Blender V2.61 - r43446
Classes | Defines | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables

CCGSubSurf.c File Reference

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "CCGSubSurf.h"
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "BLO_sys_types.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  _EHEntry
struct  _EHash
struct  _EHashIterator
struct  _CCGVert
struct  _CCGEdge
struct  _CCGFace
struct  _CCGSubSurf


#define CCG_INLINE   inline
#define UNUSED(x)   x
#define EPSILON   (1.0e-35f)
#define EHASH_alloc(eh, nb)   ((eh)->allocatorIFC.alloc((eh)->allocator, nb))
#define EHASH_free(eh, ptr)   ((eh)->>allocator, ptr))
#define EHASH_hash(eh, item)   (((uintptr_t) (item))%((unsigned int) (eh)->curSize))
#define VertDataZero(av)   { float *_a = (float*) av; _a[0] = _a[1] = _a[2] = 0.0f; }
#define VertDataCopy(av, bv)   { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0] =_b[0]; _a[1] =_b[1]; _a[2] =_b[2]; }
#define VertDataAdd(av, bv)   { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0]+=_b[0]; _a[1]+=_b[1]; _a[2]+=_b[2]; }
#define VertDataSub(av, bv)   { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0]-=_b[0]; _a[1]-=_b[1]; _a[2]-=_b[2]; }
#define VertDataMulN(av, n)   { float *_a = (float*) av; _a[0]*=n; _a[1]*=n; _a[2]*=n; }
#define VertDataAvg4(tv, av, bv, cv, dv)
#define NormZero(av)   { float *_a = (float*) av; _a[0] = _a[1] = _a[2] = 0.0f; }
#define NormCopy(av, bv)   { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0] =_b[0]; _a[1] =_b[1]; _a[2] =_b[2]; }
#define NormAdd(av, bv)   { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0]+=_b[0]; _a[1]+=_b[1]; _a[2]+=_b[2]; }
#define VERT_getLevelData(v)   ((byte*) &(v)[1])
#define EDGE_getLevelData(e)   ((byte*) &(e)[1])
#define FACE_getVerts(f)   ((CCGVert**) &(f)[1])
#define FACE_getEdges(f)   ((CCGEdge**) &(FACE_getVerts(f)[(f)->numVerts]))
#define FACE_getCenterData(f)   ((byte*) &(FACE_getEdges(f)[(f)->numVerts]))
#define CCGSUBSURF_alloc(ss, nb)   ((ss)->allocatorIFC.alloc((ss)->allocator, nb))
#define CCGSUBSURF_realloc(ss, ptr, nb, ob)   ((ss)->allocatorIFC.realloc((ss)->allocator, ptr, nb, ob))
#define CCGSUBSURF_free(ss, ptr)   ((ss)->>allocator, ptr))
#define VERT_getNo(e, lvl)   _vert_getNo(e, lvl, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)
#define EDGE_getNo(e, lvl, x)   _edge_getNo(e, lvl, x, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)
#define FACE_getIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y)   _face_getIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y, subdivLevels, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)
#define FACE_calcIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y, no)   _face_calcIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y, no, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)
#define FACE_getIENo(f, lvl, S, x)   _face_getIENo(f, lvl, S, x, subdivLevels, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)
#define VERT_getCo(v, lvl)   _vert_getCo(v, lvl, vertDataSize)
#define EDGE_getCo(e, lvl, x)   _edge_getCo(e, lvl, x, vertDataSize)
#define FACE_getIECo(f, lvl, S, x)   _face_getIECo(f, lvl, S, x, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)
#define FACE_getIFCo(f, lvl, S, x, y)   _face_getIFCo(f, lvl, S, x, y, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)


typedef unsigned char byte
typedef struct _EHEntry EHEntry
typedef struct _EHash EHash
typedef void(* EHEntryFreeFP )(EHEntry *, void *)
typedef struct _EHashIterator EHashIterator


enum  { Vert_eEffected = (1<<0), Vert_eChanged = (1<<1), Vert_eSeam = (1<<2) }
enum  { Edge_eEffected = (1<<0) }
enum  { Face_eEffected = (1<<0) }
enum  SyncState {
  eSyncState_None = 0, eSyncState_Vert, eSyncState_Edge, eSyncState_Face,


