform special checks for 'macro' types */
01705     switch (GS(id->name)) {
01706         case ID_OB: /* object */
01707             return object_frame_has_keyframe((Object *)id, frame, filter);
01708             break;
01710         case ID_SCE: /* scene */
01711         // XXX TODO... for now, just use 'normal' behaviour
01712         //  break;
01714         default:    /* 'normal type' */
01715         {
01716             AnimData *adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(id);
01718             /* only check keyframes in active action */
01719             if (adt)
01720                 return action_frame_has_keyframe(adt->action, frame, filter);
01721         }
01722             break;
01723     }
01726     /* no keyframe found */
01727     return 0;
01728 }
01730 /* ************************************************** */
01732 int ED_autokeyframe_object(bContext *C, Scene *scene, Object *ob, KeyingSet *ks)
01733 {
01734     /* auto keyframing */
01735     if (autokeyframe_cfra_can_key(scene, &ob->id)) {
01736         ListBase dsources = {NULL, NULL};
01738         /* now insert the keyframe(s) using the Keying Set
01739          *  1) add datasource override for the Object
01740          *  2) insert keyframes
01741          *  3) free the extra info
01742          */
01743         ANIM_relative_keyingset_add_source(&dsources, &ob->id, NULL, NULL);
01744         ANIM_apply_keyingset(C, &dsources, NULL, ks, MODIFYKEY_MODE_INSERT, (float)CFRA);
01745         BLI_freelistN(&dsources);
01747         return TRUE;
01748     }
01749     else {
01750         return FALSE;
01751     }
01752 }
01754 int ED_autokeyframe_pchan(bContext *C, Scene *scene, Object *ob, bPoseChannel *pchan, KeyingSet *ks)
01755 {
01756     if (autokeyframe_cfra_can_key(scene, &ob->id)) {
01757         ListBase dsources = {NULL, NULL};
01759         /* now insert the keyframe(s) using the Keying Set
01760          *  1) add datasource override for the PoseChannel
01761          *  2) insert keyframes
01762          *  3) free the extra info
01763          */
01764         ANIM_relative_keyingset_add_source(&dsources, &ob->id, &RNA_PoseBone, pchan);
01765         ANIM_apply_keyingset(C, &dsources, NULL, ks, MODIFYKEY_MODE_INSERT, (float)CFRA);
01766         BLI_freelistN(&dsources);
01768         /* clear any unkeyed tags */
01769         if (pchan->bone) {
01770             pchan->bone->flag &= ~BONE_UNKEYED;
01771         }
01773         return TRUE;
01774     }
01775     else {
01776         /* add unkeyed tags */
01777         if (pchan->bone) {
01778             pchan->bone->flag |= BONE_UNKEYED;
01779         }
01781         return FALSE;
01782     }
01783 }