static EHash_ehash_new (int estimatedNumEntries, CCGAllocatorIFC *allocatorIFC, CCGAllocatorHDL allocator)
static void _ehash_free (EHash *eh, EHEntryFreeFP freeEntry, void *userData)
static void _ehash_insert (EHash *eh, EHEntry *entry)
static void * _ehash_lookupWithPrev (EHash *eh, void *key, void ***prevp_r)
static void * _ehash_lookup (EHash *eh, void *key)
static EHashIterator_ehashIterator_new (EHash *eh)
static void _ehashIterator_free (EHashIterator *ehi)
static void * _ehashIterator_getCurrent (EHashIterator *ehi)
static void _ehashIterator_next (EHashIterator *ehi)
static int _ehashIterator_isStopped (EHashIterator *ehi)
static void * _stdAllocator_alloc (CCGAllocatorHDL UNUSED(a), int numBytes)
static void * _stdAllocator_realloc (CCGAllocatorHDL UNUSED(a), void *ptr, int newSize, int UNUSED(oldSize))
static void _stdAllocator_free (CCGAllocatorHDL UNUSED(a), void *ptr)
static CCGAllocatorIFC_getStandardAllocatorIFC (void)
static int VertDataEqual (const float *a, const float *b)
static int _edge_isBoundary (const CCGEdge *e)
static CCGVert_vert_new (CCGVertHDL vHDL, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static void _vert_remEdge (CCGVert *v, CCGEdge *e)
static void _vert_remFace (CCGVert *v, CCGFace *f)
static void _vert_addEdge (CCGVert *v, CCGEdge *e, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static void _vert_addFace (CCGVert *v, CCGFace *f, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static CCGEdge_vert_findEdgeTo (const CCGVert *v, const CCGVert *vQ)
static int _vert_isBoundary (const CCGVert *v)
static void * _vert_getCo (CCGVert *v, int lvl, int dataSize)
static float * _vert_getNo (CCGVert *v, int lvl, int dataSize, int normalDataOffset)
static void _vert_free (CCGVert *v, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static int VERT_seam (const CCGVert *v)
static CCGEdge_edge_new (CCGEdgeHDL eHDL, CCGVert *v0, CCGVert *v1, float crease, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static void _edge_remFace (CCGEdge *e, CCGFace *f)
static void _edge_addFace (CCGEdge *e, CCGFace *f, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static CCGVert_edge_getOtherVert (CCGEdge *e, CCGVert *vQ)
static void * _edge_getCo (CCGEdge *e, int lvl, int x, int dataSize)
static float * _edge_getNo (CCGEdge *e, int lvl, int x, int dataSize, int normalDataOffset)
static void * _edge_getCoVert (CCGEdge *e, CCGVert *v, int lvl, int x, int dataSize)
static void _edge_free (CCGEdge *e, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static void _edge_unlinkMarkAndFree (CCGEdge *e, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static float EDGE_getSharpness (CCGEdge *e, int lvl)
static CCGFace_face_new (CCGFaceHDL fHDL, CCGVert **verts, CCGEdge **edges, int numVerts, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static CCG_INLINE void * _face_getIECo (CCGFace *f, int lvl, int S, int x, int levels, int dataSize)
static CCG_INLINE void * _face_getIENo (CCGFace *f, int lvl, int S, int x, int levels, int dataSize, int normalDataOffset)
static CCG_INLINE void * _face_getIFCo (CCGFace *f, int lvl, int S, int x, int y, int levels, int dataSize)
static CCG_INLINE float * _face_getIFNo (CCGFace *f, int lvl, int S, int x, int y, int levels, int dataSize, int normalDataOffset)
static int _face_getVertIndex (CCGFace *f, CCGVert *v)
static CCG_INLINE void * _face_getIFCoEdge (CCGFace *f, CCGEdge *e, int lvl, int eX, int eY, int levels, int dataSize)
static float * _face_getIFNoEdge (CCGFace *f, CCGEdge *e, int lvl, int eX, int eY, int levels, int dataSize, int normalDataOffset)
static void _face_calcIFNo (CCGFace *f, int lvl, int S, int x, int y, float *no, int levels, int dataSize)
static void _face_free (CCGFace *f, CCGSubSurf *ss)
static void _face_unlinkMarkAndFree (CCGFace *f, CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGSubSurfccgSubSurf_new (CCGMeshIFC *ifc, int subdivLevels, CCGAllocatorIFC *allocatorIFC, CCGAllocatorHDL allocator)
void ccgSubSurf_free (CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_setAllowEdgeCreation (CCGSubSurf *ss, int allowEdgeCreation, float defaultCreaseValue, void *defaultUserData)
void ccgSubSurf_getAllowEdgeCreation (CCGSubSurf *ss, int *allowEdgeCreation_r, float *defaultCreaseValue_r, void *defaultUserData_r)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_setSubdivisionLevels (CCGSubSurf *ss, int subdivisionLevels)
void ccgSubSurf_getUseAgeCounts (CCGSubSurf *ss, int *useAgeCounts_r, int *vertUserOffset_r, int *edgeUserOffset_r, int *faceUserOffset_r)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_setUseAgeCounts (CCGSubSurf *ss, int useAgeCounts, int vertUserOffset, int edgeUserOffset, int faceUserOffset)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_setCalcVertexNormals (CCGSubSurf *ss, int useVertNormals, int normalDataOffset)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_initFullSync (CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_initPartialSync (CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncVertDel (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVertHDL vHDL)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncEdgeDel (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGEdgeHDL eHDL)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncFaceDel (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFaceHDL fHDL)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncVert (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVertHDL vHDL, const void *vertData, int seam, CCGVert **v_r)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncEdge (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGEdgeHDL eHDL, CCGVertHDL e_vHDL0, CCGVertHDL e_vHDL1, float crease, CCGEdge **e_r)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncFace (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFaceHDL fHDL, int numVerts, CCGVertHDL *vHDLs, CCGFace **f_r)
static void ccgSubSurf__sync (CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_processSync (CCGSubSurf *ss)
static void ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVert **effectedV, CCGEdge **effectedE, CCGFace **effectedF, int numEffectedV, int numEffectedE, int numEffectedF)
static void ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVert **effectedV, CCGEdge **effectedE, CCGFace **effectedF, int numEffectedV, int numEffectedE, int numEffectedF, int curLvl)
static void ccgSubSurf__allFaces (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace ***faces, int *numFaces, int *freeFaces)
static void ccgSubSurf__effectedFaceNeighbours (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace **faces, int numFaces, CCGVert ***verts, int *numVerts, CCGEdge ***edges, int *numEdges)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_updateFromFaces (CCGSubSurf *ss, int lvl, CCGFace **effectedF, int numEffectedF)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_updateToFaces (CCGSubSurf *ss, int lvl, CCGFace **effectedF, int numEffectedF)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_stitchFaces (CCGSubSurf *ss, int lvl, CCGFace **effectedF, int numEffectedF)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_updateNormals (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace **effectedF, int numEffectedF)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_updateLevels (CCGSubSurf *ss, int lvl, CCGFace **effectedF, int numEffectedF)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumVerts (const CCGSubSurf *ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumEdges (const CCGSubSurf *ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumFaces (const CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGVertccgSubSurf_getVert (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVertHDL v)
CCGEdgeccgSubSurf_getEdge (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGEdgeHDL e)
CCGFaceccgSubSurf_getFace (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFaceHDL f)
int ccgSubSurf_getSubdivisionLevels (const CCGSubSurf *ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getEdgeSize (const CCGSubSurf *ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getEdgeLevelSize (const CCGSubSurf *ss, int level)
int ccgSubSurf_getGridSize (const CCGSubSurf *ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getGridLevelSize (const CCGSubSurf *ss, int level)
CCGVertHDL ccgSubSurf_getVertVertHandle (CCGVert *v)
int ccgSubSurf_getVertAge (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVert *v)
void * ccgSubSurf_getVertUserData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVert *v)
int ccgSubSurf_getVertNumFaces (CCGVert *v)
CCGFaceccgSubSurf_getVertFace (CCGVert *v, int index)
int ccgSubSurf_getVertNumEdges (CCGVert *v)
CCGEdgeccgSubSurf_getVertEdge (CCGVert *v, int index)
void * ccgSubSurf_getVertData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVert *v)
void * ccgSubSurf_getVertLevelData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGVert *v, int level)
CCGEdgeHDL ccgSubSurf_getEdgeEdgeHandle (CCGEdge *e)
int ccgSubSurf_getEdgeAge (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGEdge *e)
void * ccgSubSurf_getEdgeUserData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGEdge *e)
int ccgSubSurf_getEdgeNumFaces (CCGEdge *e)
CCGFaceccgSubSurf_getEdgeFace (CCGEdge *e, int index)
CCGVertccgSubSurf_getEdgeVert0 (CCGEdge *e)
CCGVertccgSubSurf_getEdgeVert1 (CCGEdge *e)
void * ccgSubSurf_getEdgeDataArray (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGEdge *e)
void * ccgSubSurf_getEdgeData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGEdge *e, int x)
void * ccgSubSurf_getEdgeLevelData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGEdge *e, int x, int level)
float ccgSubSurf_getEdgeCrease (CCGEdge *e)
CCGFaceHDL ccgSubSurf_getFaceFaceHandle (CCGSubSurf *UNUSED(ss), CCGFace *f)
int ccgSubSurf_getFaceAge (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace *f)
void * ccgSubSurf_getFaceUserData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace *f)
int ccgSubSurf_getFaceNumVerts (CCGFace *f)
CCGVertccgSubSurf_getFaceVert (CCGSubSurf *UNUSED(ss), CCGFace *f, int index)
CCGEdgeccgSubSurf_getFaceEdge (CCGSubSurf *UNUSED(ss), CCGFace *f, int index)
int ccgSubSurf_getFaceEdgeIndex (CCGFace *f, CCGEdge *e)
void * ccgSubSurf_getFaceCenterData (CCGFace *f)
void * ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridEdgeDataArray (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace *f, int gridIndex)
void * ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridEdgeData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace *f, int gridIndex, int x)
void * ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridDataArray (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace *f, int gridIndex)
void * ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridData (CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace *f, int gridIndex, int x, int y)
CCGVertIteratorccgSubSurf_getVertIterator (CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGEdgeIteratorccgSubSurf_getEdgeIterator (CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGFaceIteratorccgSubSurf_getFaceIterator (CCGSubSurf *ss)
CCGVertccgVertIterator_getCurrent (CCGVertIterator *vi)
int ccgVertIterator_isStopped (CCGVertIterator *vi)
void ccgVertIterator_next (CCGVertIterator *vi)
void ccgVertIterator_free (CCGVertIterator *vi)
CCGEdgeccgEdgeIterator_getCurrent (CCGEdgeIterator *vi)
int ccgEdgeIterator_isStopped (CCGEdgeIterator *vi)
void ccgEdgeIterator_next (CCGEdgeIterator *vi)
void ccgEdgeIterator_free (CCGEdgeIterator *vi)
CCGFaceccgFaceIterator_getCurrent (CCGFaceIterator *vi)
int ccgFaceIterator_isStopped (CCGFaceIterator *vi)
void ccgFaceIterator_next (CCGFaceIterator *vi)
void ccgFaceIterator_free (CCGFaceIterator *vi)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumFinalVerts (const CCGSubSurf *ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumFinalEdges (const CCGSubSurf *ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumFinalFaces (const CCGSubSurf *ss)


static int kHashSizes []

Detailed Description

Definition in file CCGSubSurf.c.

Define Documentation

#define CCG_INLINE   inline

Definition at line 18 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

#define CCGSUBSURF_alloc (   ss,
)    ((ss)->allocatorIFC.alloc((ss)->allocator, nb))
#define CCGSUBSURF_free (   ss,
)    ((ss)->>allocator, ptr))
#define CCGSUBSURF_realloc (   ss,
)    ((ss)->allocatorIFC.realloc((ss)->allocator, ptr, nb, ob))

Definition at line 348 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _edge_addFace(), _vert_addEdge(), and _vert_addFace().

#define EDGE_getCo (   e,
)    _edge_getCo(e, lvl, x, vertDataSize)
#define EDGE_getLevelData (   e)    ((byte*) &(e)[1])
#define EDGE_getNo (   e,
)    _edge_getNo(e, lvl, x, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)

Definition at line 1157 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

#define EHASH_alloc (   eh,
)    ((eh)->allocatorIFC.alloc((eh)->allocator, nb))

Definition at line 57 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _ehash_insert(), _ehash_new(), and _ehashIterator_new().

#define EHASH_free (   eh,
)    ((eh)->>allocator, ptr))

Definition at line 58 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _ehash_free(), _ehash_insert(), and _ehashIterator_free().

#define EHASH_hash (   eh,
)    (((uintptr_t) (item))%((unsigned int) (eh)->curSize))

Definition at line 60 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _ehash_insert(), _ehash_lookup(), and _ehash_lookupWithPrev().

#define EPSILON   (1.0e-35f)

Definition at line 30 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _face_calcIFNo(), and ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

#define FACE_calcIFNo (   f,
)    _face_calcIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y, no, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)

Definition at line 1159 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

#define FACE_getCenterData (   f)    ((byte*) &(FACE_getEdges(f)[(f)->numVerts]))
#define FACE_getEdges (   f)    ((CCGEdge**) &(FACE_getVerts(f)[(f)->numVerts]))
#define FACE_getIECo (   f,
)    _face_getIECo(f, lvl, S, x, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)
#define FACE_getIENo (   f,
)    _face_getIENo(f, lvl, S, x, subdivLevels, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)

Definition at line 1160 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

#define FACE_getIFCo (   f,
)    _face_getIFCo(f, lvl, S, x, y, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)
#define FACE_getIFNo (   f,
)    _face_getIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y, subdivLevels, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)

Definition at line 1158 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

#define FACE_getVerts (   f)    ((CCGVert**) &(f)[1])
#define NormAdd (   av,
)    { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0]+=_b[0]; _a[1]+=_b[1]; _a[2]+=_b[2]; }

Definition at line 238 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

#define NormCopy (   av,
)    { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0] =_b[0]; _a[1] =_b[1]; _a[2] =_b[2]; }

Definition at line 237 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

#define NormZero (   av)    { float *_a = (float*) av; _a[0] = _a[1] = _a[2] = 0.0f; }

Definition at line 236 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _face_calcIFNo(), and ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

#define UNUSED (   x)    x

Definition at line 25 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

#define VERT_getCo (   v,
)    _vert_getCo(v, lvl, vertDataSize)
#define VERT_getLevelData (   v)    ((byte*) &(v)[1])

Definition at line 268 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _vert_getCo(), _vert_getNo(), and ccgSubSurf_getVertUserData().

#define VERT_getNo (   e,
)    _vert_getNo(e, lvl, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)

Definition at line 1156 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

#define VertDataAdd (   av,
)    { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0]+=_b[0]; _a[1]+=_b[1]; _a[2]+=_b[2]; }
#define VertDataAvg4 (   tv,
{ \
        float *_t = (float*) tv, *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv, *_c = (float*) cv, *_d = (float*) dv; \
        _t[0] = (_a[0]+_b[0]+_c[0]+_d[0])*.25f; \
        _t[1] = (_a[1]+_b[1]+_c[1]+_d[1])*.25f; \
        _t[2] = (_a[2]+_b[2]+_c[2]+_d[2])*.25f; \

Definition at line 229 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel().

#define VertDataCopy (   av,
)    { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0] =_b[0]; _a[1] =_b[1]; _a[2] =_b[2]; }
#define VertDataMulN (   av,
)    { float *_a = (float*) av; _a[0]*=n; _a[1]*=n; _a[2]*=n; }
#define VertDataSub (   av,
)    { float *_a = (float*) av, *_b = (float*) bv; _a[0]-=_b[0]; _a[1]-=_b[1]; _a[2]-=_b[2]; }

Definition at line 227 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel(), and ccgSubSurf__sync().

#define VertDataZero (   av)    { float *_a = (float*) av; _a[0] = _a[1] = _a[2] = 0.0f; }

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned char byte

Definition at line 34 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

typedef struct _EHash EHash
typedef struct _EHashIterator EHashIterator
typedef struct _EHEntry EHEntry

Definition at line 44 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

typedef void(* EHEntryFreeFP)(EHEntry *, void *)

Definition at line 76 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 245 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

anonymous enum

Definition at line 250 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

anonymous enum

Definition at line 253 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

enum SyncState

Definition at line 301 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Function Documentation

static void _edge_addFace ( CCGEdge e,
CCGFace f,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]

Definition at line 461 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References CCGSUBSURF_realloc, _CCGEdge::faces, and _CCGEdge::numFaces.

Referenced by _face_new().

static void _edge_free ( CCGEdge e,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]
static void* _edge_getCo ( CCGEdge e,
int  lvl,
int  x,
int  dataSize 
) [static]

Definition at line 477 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References EDGE_getLevelData.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf_getEdgeLevelData().

static void* _edge_getCoVert ( CCGEdge e,
CCGVert v,
int  lvl,
int  x,
int  dataSize 
) [static]
static float* _edge_getNo ( CCGEdge e,
int  lvl,
int  x,
int  dataSize,
int  normalDataOffset 
) [static]

Definition at line 481 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References EDGE_getLevelData.

static CCGVert* _edge_getOtherVert ( CCGEdge e,
CCGVert vQ 
) [static]

Definition at line 469 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::v0, and _CCGEdge::v1.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__sync().

static int _edge_isBoundary ( const CCGEdge e) [static]

Definition at line 465 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::numFaces.

Referenced by _vert_isBoundary(), ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel(), and ccgSubSurf__sync().

static CCGEdge* _edge_new ( CCGEdgeHDL  eHDL,
CCGVert v0,
CCGVert v1,
float  crease,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]
static void _edge_remFace ( CCGEdge e,
CCGFace f 
) [static]

Definition at line 452 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::faces, i, and _CCGEdge::numFaces.

Referenced by _face_unlinkMarkAndFree().

static void _edge_unlinkMarkAndFree ( CCGEdge e,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]
static void _ehash_free ( EHash eh,
EHEntryFreeFP  freeEntry,
void *  userData 
) [static]
static void _ehash_insert ( EHash eh,
EHEntry entry 
) [static]
static void* _ehash_lookup ( EHash eh,
void *  key 
) [static]
static void* _ehash_lookupWithPrev ( EHash eh,
void *  key,
void ***  prevp_r 
) [static]
static EHash* _ehash_new ( int  estimatedNumEntries,
CCGAllocatorIFC allocatorIFC,
CCGAllocatorHDL  allocator 
) [static]
static void _ehashIterator_free ( EHashIterator ehi) [static]

Definition at line 173 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _EHashIterator::eh, and EHASH_free.

Referenced by ccgEdgeIterator_free(), ccgFaceIterator_free(), and ccgVertIterator_free().

static void* _ehashIterator_getCurrent ( EHashIterator ehi) [static]
static int _ehashIterator_isStopped ( EHashIterator ehi) [static]
static EHashIterator* _ehashIterator_new ( EHash eh) [static]
static void _ehashIterator_next ( EHashIterator ehi) [static]
static void _face_calcIFNo ( CCGFace f,
int  lvl,
int  S,
int  x,
int  y,
float *  no,
int  levels,
int  dataSize 
) [static]

Definition at line 605 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _face_getIFCo(), simple_enum_gen::d, EPSILON, length(), NormZero, and sqrt().

static void _face_free ( CCGFace f,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]
static CCG_INLINE void* _face_getIECo ( CCGFace f,
int  lvl,
int  S,
int  x,
int  levels,
int  dataSize 
) [static]

Definition at line 541 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References FACE_getCenterData.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridEdgeData().

static CCG_INLINE void* _face_getIENo ( CCGFace f,
int  lvl,
int  S,
int  x,
int  levels,
int  dataSize,
int  normalDataOffset 
) [static]

Definition at line 547 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References FACE_getCenterData.

static CCG_INLINE void* _face_getIFCo ( CCGFace f,
int  lvl,
int  S,
int  x,
int  y,
int  levels,
int  dataSize 
) [static]

Definition at line 553 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References FACE_getCenterData.

Referenced by _face_calcIFNo(), _face_getIFCoEdge(), and ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridData().

static CCG_INLINE void* _face_getIFCoEdge ( CCGFace f,
CCGEdge e,
int  lvl,
int  eX,
int  eY,
int  levels,
int  dataSize 
) [static]
static CCG_INLINE float* _face_getIFNo ( CCGFace f,
int  lvl,
int  S,
int  x,
int  y,
int  levels,
int  dataSize,
int  normalDataOffset 
) [static]

Definition at line 559 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References FACE_getCenterData.

static float* _face_getIFNoEdge ( CCGFace f,
CCGEdge e,
int  lvl,
int  eX,
int  eY,
int  levels,
int  dataSize,
int  normalDataOffset 
) [static]

Definition at line 602 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _face_getIFCoEdge().

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

static int _face_getVertIndex ( CCGFace f,
CCGVert v 
) [static]

Definition at line 565 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References FACE_getVerts, i, and _CCGFace::numVerts.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel(), and ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

static CCGFace* _face_new ( CCGFaceHDL  fHDL,
CCGVert **  verts,
CCGEdge **  edges,
int  numVerts,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]
static void _face_unlinkMarkAndFree ( CCGFace f,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]
static CCGAllocatorIFC* _getStandardAllocatorIFC ( void  ) [static]
static void* _stdAllocator_alloc ( CCGAllocatorHDL   UNUSEDa,
int  numBytes 
) [static]

Definition at line 198 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _getStandardAllocatorIFC().

static void _stdAllocator_free ( CCGAllocatorHDL   UNUSEDa,
void *  ptr 
) [static]

Definition at line 204 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References addon::engine::free().

Referenced by _getStandardAllocatorIFC().

static void* _stdAllocator_realloc ( CCGAllocatorHDL   UNUSEDa,
void *  ptr,
int  newSize,
int   UNUSEDoldSize 
) [static]

Definition at line 201 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _getStandardAllocatorIFC().

static void _vert_addEdge ( CCGVert v,
CCGEdge e,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]

Definition at line 387 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References CCGSUBSURF_realloc, credits_svn_gen::e, _CCGVert::edges, and _CCGVert::numEdges.

Referenced by _edge_new().

static void _vert_addFace ( CCGVert v,
CCGFace f,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]

Definition at line 391 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References CCGSUBSURF_realloc, _CCGVert::faces, and _CCGVert::numFaces.

Referenced by _face_new().

static CCGEdge* _vert_findEdgeTo ( const CCGVert v,
const CCGVert vQ 
) [static]
static void _vert_free ( CCGVert v,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]
static void* _vert_getCo ( CCGVert v,
int  lvl,
int  dataSize 
) [static]

Definition at line 413 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References VERT_getLevelData.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf_getVertLevelData(), and ccgSubSurf_syncVert().

static float* _vert_getNo ( CCGVert v,
int  lvl,
int  dataSize,
int  normalDataOffset 
) [static]

Definition at line 416 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References VERT_getLevelData.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals().

static int _vert_isBoundary ( const CCGVert v) [static]

Definition at line 405 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _edge_isBoundary(), _CCGVert::edges, i, and _CCGVert::numEdges.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel(), and ccgSubSurf__sync().

static CCGVert* _vert_new ( CCGVertHDL  vHDL,
CCGSubSurf ss 
) [static]
static void _vert_remEdge ( CCGVert v,
CCGEdge e 
) [static]

Definition at line 369 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGVert::edges, i, and _CCGVert::numEdges.

Referenced by _edge_unlinkMarkAndFree().

static void _vert_remFace ( CCGVert v,
CCGFace f 
) [static]

Definition at line 378 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGVert::faces, i, and _CCGVert::numFaces.

Referenced by _face_unlinkMarkAndFree().

void ccgEdgeIterator_free ( CCGEdgeIterator vi)
CCGEdge* ccgEdgeIterator_getCurrent ( CCGEdgeIterator vi)
int ccgEdgeIterator_isStopped ( CCGEdgeIterator vi)
void ccgEdgeIterator_next ( CCGEdgeIterator vi)
void ccgFaceIterator_free ( CCGFaceIterator vi)
CCGFace* ccgFaceIterator_getCurrent ( CCGFaceIterator vi)
int ccgFaceIterator_isStopped ( CCGFaceIterator vi)
void ccgFaceIterator_next ( CCGFaceIterator vi)
static void ccgSubSurf__allFaces ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace ***  faces,
int *  numFaces,
int *  freeFaces 
) [static]
static void ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGVert **  effectedV,
CCGEdge **  effectedE,
CCGFace **  effectedF,
int  numEffectedV,
int  numEffectedE,
int  numEffectedF,
int  curLvl 
) [static]
static void ccgSubSurf__calcVertNormals ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGVert **  effectedV,
CCGEdge **  effectedE,
CCGFace **  effectedF,
int  numEffectedV,
int  numEffectedE,
int  numEffectedF 
) [static]
static void ccgSubSurf__effectedFaceNeighbours ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace **  faces,
int  numFaces,
CCGVert ***  verts,
int *  numVerts,
CCGEdge ***  edges,
int *  numEdges 
) [static]
static void ccgSubSurf__sync ( CCGSubSurf ss) [static]
void ccgSubSurf_free ( CCGSubSurf ss)
void ccgSubSurf_getAllowEdgeCreation ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int *  allowEdgeCreation_r,
float *  defaultCreaseValue_r,
void *  defaultUserData_r 
CCGEdge* ccgSubSurf_getEdge ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGEdgeHDL  e 

Definition at line 2500 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _ehash_lookup(), and _CCGSubSurf::eMap.

int ccgSubSurf_getEdgeAge ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGEdge e 
float ccgSubSurf_getEdgeCrease ( CCGEdge e)

Definition at line 2623 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::crease.

Referenced by ss_sync_from_uv().

void* ccgSubSurf_getEdgeData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGEdge e,
int  x 
void* ccgSubSurf_getEdgeDataArray ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGEdge e 
CCGEdgeHDL ccgSubSurf_getEdgeEdgeHandle ( CCGEdge e)

Definition at line 2580 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::eHDL.

Referenced by ccgDM_copyFinalEdgeArray(), ccgdm_getVertCos(), and getCCGDerivedMesh().

CCGFace* ccgSubSurf_getEdgeFace ( CCGEdge e,
int  index 

Definition at line 2597 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::faces, NULL, and _CCGEdge::numFaces.

Referenced by ccgdm_adjacent_grid().

CCGEdgeIterator* ccgSubSurf_getEdgeIterator ( CCGSubSurf ss)
void* ccgSubSurf_getEdgeLevelData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGEdge e,
int  x,
int  level 
int ccgSubSurf_getEdgeLevelSize ( const CCGSubSurf ss,
int  level 

Definition at line 2513 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGSubSurf::subdivLevels.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf_getEdgeSize().

int ccgSubSurf_getEdgeNumFaces ( CCGEdge e)
int ccgSubSurf_getEdgeSize ( const CCGSubSurf ss)
void* ccgSubSurf_getEdgeUserData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGEdge e 
CCGVert* ccgSubSurf_getEdgeVert0 ( CCGEdge e)

Definition at line 2604 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::v0.

Referenced by getCCGDerivedMesh(), getEdgeIndex(), and getFaceIndex().

CCGVert* ccgSubSurf_getEdgeVert1 ( CCGEdge e)

Definition at line 2607 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::v1.

Referenced by getCCGDerivedMesh(), and getEdgeIndex().

CCGFace* ccgSubSurf_getFace ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFaceHDL  f 

Definition at line 2503 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _ehash_lookup(), and _CCGSubSurf::fMap.

Referenced by ss_sync_from_uv().

int ccgSubSurf_getFaceAge ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace f 
void* ccgSubSurf_getFaceCenterData ( CCGFace f)
CCGEdge* ccgSubSurf_getFaceEdge ( CCGSubSurf UNUSEDss,
CCGFace f,
int  index 

Definition at line 2654 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References FACE_getEdges, NULL, and _CCGFace::numVerts.

Referenced by ccgdm_adjacent_grid(), getFaceIndex(), and ss_sync_from_uv().

int ccgSubSurf_getFaceEdgeIndex ( CCGFace f,
CCGEdge e 

Definition at line 2661 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References FACE_getEdges, i, and _CCGFace::numVerts.

CCGFaceHDL ccgSubSurf_getFaceFaceHandle ( CCGSubSurf UNUSEDss,
CCGFace f 
void* ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace f,
int  gridIndex,
int  x,
int  y 
void* ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridDataArray ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace f,
int  gridIndex 
void* ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridEdgeData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace f,
int  gridIndex,
int  x 
void* ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridEdgeDataArray ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace f,
int  gridIndex 

Definition at line 2673 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References ccgSubSurf_getFaceGridEdgeData().

CCGFaceIterator* ccgSubSurf_getFaceIterator ( CCGSubSurf ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getFaceNumVerts ( CCGFace f)
void* ccgSubSurf_getFaceUserData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace f 
CCGVert* ccgSubSurf_getFaceVert ( CCGSubSurf UNUSEDss,
CCGFace f,
int  index 

Definition at line 2647 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References FACE_getVerts, NULL, and _CCGFace::numVerts.

Referenced by getCCGDerivedMesh(), and getFaceIndex().

int ccgSubSurf_getGridLevelSize ( const CCGSubSurf ss,
int  level 

Definition at line 2523 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGSubSurf::subdivLevels.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf_getGridSize().

int ccgSubSurf_getGridSize ( const CCGSubSurf ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumEdges ( const CCGSubSurf ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumFaces ( const CCGSubSurf ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumFinalEdges ( const CCGSubSurf ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumFinalFaces ( const CCGSubSurf ss)

Definition at line 2751 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGSubSurf::numGrids, and _CCGSubSurf::subdivLevels.

Referenced by ccgDM_getNumFaces(), and getCCGDerivedMesh().

int ccgSubSurf_getNumFinalVerts ( const CCGSubSurf ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getNumVerts ( const CCGSubSurf ss)
int ccgSubSurf_getSubdivisionLevels ( const CCGSubSurf ss)

Definition at line 2507 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGSubSurf::subdivLevels.

Referenced by set_subsurf_uv(), ss_sync_from_derivedmesh(), and ss_sync_from_uv().

void ccgSubSurf_getUseAgeCounts ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int *  useAgeCounts_r,
int *  vertUserOffset_r,
int *  edgeUserOffset_r,
int *  faceUserOffset_r 
CCGVert* ccgSubSurf_getVert ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGVertHDL  v 

Definition at line 2497 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _ehash_lookup(), and _CCGSubSurf::vMap.

int ccgSubSurf_getVertAge ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGVert v 
void* ccgSubSurf_getVertData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGVert v 
CCGEdge* ccgSubSurf_getVertEdge ( CCGVert v,
int  index 

Definition at line 2560 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGVert::edges, NULL, and _CCGVert::numEdges.

Referenced by subsurf_calculate_limit_positions().

CCGFace* ccgSubSurf_getVertFace ( CCGVert v,
int  index 

Definition at line 2550 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGVert::faces, NULL, and _CCGVert::numFaces.

Referenced by subsurf_calculate_limit_positions().

CCGVertIterator* ccgSubSurf_getVertIterator ( CCGSubSurf ss)
void* ccgSubSurf_getVertLevelData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGVert v,
int  level 
int ccgSubSurf_getVertNumEdges ( CCGVert v)

Definition at line 2557 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGVert::numEdges.

Referenced by subsurf_calculate_limit_positions().

int ccgSubSurf_getVertNumFaces ( CCGVert v)

Definition at line 2547 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGVert::numFaces.

Referenced by subsurf_calculate_limit_positions().

void* ccgSubSurf_getVertUserData ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGVert v 
CCGVertHDL ccgSubSurf_getVertVertHandle ( CCGVert v)

Definition at line 2533 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGVert::vHDL.

Referenced by ccgdm_getVertCos(), getCCGDerivedMesh(), and subsurf_calculate_limit_positions().

CCGError ccgSubSurf_initFullSync ( CCGSubSurf ss)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_initPartialSync ( CCGSubSurf ss)
CCGSubSurf* ccgSubSurf_new ( CCGMeshIFC ifc,
int  subdivLevels,
CCGAllocatorIFC allocatorIFC,
CCGAllocatorHDL  allocator 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_processSync ( CCGSubSurf ss)
CCGError ccgSubSurf_setAllowEdgeCreation ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  allowEdgeCreation,
float  defaultCreaseValue,
void *  defaultUserData 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_setCalcVertexNormals ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  useVertNormals,
int  normalDataOffset 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_setSubdivisionLevels ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  subdivisionLevels 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_setUseAgeCounts ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  useAgeCounts,
int  vertUserOffset,
int  edgeUserOffset,
int  faceUserOffset 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_stitchFaces ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  lvl,
CCGFace **  effectedF,
int  numEffectedF 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncEdge ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGVertHDL  e_vHDL0,
CCGVertHDL  e_vHDL1,
float  crease,
CCGEdge **  e_r 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncEdgeDel ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncFace ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  numVerts,
CCGFace **  f_r 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncFaceDel ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncVert ( CCGSubSurf ss,
const void *  vertData,
int  seam,
CCGVert **  v_r 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_syncVertDel ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGError ccgSubSurf_updateFromFaces ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  lvl,
CCGFace **  effectedF,
int  numEffectedF 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_updateLevels ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  lvl,
CCGFace **  effectedF,
int  numEffectedF 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_updateNormals ( CCGSubSurf ss,
CCGFace **  effectedF,
int  numEffectedF 
CCGError ccgSubSurf_updateToFaces ( CCGSubSurf ss,
int  lvl,
CCGFace **  effectedF,
int  numEffectedF 
void ccgVertIterator_free ( CCGVertIterator vi)
CCGVert* ccgVertIterator_getCurrent ( CCGVertIterator vi)
int ccgVertIterator_isStopped ( CCGVertIterator vi)
void ccgVertIterator_next ( CCGVertIterator vi)
static float EDGE_getSharpness ( CCGEdge e,
int  lvl 
) [static]

Definition at line 506 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGEdge::crease.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel(), and ccgSubSurf__sync().

static int VERT_seam ( const CCGVert v) [static]

Definition at line 426 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

References _CCGVert::flags, and Vert_eSeam.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf__calcSubdivLevel(), and ccgSubSurf__sync().

static int VertDataEqual ( const float *  a,
const float *  b 
) [static]

Definition at line 221 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by ccgSubSurf_syncVert().

Variable Documentation

int kHashSizes[] [static]
Initial value:
    1, 3, 5, 11, 17, 37, 67, 131, 257, 521, 1031, 2053, 4099, 8209, 
    16411, 32771, 65537, 131101, 262147, 524309, 1048583, 2097169, 
    4194319, 8388617, 16777259, 33554467, 67108879, 134217757, 268435459

Definition at line 38 of file CCGSubSurf.c.

Referenced by _ehash_insert(), and _ehash_new().